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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    Banded 2.15.08

    My first fill is April 3. Do you have a fill doctor close to you or do you have to go back to Mexico?
  2. StLouisGal

    Weird ain't it??!!

    It is kind of neat isn't it. The special in our cafeteria was tortellini on Monday. When I ordered mine I told him I only wanted about 1/2 cup (the usual serving is about 2 cups plus extra sauce and cheese) he looked at me like I was nuts. The cashier wouldn't even charge me for the special because I got so little. This is going to be fun!
  3. StLouisGal

    First Fill - Seriously...it's that easy?

    I feel better than I have felt in years. I actually have enough energy to take a walk. I've lost in the neighborhood of 18 pounds since surgery but I don't really trust my scales at home so I haven't updated my ticker. The liquids aren't bad, I got really tired of chicken broth and other clears but the full liquids and mushies are pretty good. Had refried Beans and salsa last night. It tasted very good. You are doing terrific too! I was lucky that my insurance paid for my band. I was way over the limit (BMI of 47 when I started this journey. I think it is something like 42 now.) You are really fortunate to get it when you are so young. You will get to enjoy many more years of your children's lives feeling well enough to go out and do their activities. I did this so I would have enough energy to keep up with grandkids (if I ever get any) I feel like I really missed out on a lot of my kids activities because I was heavy and didn't want to or couldn't participate.
  4. StLouisGal

    Banded 2.15.08

    Double V means Victorious Valentines, our group name. I can add deli sliced meats, crumbled hamburger, Peanut Butter, and fish next week (week 4) I can add everything else Week 6. My doctor is a little bit conservative but I want this to work so I am doing my best to comply. Fortunately I like scrambled eggs and cottage cheese.
  5. StLouisGal

    First Fill - Seriously...it's that easy?

    My weight loss is from January 1, when I unofficially started my pre-op diet. I had lost 13 pounds prior to surgery and have lost 14 officially since surgery. I think I have lost more but don't want to update the ticker until I weigh on an official scale, either at my doctor's office or Curves.
  6. StLouisGal

    Banded 2.15.08

    I was banded on the 15th also. I'm not on solids yet, just mushie stuff like cottage cheese, eggs, etc. Not drinking with meals is the pits in my opinion but I can understand the logic so I am trying to comply. I try to wait about an hour but don't always make that goal. One thing I have noticed, if I am tempted to eat, I think about not being able to drink for an hour afterwards and I can usually wait until the next mealtime to eat. Drinking a lot between meals helps too. Good luck! February 15 was a great day to get banded.
  7. StLouisGal

    Share your Rewards!

    Of course it doesn't. In the summer time I get one every two weeks. We have to be good to ourselves.:tt2:
  8. StLouisGal

    So, can you feel it in there?

    I can feel the port but no clue about the band. I don't feel anything (except when I ate that oatmeal cookie (oops) and then I felt a lot of pressure in my chest and started sliming. :crying:
  9. StLouisGal

    Share your Rewards!

    What a neat thread. I am going to run a 5k in my hometown when I reach my goal. My sister always runs and usually wins. My goal is to at least keep up with her and hopefully beat her. In three years we will both be in the same age category. That will be my year. I may try walking one next year just to get the feel for the route. It would be kind of neat to win the 5K walk too. I think I'll go get that massage when I am down 30 too. It sounds like a good idea. Good luck everyone.
  10. StLouisGal

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    Great thread 4jin. I went shopping last weekend and actually found pants in the misses dept that fit. Granted they are stretch pants but they are XL none the less. The 1X in the same style was huge on me. I haven't shopped in that department in about 20 years. The woman's department is going to miss me. I went walking yesterday and could actually walk up a long flight of stairs without stopping to catch my breath two or three times. I won't have to go looking for elevators anymore. I too am waiting to go to the doctor's office for an official weigh in because I don't trust my home scale. It hasn't moved in about a week but I still feel great! Hang in there everyone!
  11. StLouisGal

    Where do you live?

    We went to Alaska a couple of years ago. We spent two wonderful weeks traveling from Anchorage to Fairbanks and the Arctic Circle and back and then down to Seward. I am ready to go back. Mount McKinley (Denali) was awesome Kenai Fjords were amazing. I am hooked. I want to go in the winter and see the northern lights.
  12. StLouisGal


    You should also have Vitamin D with your calcium because it helps it absorb better.
  13. StLouisGal

    Where do you live?

    St. Louis is a great city. There are lots of interesting things to do. I still prefer the country and am looking forward to retiring back to central MO in a few years.
  14. StLouisGal

    Got My First Fill!!

    Congratulations. You are paving the way for the rest of us. Your second fill is before my first one. Good luck and let us know how you feel in a few days. I'm nervous about my first fill and I can't wait to get it. Is that crazy or what? Take care!
  15. StLouisGal

    Where do you live?

    I have lived in St. Louis, MO for the past 32 years so I guess this is home. I grew up on a farm in Central Missouri, near Jefferson City.
  16. StLouisGal

    Weekly Exercise Challenge 3/3/08

    Monday - 30 minutes walking the halls of the dorms (hey it was icy outside) Tuesday- Curves workout and stretching Wednesday - 30 minutes walking the halls of the dorms and outside (beautiful 40 degree melting snow) Thursday - 30 minutes walking outside, cold but nice, 30 minute Curves workout
  17. StLouisGal


    I got some calcium lozenges from Bariatric Advantage. They are cinnamon flavored and taste good but the texture takes some getting used to. They are Calcium citrate with vitamin D (the only kind my doctor allows) I also got some calcium powder called UpcalD that mixes in great with protein shakes and scrambled eggs. No taste, not residue, etc. I got both of them from this website. Vitalady.com - Protein Supplements, Vitamins & Minerals, and Safe Snacks! That is where I get my chewable vitamins too. The texture bothered me at first but I have kind of gotten used to it.
  18. 4Jin, I'll join your pity party. My first fill is April 3. One day shy of 7 weeks after surgery. I didn't feel like I had any restriction until I ate an oatmeal cookie yesterday (Big mistake, I don't recommend it) and I guess I have more restriction than I thought I did. Hang in there. We can do this together!
  19. Have you tried cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, egg beaters, etc. I find them quite easy to get down and they stay with you a little longer. My favorite is 1/4 cup low fat ricotta mixed with 1/4 cup egg beaters, a shake or two of Italian seasoning, microwave until it sets, put a little spagetti sauce on top and it tastes really good. It's high in Protein, low in calories and carbs and pretty filling. :rolleyes2: Thanks for the tip on the beans. I'll avoid them for a few more weeks.:biggrin:
  20. StLouisGal

    Exercise Challenge!!!

    This is a fantastic thread. User name.....................# of minutes...................# of days per week 4jin....................................30............................ .......5............. patticNJ..............................20.............................. .....5............. becca.................................20.............................. .....3............. abeaher..............................15............................... ....4.............. aliwatt................................30............................. ......4............. Rhapsody............................15................................ ....5............. Angie4b1g...........................30................................ .....5............. Marathinner.......................45-60....................................4............. DancingBelly.......................15................................. ......5............ mhazelrigg...........................30............................... jaunderwood 20 5 joyaddison...........................45-60.................................4.............. jlobyxmas............................30............................... .......4+ StLouisGal............................30.......................................6 Yesterday I walked 30 minutes up and down the dorm halls The students thought I was a little nuts but who cares. Today I am going to Curves.
  21. StLouisGal

    Back pain

    I don't have pain where you describe yours but I have noticed if I do too much or get too tired I have a pain between my shoulder blades. I never had that before my band.
  22. Hi! I was banded on February 15. According to my bathroom scales I am down 18 pounds since surgery. I won't update the ticker until I see the doctor again.
  23. StLouisGal

    How are my Feb Double Vs doing?

    I'm two weeks post-op. I've lost 14 pounds since surgery, 27 total since Jan 1. I feel great! Haven't had any complications that I know of, no nausea, no problem eating or drinking, I don't htink I have any restriction because I can eat about a cup of food, and then don't really feel all that full. I'm measuring my food and only eating what I am supposed to. Luckily I haven't been particularly hungry. I am making sure I am getting the required amount of Protein each day and drinking lots of Water between meals. Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Can't believe some of you have already had fills. My first fill is April 3. Take care,
  24. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    Sorry I can't help you on self-pay rates because my insurance paid for mine. Good luck on your journey. You'll be glad you did it. Welcome to our group!
  25. StLouisGal

    It's Ok...I'm with the band. =) 2/25/08

    Welcome back and glad you are doing so well. Keep walking and sipping and resting. Don't overdo it. Congratulations!

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