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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    Did I pull something

    I stopped doing that stretch on the doctor's office's suggestion. I am six weeks out now and can do it with no problem. I haven't had a fill yet so I have no idea if I pulled anything but at this point I am losing weight and feel great so I am hoping for the best. I think if i had damaged anything I would have continued to have pain. I have my first fill on Thursday so I am anxious to see what it looks like under the flourescope. Good luck to you.
  2. I had a weird pain this afternoon as I was stretching after my workout. I felt a pull in my chest, about three inches below the breastbone. I stopped as soon as I stopped the stretch and I haven't had any pain since. Has anyone had a similar experience. The nurse said if I didn't have continuing pain I probably hadn't damaged anything but I am still concerned. Thanks for any insight!
  3. StLouisGal

    Spicey foods a problem?

    I haven't had a problem with chili and refried beans with taco sauce. I waited until I was four weeks post op before I tried to eat it but so far spicy foods haven't been a problem.
  4. StLouisGal

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations Peabody! It's a great feeling isn't it? Keep up the good work!
  5. It was a great decision for me. I have lost nearly 40 pounds since I began this journey. I weigh less now than I have in many years. Yes there are sacrifices you have to make but the rewards are much greater. I would give up Pasta for life (Haven't had to do that) to ride a roller coaster with my neices and nephew. At 289 that wasn't going to happen. Not eating sweets is nothing compared to being able to fly comfortably in an airplane without requesting a seatbelt extender. So far I have been able to eat just about anything I want (Haven't tried steak) The most important thing is I will be a happier, healthier person at a more normal weight. I can already RUN up a flight of steps without having to take multiple breaks to catch my breath. I haven't had an asthma attack since my surgery, and I feel great. It is all a matter of your personal goals and desires. I am willing to make the sacrifices to be healthy and that makes me happy. I want to live to see any future grandchildren I may be blessed with. Good luck with your decision.
  6. StLouisGal

    Lap-Band Side Effects

    My doctor tells all of his patients to take Prilosec OTC for six months after surgery. The best option is always to follow your specific doctor's guidelines. He/She has your history and knows what is best in your circumstances. I can't take the OTC variety so I take the generic capsules. I have taken them for years. I have not had any heartburn problems since surgery. I had a lot even with the prilosec before surgery. About the hair loss. I am six weeks out and haven't noticed any hair loss although I have noticed a few gray hairs that were not there two months ago. I wonder if that is related. Good luck. The band is a great tool. I kind of enjoyed having to go back to the closet to look for something else to wear a couple of times this morning. Everything is too big.
  7. StLouisGal


    You shouldn't drink the diet coke because of the carbonation. It expands in your pouch and can be very uncomfortable. My doctor allows 2 cups of caffiene per day, coffee or tea. They do warn that caffeine can cause your appetite to increase. Fortunately I like de-caf. I am a big tea drinker.
  8. Just remember to walk as much as you can after the surgery. Surgery does hurt but they will give you pain meds, take them before the pain gets bad or it will be harder to overcome it. The best advice I can give you is to follow your doctor's instructions to the letter and if you have questions ask! Every day it gets better. Don't push yourself and give your body time to adjust but do get up and walk as much as you can. Walking makes the gas go away faster. Drinking your Water makes you feel better too. Good luck. You can always come here for support and advice!
  9. I've lost a two year old but I want to loose a newborn Giraffe.
  10. StLouisGal

    Who's YOUR insurance company?

    Anthem Federal Blue Preferred HMO Missouri Husband's employer (we pay for the family plan) Banded almost 6 weeks
  11. StLouisGal

    Satisfied, while DH isn't.

    I am still relatively new to the band. I will be thrilled when I have lost 97 pounds. Obviously you haven't strayed far from your diet or you would not be where you are. I can't see how eating a few chocolates on Easter (as long as you can stop at a few) is going to hurt. That is why I got the band, so I wouldn't be forever banned from sweets or fatty foods but to be able to control my hunger and lose the weight sensibly. I follow a very strick diet right now and account for every morsel. I don't eat sweets because I am not at the point where I can stop at a couple of pieces. I want the whole box. When I am where you are I don't know how I will feel. As far as how much to lose. I think there is such a thing as being too thin. I admire people who are size 2, 3, 4 or what have you but I have found with my body I look and more importantly feel perfect at about 155 lbs or a size 12 - 14. Lower than that my face looks drawn and tired and I feel worn out all the time. You have to know your body and be comfortable in your skin. I know your husband is trying to help you but if you are anything like me, it just frustrates me more when he tries to play food police. :ohmy: I certainly don't want to get into the sneaking food and eating in secret mode. Better to eat the candy bar in front of him, go back to plan tomorrow and move on. Good luck to you. You are doing an amazing job of losing.:huh2:
  12. Thank goodness you called the doctor and got it taken care of. I am amazed that they would send you home before you could pee. I had to go 400ccs before they would release me. I guess everyplace is different. Good luck and I hope you don't have to wear the bag too long.
  13. StLouisGal

    Great 2 oz cups for food

    I think this is a great thread. I looked for one like it when I was just starting out and couldn't find it. I was at Sam's Club yesterday and found the little portion cups they use at restaurants for salad dressing to go, etc. The only problem is you have to buy huge quantities. I wonder if they are available in smaller quantities someplace else. hmmmm. As far as the spoon issue goes. I dug out the baby feeding spoons I used for my kids and bought a couple of shrimp fork from Oneida (on clearance because I really didn't care if it matched.) and I keep them in a toothbrush holder I bought at Target so I have them when I need them. They have longer handles than the sample spoons do so it looks less conspicuous when in public. I think the 3 ounce plastic dixie cups are a great idea.
  14. StLouisGal

    Protein Troubles

    Have you tried cottage cheese, it is high in Protein and calcium. I practically lived on it while on the mushy stage and now still eat at least half a cup a day. Egg beaters are also fairly high in protein and have much less fat than eggs. I like the southwestern flavor with a little taco sauce on top I have trouble staying under 100 grams per day. I eat deli shaved meats (very slowly and chew well) with a little mustard for flavor also. Peanut Butter is also a lifesaver for me, eat it with a little applesauce so it's not so sticky. Since I have never been an early morning eater, I drink a Protein shake for breakfast (I like Unjury) Use a staw so you can't smell it. Mix with skim milk. Muscle Milk Light works in a pinch. That gets me 20-28 grams to start the day. If you pour a canned shake like Atkins into a glass it loses some of it's tinny taste. Sorry if I have gone on too long, these are just some tips I've picked up in my many years of dieting and my few weeks of band rules. Have a great day and good luck to all.
  15. I just got a letter from my insurance company (Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield) saying they don't cover anesthesia. What the ???? How can they do that. The explanation is that this isn't a covered charge. Anyone experience anything similar?
  16. StLouisGal

    Anyone heard of insurance not paying for. . .

    I called the insurance company this morning. They said that Obesity is an exclusion for my policy and the computer automatically kicks it out. Since I was pre-approved for the surgery they will manually process it and pay the bill. Whew!!! I was worried there for a minute. They also denied the first followup appointment for the same reason so when that statement comes I'll have to call the doctors office and have them send more information, although I was sure the doctors office said they didn't charge for the first three months of aftercare so I am not sure why they billed my insurance company for that anyway, very curious. They did pay all by my $500 copay on the hospitals bill so that is wonderful. Thanks Wheetsin for the support.
  17. The nurse at my doctor's office told us that it isn't the product you put on your scars that makes them lighter, but rubbing them breaks down the scar tissue.:biggrin: She said the plastic surgeons who work with their office told them that. I've been rubbing mine when I think about it and they are getting lighter. It makes sense that baby oil or olive oil would make your skin more soft and supple so it can't hurt but she said it was the rubbing that actually broke down the scars and made them disappear.:cursing: I thought it was an interesting theory. :confused2:
  18. StLouisGal

    Anyone heard of insurance not paying for. . .

    It says it is a network provider, just that it isn't a covered charge. I hope it is only because the bill for the anesthesia hit before the bill for the surgery. I'm totally confused. I plan to call the surgeons office tomorrow to see if they have any ideas and call Anthem if I have to. It is so frustrating. I had to fight to get it approved and now they seem to have forgotten they approved it.
  19. Jessica Hang in there! It is terrific that you have lost 100 pounds. You are doing terrific. Hopefully you are no longer super morbidly. In two more pounds I won't be morbidly obese any more. Hang in and keep doing what you are doing. You are doing the right thing!
  20. The key to not getting bloated with liquids is to sip slowly. They told me to try to drink 1 ounce every 15 minutes. That isn't much but it adds up pretty fast to the two liters needed. Hang in there. The first few days are tough but I can drink easily now. Put socks on for your cold feet. I sat around with fuzzy socks on for two weeks after my surgery.
  21. StLouisGal

    My first negative reaction

    I guess you just can't fix stupid. People who try to talk you out of it don't know anything about what they are talking about. I didn't have anyone tell me I shouldn't do it. I had several people tell me I didn't need it (those are the people that really love me) but so far it's been very supportive. Yesterday was the first time I have eaten with my extended family. They had lots of questions about "isn't that too much (2 ounces of ham, 1/4 cup of potatos and three greenbeans) while they were piling their huge dinner plates high but I just continued eating with my shrimp fork and enjoyed their questions. Hang in there and don't let anyone talk you out of what you and your surgeon know is right for you. It is well worth it. No it isn't the easy way out by any means, surgery hurts, turning down dessert hurts, liquid diet for two or three weeks hurts, eating only half a cup of food while everyone else is pigging out hurts, but in the long run it is sooooo worth it. It takes work and discipline but it is worth all of the hard work when the ten year old jeans fit again. Hang in there.
  22. StLouisGal

    Crystal Light

    The aspertame in Crystal light is probably causing the heartburn and the fluid retention. It effects some people that way. I love the peach Iced tea flavor but I usually only drink one or two per day because I try to limit my aspertame consumption. I wish more were made with splenda.
  23. We waited until my staples came out, about 10 days.
  24. StLouisGal

    Putting a face to a name

    Just jump right in. You are sooooo welcome to join us. We have a fun group.
  25. StLouisGal

    First Fill!!!

    Congratulations. Can you believe that only a couple of months ago we were worried if we would be approved. My first fill is next Thursday. I'm excited about it. Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
