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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    Post Op Vitamin

    I got a couple of kinds of Vitamins from Bariatric Advantage. They aren't bad but they have a funny texture that I don't like. They are chewables. When this supply is gone I plan to try capsules that are available on a website that my doctor recommended. I also got chewable calcium from them, again, texture I can't handle, chewable Iron, not bad, My doctor was very specific about the need for bariatric vitamins although he didn't require a specific kind. Just my 2 cents worth.
  2. StLouisGal

    what have I done??

    I felt just like you did after I had my gall bladder surgery several years ago. It hurt so I didn't get up and walk, it hurt so I didn't drink enough, got dehydrated, it hurt to breathe so I didn't use the little machine enough, etc. This time you had better believe I was out of the bed 1/2 hour after leaving the recovery room and drank 30 ounces of Water that day. I am sure that is why I have had virtually no pain this time around. I think if you can get the protein in, it will help. Adequate fluids also helps. If plain water makes you nausious, try adding a little Crystal Light to flavor it. That makes it go down better for me. Hang in there and know that it does get much better. In a few weeks it will be a dull memory. and the bonus is, in a few months you will be shopping for cute new clothes and getting ready to go to the beach. Hang in there and come on back for support whenever you need it.
  3. StLouisGal

    Hello Missouri

    I hope I do as well as you have. I've been frustrated because I can't get out and walk. This weather isn't very condusive to hikes around the neighborhood. I went to the grocery store yesterday just for some exercise. This house is getting smaller every day. I hope we don't get the weather they are calling for tonight. Have a great evening.
  4. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    We'll have to work at getting together next month. I'm feeling well, Cynthia, how are you? You're a little over two weeks out now, correct? I live in the Grand/Oak Hill neighborhood, near Tower Grove Park. It certainly is a small world. The liquid diet is a bear, I would just about kill for a bowl of tomato Soup. The boxes of soup are lined up on the kitchen table waiting for lunch on Monday. My post op is at 8:45 a.m. Monday morning. I am ready! I thought the butter comment was funny too. It was an interesting meeting. I wish they would break it into two groups LapBand and RNY. It would be more specific then. Oh well, I guess the new kid can't run the show. Hope you are all doing well. John, I'll be sending up some prayers for your insurance company. Hope it goes quickly. The waiting is really the hardest part.
  5. StLouisGal

    February Bandsters

    I hear you on the not doing too much. I think I can do a lot more than I should be doing. Since I have caught up on my sleep I feel really good and feel like I can do anything until Whoa, slow down girl, My post op is a little more conservative than some. Phase 1 in the hospital Clear liquids, ice, popcycles, Jello, Isopure Clear, etc. Goal 4-6 ounces of liquid an hour. First day home, all above clear liquids plus 4 servings of 1/2 cup skim milk and 1/2 scoup Protein powder. total 60 grams protein and 64 ounces of Fluid. This phase lasts to Day 10 or post op appt. Phase 2 is called semi solid, and includes all foods from above phase plus cream of wheat, cream of rice, or blended oatmeal cheese containing less than 5 grams of fat per ounce Cottage cheese, low or non-fat Yogurt, non-fat Potato, boiled and mashed with skin removed soft cooked Pasta or Soup The following blended soups , cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, cream of potato, and cream of tomato. sugar free pudding scambled egg canned fruit (no sugar added) soft cooked vegatables (no dried beans, peas, onions, cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower crackers containing less than 3 grams of fat per serving, such as melba toast or saltines Phase 3, starting four weeks post-op Low carb Protein Bars, Carb Wise, Carb Minders, etc. deli shaved chicken or trukey seafood, moist whie fish or shellfish and tuna smooth Peanut Butter the following canned soups, chicken noodle, turkey noodle, and vegetarian vegetable Cooked crumbled hamberger or ground turkey (such as sloppy joes, and ground meat casserole Crackers containing less than 3 grams of fat per serving. Phase 4, six weeks post-op other foods as tolerated
  6. I understand your point and I agree with it but as with every disease (and obesity should be veiwed as a disease just like alcoholism, diabetes, depression, etc.) it takes our generation working to make the world a better place for the next generation. Treatment is easier for me to get than it was for my grandmother. I want it to be even more easily obtained for my children and grandchildren. Yes, we have to learn to function in our world and not allow people who discriminate, to harm our self-esteeme, There are no easy answers but discussions like we are having will help to open doors and start the dialogue that will lead to change. I should not have had to stand at the back of the auditorium at my daughters college orientation because the seats were too small for my hips to fit in. I did it with a smile on my face because it was more important for me to be there with her than to be comfortable. I decided a long time ago that I was going to live life and love it and not allow other people to steal my joy. I am looking forward to being smaller so that i will be healthier and able to do the things we want to do in our retirement but I would also like to help make the world a better place before I leave it.
  7. But that is the point, We should be working to get the plane seats larger, not criticizing the person in the large body.
  8. StLouisGal


    I actually only have 30 staples. They are pretty close together, three or four in the smaller incisions and ten in the big incision. At least with them close togther I shouldn't have bad scars and they seem to be healing well. They come out on Monday. 10 days post op. Thanks for the insight, I appreciate it.:tongue2:
  9. You make a very good point and it is one that I have tried to instill in my children, life happens, deal with it. I think I have done a fine job of adapting to my size but there are many inconveniences related to my size. Change in peoples attitudes only comes when the need for change is pointed out. Yes, we have to deal with the hand we are dealt but that doesn't mean we can't work to change the things that are wrong.
  10. StLouisGal

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    I'm not having a problem with the shakes although this morning I am a little nausious. I think I did too much before I drank my shake and may have gotten a little dehydrated, I also have the hiccups, ouch! A little tomato soup sounds wonderful but I don't get that until next monday. I have the boxes of soup lined up waiting for me. Hang in there, they say it is worth it.
  11. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    I live south city. About thirty minutes from DePaul in good traffic.
  12. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    Yes, I was there, sitting along the back wall. Sorry I didn't catch up with you. I thought it was pretty interesting even though I don't typically like such large crowds. I wish they would split it into a support group for bands and bypass.
  13. StLouisGal

    Good Luck This Week!!!

    That is toooo funny! Won't she be surprised nine months from now when you are smaller and no baby. We gotta keep um guessing. Looking forward to hearing your good report later in the week.
  14. StLouisGal


    Ouch, laughing still hurts. Thanks for the information. That makes me feel a lot less worried.
  15. StLouisGal

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    These recipes are making me hungry. I am on clear liquids plus four 4 ounce servings of protein shake until Monday. I am ready to go out and look for Tomato Parm soup right now just so it will be ready. It sounds yummy. Guess what I am having for lunch on Monday.
  16. I feel like I have been discriminated against in many ways, my sister didn't want me in her wedding because I didn't fit the dress she wanted, The doctor who assumed the need for a skin graft was my own fault because I was fat and refused to let me have anesthesia for the procedure, even though the anesthesiologist and all nurses thought I needed it. (Ever had a skin graft with a local?) The doctor who told me they gave me enough medicine to stop a horse when I had a colonoscopy and couldn't understand why I woke up twice, the airplane company that charges double for a person who weighs over 250, (Bet they don't give a discount for people under 150), theater seats, bus seats, airplane seats, toilet stalls, none of them are very accommodating. Yes, I may have an attitude that brings out the best in people, but I am well educated and usually well dressed, work out four times a week, carry myself well, but people still look past me when I need assistance in a store, I'm very outgoing and never met a stranger but people do treat heavy people differently and often assume we are lazy, slovenly, illiterate, and want to be this way. Let me tell you, I didn't choose to be fat, I was dealt the genes and body make-up that I have and have to live with it. I am pumped about my band. Not everyone I encounter treats me this way. I look past doctors who seem to have a problem seeing past the layer of fat and find one willing to look at the person that I am and help me with my unique health problems. The people I work with depend on me and know how hard I work to be the best that I can be. Yes, I have limitations but so do thin people. Sorry for the long rant but as you can tell, this is one of my hot button issues. Good luck to everyone on this board. We all come from unique circumstances and backgrounds but we are all dealing with what we have to and trying to get healthier.
  17. StLouisGal

    Medic Alert ID or not?

    I got a bracelet because we travel a lot and you never know what can happen on the road. The only thing I didn't remember to plan on was that I was going to lose weight (Duh) It will soon fit on my ankle, which is a better place for it in my opinion. This is the info I had put on mine: name DOB Lapband AGB No blind NG tube PCP name and number Surgeon name and number. allergies. In a true emergency they probably aren't going to give you nsaids by mouth anyway. IV ones shouldn't affect the stomach.
  18. StLouisGal

    Finally banded!!!!!

    Walking helps a bunch. I was up an walking about 30 minutes after leaving the recovery room and every hour after that. At first it was only two or three minutes down the hall but by the time I left the hospital 30 hours later I was walking ten minutes an hour. I have had no gas pain.:redface: The pain from walking was much less than the pain from gas. I am now 5 days post-op and feeling about 95%, except that the staples are itching like crazy.:thumbup: Guess there is not real help for that. I just wish I could get outside. Right now the temp is 19 degrees with a wind chill of 4 degrees so I am not sure a stroll outside would be the best idea. My house is much smaller than it seems when I have to clean it. :hurray: Hang in there, everybody and keep walking. :biggrin:
  19. StLouisGal

    Who knew!!!!

    Who would have thought that a cup of ricotta cheese would have made you feel guilty. We've come a long way on this journey. Congratulations. I can hardly wait for the cottage cheese stage.
  20. The prilosec is an average sized capsule, about half an inch long, about the same size as the tylenol quick release, My lexapro is about the size of a bayer aspirin and the water pill is smaller than both of those. They have had no problem going down. My vitamins are chewable.
  21. Hey, I was banded Friday too and have lost ten pounds post op. I can handle this. So far I am not all that tired of liquids. I just had some french onion broth with all of the onions strained out and some low cal cranberry grape juice. I tasted pretty good. Glad you are doing well. I had a great experience at DePaul Hospital in St. Louis.
  22. StLouisGal

    uh oh ...

    Army medicine has their own rules. It is a bummer. Are you eligable for TriCare?
  23. My doctor suggested sublingual B-12 500 mcg daily or 1000 mcg two or three times a week. I am also supposed to take B-1 for the first month after surgery. That plus 60 grams of protein should have you energized. Also make sure you are staying hydrated.
  24. My doctor said I could take anything the size of an aspirin or smaller. The only thing that I was afraid of was my prilosec capsule. I opened it and poured it into a spoonful of protein drink the first two days but today I just swallowed the capsule. I also swallowed two tylenol quick release capsules and so far have had not problem. (It's been about three hours) The capsules are much easier to swallow than the nasty liquid. Just take it slow and allow a little time between pills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
