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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. I lost 13 pounds pre-op and 14 post op. I think that is pretty amazing. My clothes are already getting baggy :blushing: Good luck on your journey.
  2. StLouisGal

    Post Op Diet.... Please Help!

    Are you getting enough Protein. My doctor had me on Clear liquids plus 2 Protein shakes (mixed with skim milk) a day until Day 10. I found that when I got all the protein shakes in and drank the full 64 ounces of Water, juice, crystal light, etc. I didn't get hungry. I had a lot of head hunger issues, where I felt like I should be eating something because it was that time of day. Staying hydrated goes a long way to filling the hunger void. Good luck and hang in there. It's worth the price.
  3. StLouisGal

    1/2 a cup? I don't think so...

    I'm glad it isn't just me. I don't feel any restriction. So far my surgery has been picture perfect and I am still on Phase 2 of the post-op diet, full liquids and soft foods like mashed potatos, cottage cheese, low fat cheese, mashed cooked vegetables, creamy soups, scrambled eggs, etc. I have been measuring everything. I can eat about a cup of Soup and I have only been eating about a half cup of more solid foods. I don't feel very different than before the surgery. Starting Week 4 I can eat deli shaved meats, crumbled ground beef, chunkier soups, tuna, soft fish, etc. I hope I will start feeling a little fuller then. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  4. I had my staples out 10 days post-op. All of the little incisions are completely healed, except for the little holes the staples left, They are kind of red and inflamed, but getting better. The port incision (about 3 inches long) has steri strips over it. The Doctor told me to leave them alone and not pull them off. So far they aren't too bad. He didn't say how long they would stay on. I'm glad someone here knew. Thanks.
  5. Have broth, Jello, sugar free popsicles, etc. on hand for when she needs to eat something. It's important that she stay hydrated. Walking is also important for her. If the weather is nice outside several short walks a day will help get the gas out of her system. You are sweet to help your Mom. She will let you know what she needs. Good luck to both of you.
  6. StLouisGal

    Staying in Hospital

    I had my surgery on Feb 15. I stayed overnight. I am sure I was much more comfortable in the adjustable hospital bed than I would have been in my own bed. It was nice to have the nurses help when I needed to go to the bathroom. I also liked having the leg massagers on my legs to prevent blood clots. I had a private room at the hospital (that is all they have on the Bariatric wing) and my daughter stayed with me so it was a pleasant experience. The nurses were extremely caring and encouraging. They monitored my vitals every 3-4 hours and tracked input and output, etc. I didn't have any complications but if there had been I like the idea of being close to help. My best advice is get up and walk as early and as often as you can. I had no gas pain and I think it was mainly because I walked so much right after surgery. Good luck to all.
  7. You'll be fine and you will survive the pre-op diet. I even survived 10 days of Clear liquids after I got my band. This board is great for encouragement and support. My best advice is as soon as you are awake enough to do it, walk, rest a while, and walk some more. I had no gas pain, I think because I was up and walking so soon after surgery. I am 12 days post-op and feel great! Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
  8. StLouisGal

    Finally Banded =0/ (LONG POST)

    Shel, I'm sorry you have had such an upsetting experience. Hang in there it does get better. I am a bit surprised that you got real food in the hospital. I was on Clear Liquids for ten days and only today got a scrambled egg. Every doctor is different and you have to do what yours tells you to do. Take it easy and get as much rest as you can. Walking helps a lot too. In a couple of weeks most of the pain will be gone and you will be losing weight.
  9. StLouisGal

    February Bandsters

    More than likely the dreams are due to the narcotic pain killers. I had really weird dreams when I took it. I had Hydrocodone and I guess it is too strong for me. I don't know about the night sweats, I was just hot but not sweating. If I hadn't taken a fan to the hospital I would have been extremely uncomfortable. Good luck and hang in there. It gets better.
  10. StLouisGal

    Good luck next week: Feb 11 - 15th

    I had my ten day post op today. Got the staples out, thank goodness. I'm down 14 pounds since surgery He said my surgery was picture perfect. My first fill will be on April 3 and best of all. I can eat full liquids and soft Protein now. I have never had an egg taste so good.:smile2: Can hardly wait for supper and tomato Soup and cottage cheese. This band is awesome.
  11. StLouisGal

    BANDED! 2/21 My Surgery Story!

    Glad to hear that it went well. I've been away for the weekend and didn't get to check your post. Keep resting. You may not really be as good as you feel. Have a great day!
  12. StLouisGal

    First Fill Dates!

    Becca------------------March 6th Shinyhappymommy------March 6th Enchantedruby----------March 7th Jaxbanster--------------March 11th CynthiaMcc-------------March 12th Sadie-------------------March 13th Marathinner-------------March 13th Sharon160--------------March 17th mhazelrigg--------------March 17th Viridesence-------------March 18th Nicolek-----------------March 26th Ponomimi---------------March 10th Jennyxo----------------April 3rd StLouisGal--------------April 3rd
  13. StLouisGal

    Prayers please!

    Best of luck. You'll be fine.:thumbdown:
  14. Some who are eating shakes for Breakfast and lunch may still be on the liquid stage. I don't move to full liquids and soft Proteins until tomorrow. and no solid Protein until week 4. I do count my shakes toward my liquid requirement per my doctor's instructions. When I start eating enough protein from solid food I will dicontinue the shakes, although the office says a lot of people take one a day as insurance. It all depends on how much protein I am able to handle from regular food.
  15. StLouisGal

    Home and Banded

    It's been a long day but I am finally home and banded. I arrived at the hospital at 8 a.m. yesterday. After another blood draw I got my cute little backless gown and got to wait on the most uncomfortable cot for about two hours. They came to get me for surgery at 10:15. They gave me a little shot of happy juice on the way to the OR and that is pretty much the last thing I remember until I woke up in the recovery room. They gave me a shot of morphine and I don't remember much else until they took me to my room. I was up and walking within half an hour of getting to my room. I sucked on ice chips for about half an hour and then they brought Isopure, Jello and iced tea. It sure tasted good. (Not the isopure so much but the tea was great!) I've been up walking about ten minutes out of each hour and drinking my six ounces of fluids per hour, blowing on the little machine they give you to clear your lungs, and pumping my feet. The pain hasn't been bad and so far I haven't had any gas pain. The doctor finally came by at 3 p.m. today to release me. By then I was thoroughly bored with the limited channel selection at the hospital and ready to go home. I had excellent care and the nurses on the floor I was on were wonderful. I have five small incisions and one larger one. Sorry for the long post but I really have appreciated everyone's success stories and wanted to share mine. Have a great day!
  16. StLouisGal

    Banded 2/20 and i'm home finally

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience at the hospital. Now you are home and can control things a little better. I'm jealous. I don't get to start stage 2 until Monday. I've had about all of the chicken broth and Jello I can hold. Keep walking, sipping and resting. That is the key. Take care of yourself.
  17. StLouisGal

    Prayers please!

    Way to go Gibson. I'll be praying for you on Monday. It will go well. Just do what they tell you and get up and walk.
  18. I have seen lots of information about stitches, glue, and steri stips but I have staples. I've never had them before. Does it hurt when they take them out. I have about 30 of them.
  19. StLouisGal

    Banded 2/20 and i'm home finally

    :smile::clap:Congratulations to both of you! Glad it went well for you. I agree, :leaving:walking is the key. I am one week out and feel great. I don't plan to go back to work until next week but I am feeling up to doing a lot of little things around the house that I haven't had time to do. Keep walking, sipping and resting. If you overdo it you won't feel so good. Just take it easy. :tt2:
  20. StLouisGal

    Hello Missouri

    I got involved in a TV show so I stayed up late. I am enjoying staying up late and sleeping late. That will change when I have to go back to work but I am enjoying it now. If you aren't used to exercising don't try too fast, just walk, say 10 minutes 3 times a day to start. Once you build up your tolerance you will be able to do more. I go to Curves. I think it is a great place for getting into shape. When I started four years ago I was in terrible shape, couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without stopping in the middle to rest. I'm not in great shape now but I am getting there. I think I may go over to curves this evening just to see the gang and visit for a while. I think tomorrow we are going to drive down to Jefferson City. My uncle and aunt are celebrating their 66th anniversary and I want to go. I'm still kicking around the idea of going to Hallsville for my nephew's ballgame on Tuesday but we'll see how things are going by then.
  21. StLouisGal

    what have I done??

    Glad you are feeling better. Every day gets better.
  22. StLouisGal

    February Bandsters

    There is usually a good reason for such delays. Hang in there. It will be here before you know it. I've been on Clear liquids for a week and would just about kill for some creamy Soup. My guess is in addition to allowing the stomach to heal and the swelling to go down, the clear liquid stage also allows cravings and carb addictions to subside before re-introducing solid food. It has been a long week but hopefully worth it. 12# is nothing to sneeze at.
  23. StLouisGal

    Home and Banded

    Ok, I am exactly one week out. I could easily have gone back to work today. I'm still taking another week mainly because I can but I can pretty much do everything, just slowly, You might not want to schedule a full day of appointments but you should be able to do some. Good luck!
  24. My doctor recommends 60 grams a day, when I told the nurse I was getting between 75 and 80 she said to cut it back. It seems odd to me but I guess I will follow their advice. I'm only 1 week post-op so I'm not really hungry yet. I'm used to 100-125 grams so this is a switch.
  25. StLouisGal

    freaking out!

    My anesthesioligist gave me some happy juice on the way to the operating room so I don't even remember moving to the table in the OR. The last thing I remember was kissing my husband goodbye and the next thing I knew the nurse in the recovery room was asking if I needed pain medication. She gave me some morphine and the next thing I remember I was in my room and my husband and daughter were there. I slept a lot that day between walks down the hall and trips to the bathroom. No real point in wasting a lot of worry on it. Just relax and enjoy the ride. The worst part was the uncomfortable gurney in the pre-op area.

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