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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    Pre-op Supplements

    My doctor wanted me to start taking the bariatric Vitamins and Vitamin B-1 and B-12 two weeks before the surgery. I started about 8 days before because I had to wait for them to come. The doctor's office gave us a whole list of web sites to check to get the vitamins. I didn't have a pre-op diet, just instructions to eat small soft meals the day before surgery. I did drink a couple of Protein shakes for about two weeks before surgery along with one meal of something I really enjoyed. So far my surgery has been picture perfect.
  2. StLouisGal

    uh oh ...

    My doctor told me the same thing, The weight at your pre-op appointment is the weight they use for their records. The more you lose pre-op the less you have to lose after the surgery. And just think, the band will not let you gain it back. Good luck!
  3. StLouisGal

    Protein problems

    Don't let them stress you out. They probably don't understand this way of eating. Follow your doctor's advice exactly and you will be fine. Make sure you are staying hydrated. This time is to take care of you! :thumbup:
  4. StLouisGal

    Where's your port?

    I have five small incisions (four staples or less) My port incision is about two inches above and one inch to the left of my belly button. The port incision is about three inches long. They all look like they are healing well.
  5. StLouisGal

    Hello Missouri

    Brandy, When were you banded?
  6. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    My name is Pat. I think I have it worked out so I can be there. DD had a meeting she can't get out of until six so DH is going to have to forgo church this one time unless I decide I can drive myself. As good as I feel right now that is a good possibility. Where is it? The May Center?
  7. StLouisGal

    My Surgery Date is the 25th..WooHoo

    Ask them again when you get there if you think you can handle the treadmill. I called the day before to question it and was told that I was too large for their equipment and they didnt' think I could do the treadmill. I took my shoes along anyway and asked the nurse who checked me in. She said if the doctor running the test said it was ok we could try. My DH and BF have both had the chemical stress test and said it wasn't bad. I just got my back up on this one and decided I wasn't going to let them treat me differently because I am fat if I could avoid it. I work out at curves 4 times a week. The treadmill wasn't a problem. Just don't let it stress you out.
  8. StLouisGal

    My Surgery Date is the 25th..WooHoo

    Don't worry about the stress test. I talked them into letting me use the treadmill because I didn't want the medicine to make my heart race. It was a breeze and then I got a nice nap while they took pictures. Good luck to you!
  9. StLouisGal

    Who knew!!!!

    Tuna salad sounds so yummy. I'm still three weeks out from that. I'm looking forward to cottage cheese and creamy soups.
  10. StLouisGal

    My Surgery Date is the 25th..WooHoo

    The best thing that was recommended to me was a small fan (the clip on kind). My hospital room was very warm and the air movement helped a lot. I think I paid about $15. at wallyworld. I also changed into my own night gown as soon as the nurse came to change the IV bag. She unhooked it so I could slip my gown over my head. It made me a lot more comfortable than the bulky hospital gown. The day in the hospital is all about you, pamper yourself. My own pillows were nice too. Much softer than hospital pillows.
  11. StLouisGal

    Protein problems

    Sorry you are having these problems. Hang in there and be gentle on yourself. If solids don't go down, try the softer stuff until you see you doctor again. Liquids go down and stay there don't they? Your system may just not be quite ready to tolerate the solid foods yet. you are still only a couple of weeks out. New skill sets are hard to learn, just be patient with yourself and give yourself time to heal. A month from now hopefully this will just be a dull memory.
  12. StLouisGal

    February Bandsters

    They started me on Isopure clear the day of surgery. As soon as I got home I was to take 4 four ounce servings of Protein powder mixed with skim milk. Their standard for a protein supplement is twice as much protein as carbs, (20 grams protein, no more than 10 grams carb) The nurse fussed at me a little for getting 78 grams of protein yesterday (said too much protein was bad for kidneys) She told me to back off to 60 grams and lots of liquids. My literature says Protein shakes will continue through week 6 when solids are introduced. After that it is ok to take a Protein shake "to make sure" but all necessary protein should be available through the foods eaten. So far everything he has told me has worked perfectly and I'm sticking with his plan. It is a proven plan. I guess every doctor has a different experience.
  13. I think my doctor is a little more liberal than some. I had no pre-op diet, I did put myself on a restricted calorie, high Protein diet to get a jump start on the loss and did lose 13 pounds pre-op Some of his patients were on liquid Protein pre-op diet. I think it had something to do with BMI. I started at 47 and ended at something like 43-44. My blood counts were all really good to so that may have had something to do with it. I'm glad I did it on my own rather than being told I had to. I tend to be a control freak and don't like being told to do anything. His post-op diet is pretty liberal too, ten days of clear liquid plus 4, four ounce servicing of Protein powder mixed with skim milk. So far Water, Jello and crystal light is all I have wanted. I'm going to try a little seasoned broth this evening to see how that goes. I'm getting tired of sweet. I'm three days post op.
  14. StLouisGal

    Week 3 approaching

    My doc said no steak or pork for about six months. Ground beef is ok. Don't want to stress the pouch. I'm going to make some chili and see how that goes as soon as I get to the soft food stage. That sounds good. Right now it is seasoned broth.
  15. StLouisGal

    February Bandsters

    Twenty one pounds, wow. I stepped on the scales this am for the first time since surgery on Friday. I'm down six pounds. It won't be official until I see the doctor on Feb. 25 to have my staples out. I can hardly wait. I managed to get in all my Protein and six glasses of Water so far today. I think I'll get the last two in before I go to bed. I agree that you should join us on the Victorious Valentine's thread. We have a great group and they have been super supportive. Everyone is about the same stage. Take care.
  16. StLouisGal

    question about pain meds

    I had morphine in the recovery room and twice while I was in the hospital. After that I had Loretab once in the hospital (just before the discharged me) and twice here at home. I haven't needed it during the day. I may try tonight without anything and see how that goes. I did have some strange dreams last night. I'm day three post op. So far pain hasn't been much. Port site hurts some when I am up walking around but certainly not enought to go into a drug induced stupor from the pain meds. I was one of the lucky ones, no gas pain. I think getting upright away helped that.
  17. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    You'll breeze through this! Just relax and enjoy the ride.
  18. StLouisGal

    Good Luck This Week!!!

    I take it you don't have to stay overnight? I did. I am totally with you on the ballgame. I am planning to drive across the state to see my neice play her final college home game next week. As long as you take it slow you'll be fine. Just watch out for the bugs and germs out there. You don't need the flu on top of surgery. The food thing will take care of itself. Just follow your doctor's orders to a T and you will lose weight. According to my bathroom scales I am down six pounds since Friday!:wub:
  19. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    Getting the insurance paperwork sent, accepted, approved, etc. is the worst part of the whole deal. It took the Dr's office three weeks to send mine because they were looking into things. I guess that is to make sure the surgery is safe. That is why DePaul has such an excellent record I think. Call them about once a week to make sure you aren't on a desk somplace forgotten. Take care!
  20. StLouisGal

    Worried about scarring...

    I think that the scarring depends on your skin. I had gall bladder surgery about ten years ago and you can't even find most of the incisions. The one big one is just a white line on my tummy. Some people think Vitamin e rubbed on the scars (after they are completely healed) helps with scarring. I didn't do anything with mine. So far my six new incisions look good and will decide what if anything to put on them after they take out the staples. Hang in there and concentrate on healing. :biggrin2:
  21. StLouisGal

    Home and Banded

    It's good to hear from you. I grew up around the lake at California, MO. Great area to live in. I don't know if you will be up to going back to work on your feet all day by the end of a week. The bending and pulling you have to do to wash someone's hair is not going to be comfortable. I feel great after three days but I am barely up to washing my own hair and certainly not up to standing on my feet all day. Of course you are tweny years younger than I am and that will make a big difference. I am a receptionist and plan to go back to work after two weeks. You certainly don't want to have a relaps or pull something. Ask you doctor what he thinks. Good luck. Hope you have a smooth surgery and recovery. It will be here before you know it.
  22. StLouisGal

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    You are a great inspiration. Sounds like you have done very well. I am only three days post op and already ready for the staples to come out. The ones on the port incision really pull. Other than that, no real problems. I think the reason we have to go to the ladies room so often is becasue of all the fluids they pump into you at the hospital. I had at least four big IV bags in the day I was there. It has taken a while for all of that to work it's way out of my system. Time to go again, Have a great day!
  23. StLouisGal

    Home and Banded

    Thanks Amy, It went really smoothly, I think thanks to all the good advice and support I got here. :wub: You have been a terrific support. I'm up walking around, sipping my Water and Protein shake. Trying hard to take things slow because I don't want a relaps. Port incision still hurts when I walk:eek: but if I hold it, not too bad. Nurse said that was very normal. :thumbup: How are you feeling, back to "normal" yet?
  24. StLouisGal

    Prayers please!

    Glad you are feeling better. Keep up with the liquids, that makes a diffence. I have Asthma and suffer from chronic coughs a lot. 64 ounces of water a day makes a big difference. Good luck! You are almost there.:wub::pray2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
