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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    Surgery was Friday 3-14

    Congratulations and welcome to bandland. It is a little tough now but in a month you will hardly remember you had surgery. Take it easy and give your body time to heal. Walking helps with the gas pain. Take care!
  2. StLouisGal

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    You go girl! I found a treasure trove in my store room yesterday. I'm going to have a big dry cleaning bill because I found a bunch of stuff that either fits now or will in a week or two. I had forgotten that I had packed them away so it was like shopping. Unfortunately I didn't save any tops, just bottoms but now I get to shop for sweaters and shirts to go with the skirts and slacks. I had better taste when I was thinner. It's coming back though.
  3. StLouisGal

    Muscle Milk - YUM!

    When I drink a shake I usually drink it over an hour or two, sipping small amounts every few minutes. I am only 4 weeks post-op so don't have much restriction but it pretty much goes right though the pouch. I count it as breakfast because I rarely eat anything before noon. The protein shake gets me a good protein boost for the day and I fill in the rest of my protein requirements with solid food at lunch and dinner. I don't snack because it is too much trouble not to eat for 15 minutes before and an hour after.
  4. StLouisGal

    Muscle Milk - YUM!

    I like the Muscle milk too and drink it on occasion, if I am going to be away all day and not able to eat my regular diet, or if I am in a hurry and need a change of pace but I stay away from it because it is relatively high in fat. I get the Carb Consious variety so it is pretty low in carbs and that is what gets me messed up. It does taste better than most ready to drink shakes. I'm going to have to look for the light because it is very convenient
  5. StLouisGal

    Fill Dates - How many weeks for you?

    I get my first fill on day shy of 7 weeks after surgery. I could have had 6 weeks but they didn't have a morning appointment. My doc doesn't let you eat or drink after midnight the day of a fill. I'm measuring my food and not eating over a cup per meal but I don't really feel full. I think I am ready for a fill.
  6. Banded February 15, 4 weeks ago yesterday! 20.5 pounds gone! Total loss since January 1 is 33.5:thumbup:
  7. StLouisGal

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    That's my plan for this weekend. To clean out my closet and make room for new clothes.
  8. StLouisGal

    Diet confusion

    Jaimie, The important thing at this point (two weeks or so out) is to eat the foods your doctor has suggested, whether they are carb or Protein, or whatever. My doctor gave us a specific list of things that were allowable, Days 1-10 clear low calorie, non fat liquids plus two Protein shakes a day. Mixed with milk the two protein shakes a day gave the required protein for the day. This also included Jello, broth, Isopure clear, Crystal light, juice diluted half and half with Water, etc. Day 11 - end of week 4, soft solids, mashed potatos, soft cooked Pasta, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, thin oatmeal, cream of wheat, low fat cheese, soft cooked vegetables, canned fruit, no sugar added applesauce, creamy Soups like tomato, mushroom, cream of chicken,etc. Week four I can add deli sliced meat or crumbled hamburger like in meatloaf, or meat casseroles, Week 6 I can add bread and other foods. Yes I am eating many more carbs than I usually eat to lose weight but I am trying to choose lower carb options like cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, ricotta, string cheese, etc. but sometimes it is nice to have a little mashed potatos or some higher carb Soup. So far it hasn't hurt me. When I get to week 6 I will start eating more high protein and less carb but during this healing phase you need to relax, eat what will go down and digest easily and let your body heal. Most importantly follow your surgeon's guidlines, he knows what will work in his experience. My experience has been that the diets vary widely and you just have to trust the surgeon you have chosen and go with what he says. (I've forgotten who did yours but he probably knows what he is talking about) Hang in there, get plenty of sunshine and fresh air, take a walk when you are hungry and it isn't time to eat, drink a cup of decalf tea and enjoy this healing time. The weight loss will come when you finish healing and start getting fills. :smile2:
  9. StLouisGal

    Poll: Do you miss diet soda?

    I was quite addicted to Coke, (not diet) but I stopped in September in preparation for my surgery because that was the thing I was afraid of. I drank a couple in the two or three days prior to my surgery and they didn't even taste that good. I can honestly say I don't really miss them. Right now plain water tastes just about the best to me.
  10. StLouisGal

    help gas pain small burps

    You might want to call you doctor's office to see if this is normal. I had little burbs that kind of hurt but not a lot of stomach gas. Lots of people say GasX strips help with gas. I don't know from experience but it is probably pretty safe to try. Good luck and I hope you feel better, the second day was my worst so tomorrow should be better. I am three weeks out and don't feel like I had surgery at all except that my clothes are all too big:lol: Hang in there!
  11. I can't speak to the port pain issue because I haven't had any but as far as the spinning goes, I would call the doctors office and ask again, explaining exactly what you are doing. My doc had no restrictions after two weeks but what you are describing seems pretty extreme, You might want to stick to sitting and pedaling for a while. A good rule of thumb is if it hurts don't do it. (at least until you are fully healed.) I lost 14 pounds the first week and lost 2 in the next two weeks, it is frustrating. I am eating between 700 and 900 calories and burning nearly that many on my workouts (Curves workout and walking 45 minutes a day) It seems like I should be losing more but I can tell my body is changing, My pre-op pants are a joke now. they pretty much fall down so I've had to move to two sizes smaller so I look at least presentable for work. Everyone tells me that I am melting away. Try not to dwell on the scales (I know how hard that is, too) I am going to try to get in a few more calories when I can start meats tomorrow. I hope that pumping it up to 1000-1200 calories will kickstart the losing again. Hang in there. Once your are healed and get some fills you will be losing plenty.
  12. StLouisGal

    Post-op diet question?

    I am 27 days post op now. I have followed my doctors guidelines to the letter. No it hasnt' been easy but I haven't been depressed either. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, that will help to combat depression, take Vitamin B-12 and B-1 (you can either get sublingual tablets or liquid or a monthly shot from your primary care doc.) I think that has been one of the keys to my quick recovery and improvement in my depression (I have suffered and been on medication for it over 20 years) Walking also helps get your mind off food, you can drink all the Water you want. Also make sure you are getting the recommended amount of Protein. Isopure clear is not bad if you mix 10 ounces of isopure clear with about six ounces of water and a propel fitness powder packet and sip slowly. That will get you 10 grams of protein in a clear liquid, low calorie form. You have come this far and it is a really brave thing to go to Mexico to have this surgery. You have worked hard to get the money together to do this and done the research to find out what you want, sticking to the diet is the easy part. Just take one day at a time, give you body and your tummy time to heal before you load it with unauthorized food. The most important thing is to follow your doctor's instructions. if you are having a problem, call him, from what I have read the doc you are going to is pretty open to patient questions and concerns. His office staff should be able to help you too. You probably want to get in touch with a good nutritionist in your area to guide you though the nutrition aspect since you won't be able to see your surgeon as often as you might lilke. Try to find someone familiar with bariatric surgery and the complications and risks. You PCP should be able to recommend someone. You are going to do great!:grouphug:
  13. I use Unjury. The chocolate tastes like chocolate milk and the strawberry is very good if you mix it with lemonade (I put one scoop of strawberry unjury and 1 pkg of crystal light lemonade and add 16 ounces of water). The chocolate is really good if you add a splash of coconut sugar free syrup.
  14. StLouisGal

    Share your Rewards!

    I had to look for something other than my old standby clothes for church yesterday. They were just too baggy. I started trying on clothes from the back of my closet. Two dresses that my SIL gave me when she lost weight (never have fit but too nice to throw out) are almost there. Probably another ten pounds and they will fit. The suit I bought about five years ago is about 5 lbs from fitting. The dress I bought seven years ago for a freind's wedding fit perfectly. I'm sure glad I hung onto them. I actually started looking at bathing suits for our vacation. I usually hide from anything related to a bathing suit. I love this band.
  15. StLouisGal

    If this is being bad--I'll take more

    Congratulations to you both. You have made me so grateful for Menopause:lol: Keep up the good work!
  16. StLouisGal

    Weekly Exercise Thread 3/10

    This week is going to be a real challenge. My SIL is having gastric bypass surgery on Tuesday so we will be hanging around the hospital for a couple of days. I guess I will be walking the halls. Gotta try to find a Curves in the town where the hospital is. I'm still going to try to do at least 30 minutes every day. Monday - Curves Workout Tuesday- ?? but something Wednesday Curves workout Thursday -Walking 45 minutes Friday - Curves Workout Saturday - Curves Workout - official monthly weigh in.
  17. StLouisGal

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulatons, This kind of victory is almost better than seeing the scale move. Keep up the good work!
  18. I have had reflux for years. My PCP told me the tests showed a hiatel hernia. When they went in for the band surgery they couldn't find it, go figure? My doctor wants us to take prilosec otc for six months after surgery so I don't know if I am just responding better to the medication or if it really is better but I feel so much better and haven't had a nighttime attack since banding (They were pretty frequent before I got my band even on the medication.) I'll have to let you know in about 5 months if it is still better when I go off the prilosec.
  19. Not everyone has nausea and pain. I had very little pain, I think I took the pain meds twice and didn't even get the nausea perscription filled. By Monday after my Friday surgery I was pretty much doing everything I needed to do. Granted slowly but doing them none the less. I was off the pain meds and driving by Tuesday. Three and eight year old kids can at least dress themselves with little help and walk to the car, etc. and they can help you with some things. You are going to have to take meds pretty much forever with the band too, Vitamins and Calcium are really important to your general health. The first week I was pretty overwhelmed with getting them all in but now that I am a little more used to it, it's not a big deal. I pop a calcium lozenge in as I walk out the door and it disolves by the time I get to work, pop another one in after supper and by the time I can drink again it's gone. The chewable vitamins are not bad either, I have to take Iron too due to other health issues but it is all very manageable. The benefits the band will give you in being healthy to do things with your children will far outweigh a week or two of recovery. Just remember to drink as much as you can and walk as soon as you can and as often as you can. That gets the gas out and helps you get your strength back quickly. Since you have kids it would be good to have your Mom there for a few days just to take care of the kids and keep the house running smoothly. I think the key is to do everything your doctor tells you to and go in with a positive attitude that this is a good thing for your family's future. You want to stay healthy for those two kids. Good luck with your decision, it is not one to take lightly.
  20. Hang in there and give your body time to heal. I'm three weeks out and the swelling is gone, the incision healed on the outside, I can eat mushies, and I feel better than I have in years. Just keep doing what your doctor tells you to do. We have all been where you are and know how frustrating it is. You can do this. When you go back for your post op, you will be amazed at how much you have lost and it will make you feel much better. Whatever you do, don't get on the scales right now. You are swollen, and still have a lot of the fluids from the surgery in you now so you have probably gained a few pounds. That will go away in a few days. Hang in there, we are all pulling for you!
  21. StLouisGal

    Need your opinions

    If I ever get to a size 12 I will be thrilled, :thumbup:I don't care what the scale says. I think 155 will do that for me but I have no desire to get smaller than that. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to all of us.:tongue:
  22. StLouisGal

    First Fill - Seriously...it's that easy?

    That is great, only one birthday party! My two were born exactly 23 months apart. They are 27 and 29 now. Enjoy every minute, it goes by fast.
  23. StLouisGal

    First Fill - Seriously...it's that easy?

    You go girl! :tongue: As hard as it is for us Moms to take care of ourselves, ya gotta do it. You are off to a great start. How many little ones do you have?
  24. StLouisGal

    Weird ain't it??!!

    soft cooked pasta is on my list of things I can have. I have been eyeing the mac and cheese but have held off because they don't have a lot of protein compared to the calories. I will probably cave and give myself a treat. They have this Italian Herb Marinara flavor that sound tempting. I'm trying to be strong because Mac and Cheese is one of my trigger foods that makes me want to eat more and more. I'm trying to stick to low fat, high protein foods.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
