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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    Can't believe it's been two months

    Hang in there, it will come.
  2. StLouisGal

    Can't believe it's been two months

    It's actually only 35 pounds since surgery. I lost 13 pounds on the pre-op diet.
  3. StLouisGal

    What food gets stuck the most?

    Oatmeal cookies and sometimes turkey if I am not careful to chew well enough of swallow too fast.
  4. StLouisGal

    1/2 a cup? I don't think so...

    About how many grams of Protein are you getting. My doctor wanted me to have 60 grams of protein a day. I used unjury Protein that has 20 grams of protein per serving, mixed with skim milk for another 8 grams so two of these shakes a day provided 56 grams of protein. I drank four ounces of this four times a day. The first couple of weeks were rough but I managed to get my protein in and felt really good. Another thing that my doctor recommended and I took is Vitamin B-12. I took the sublinguil 500's every day. I think that game me a bit of energy. Make sure you are getting enough rest and not trying to do too much. Your body has been traumatized and you need time to recover. If you can fall asleep at the drop of a hat then that probably means you need to sleep. Take some time for yourself. Good luck to you, in a month or so you will forget that this even happened to you, except that you will be thinner.
  5. StLouisGal

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    I hadn't thought about the Drivers License. Mine is due to renew in December. It is finally accurate again now after many years. yippee My size 20 jeans fit this morning. I have been trying them on every Friday for about four weeks. Today they fit perfectly. Since surgery I am down from a too tight to be comfortable 24 jeans to a smallish size 20. Who cares if the scales move as long as I am getting smaller. Have a wonderful day!
  6. StLouisGal

    Afer Surgery

    No catheter, although I think I had one during the surgery but it was gone before I woke up. Ice chips as soon as I left the recovery room and was taken to my room. Clear liquids soon after.
  7. StLouisGal

    My progress pics.

    You look great! You can especially tell in your face that you have lost a lot. It's nice to wear smaller clothes isn't it.
  8. I'll second the WOW. No wonder you are doing so well. I find it interesting that high protein doesn't work for you. That is really the only thing that works for me. I do eat a few complex carbs but try to limit it in favor of low fat protein. I guess everybody is different. You are an inspiration to me.
  9. I've been banded for about 7 weeks. So far I think I've been successful. I've lost 29 pounds since my surgery. I log everything I eat onto The Daily Plate website. I usually eat between 900 and 1200 calories a day. I eat a variety of foods, lots of whole foods, baked sweet potato, boiled white potato, steamed veggies, fresh fruit (if you can call 1/4 cup serviings a lot) I usually eat shaved deli chicken, ham, turkey with a little mustard for flavor for my Protein. I also eat eggbeaters with low fat cheese and chopped ham. I get between 75 and 90 grams of protein per day, less than 50 grams of fat and probably between 50 and 80 grams of carb. I followed my doctor's post-op instructions to the letter. I work out at Curves 4-6 times a week. I also try to take a short walk during my lunch hour. I am amazed at how much more energy I have. I think the most important thing about being successful with this surgery is to follow your doctor's instructions carefully. Give yourself plenty of time to rest and recover from the trauma your body had suffered. Drink plenty of Water (or Crystal light) It not only hydrates you but it helps fill you up. Walk as much as you can that first week or two. I hope this answers your questions. I'm not saying this is the best way but it has worked well for me so far. Good luck to you!
  10. Try not to step on the scales every day. I know that is hard but your weight can flucuate from day to day. Last week I didn't lose any pounds but when I check the body fat calculator on my weekly weigh in at Curves, I had lost three pounds of body fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. Your body may just be adjusting to the weight you have already lost. Did you measure before you started your journey. I'll bet you have lost inches. Let yourself heal! Drink plenty of Water, walk when you can, follow the food plan your doctor has given you and look for the NSV's that are coming your way. One of these days you will step on the scales and suddenly lots of pounds will be gone. When I started mushie foods the scale stopped moving for a few days. After a few days my body got used to the new foods and started losing again. Hang in there! You are doing fine.
  11. StLouisGal

    Question about solid food

    I always have a protein shake for breakfast because I'm always in a hurry in the morning and never really hungry. I eat deli meat, a veggie and some kind of starch for lunch and meat or fish, veggie and starch for dinner. I usually eat peanut butter and fruit for an afternoon snack. It probably isn't enough veggies but it's hard to get a lot of veggies in when you only eat 1/2 cup at a time. I'm not sure it is the correct way to eat but it is working for me.
  12. I had my gallbladder out a few years ago. It was a tough surgery but please learn from my mistakes, get up and walk as soon as you can, use the breathing thing as often as you can. I didn't do either and my lungs collapsed and I was really sick. This time I got up and walked and used the breathing machine and drank lots of Water and it was a walk in the park compared to the Gallbladder surgery. Good luck to you. The surgery is nothing compared to a gallbladder attack.
  13. StLouisGal

    Check in Febsters!

    I had my first fill today. He put 2 cc's in and told me to come back in 6 to 7 weeks. I would have rather had another one sooner but I guess he knows what he is doing and I had better listen. The fill was nothing. I was on the table less than 2 minutes. He numbed it but before the numbing stuff had time to take effect he was done. It hurt a little but before my mind had time to register the pain it was over so I can't say it was too bad. I'm on liquids today and mushies tomorrow so I probably won't know until the weekend if I have restriction or not. Hope everyone is having a terrific day!
  14. StLouisGal

    PB, what now???

    I had a PB at lunch today and threw up most of my lunch. I've never done that before, What do I do now. I called the doctor's office but no one was available. Do I just do liquids for the rest of the day or do I go on with the next regular meal?? I hate to be so dumb but it caught me totally be surprise. I was eating the same thing I always eat for lunch.
  15. StLouisGal

    PB, what now???

    Thanks for the support! I stuck to liquids this aftenoon and feel much better. :huh2:
  16. Congratulations on your band. Today will probably be your worst day, Tomorrow you will feel a little better and it will get better every day. In a couple of weeks you will feel like your old self. My best advice is keep walking when you can, use the spirometer as required, drink plenty of small sips of fluids. REST! You body has had a major trauma and needs to recover. Hang in there. We've all been though it and it does get better.:wink_smile:
  17. I had to wait six weeks and 6 days for my first fill. It is tomorrow. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I have very little restriction now and not losing very fast at all. I've been gaining and losing the same pound for about a week. I'm still restricting what I eat but a littel help from the band would be nice.:wink_smile:
  18. StLouisGal

    4 oz Not enough

    I have not had a fill. I can eat about a cup of food as long as I chew well. If I don't chew enough two bites will start hurting. I get my first fill tomorrow so I hope I have a little more restricition. I have been losing and gaining the same pound for about a week.:thumbup:
  19. I haven't had my first fill so right now I am the one controlling my portions. You use a measuring cup and measure or weigh everything. It's hard at first but I feel like I am creating good habits for when my band is tighter. So far I have lost 29 pounds since banding (6 1/2 weeks) so I'm not complaining one bit. I lost weight while pregnant (morning sickness all day and all night) but packed it on while breast feeding.
  20. I ate about 500 to 700 a day for the first four weeks post-op. I'm six weeks out now and eating between 1000 and 1200. It sounds like you are right on track. Just keep up with the Protein. Once you start eating regular food the calories will add up fast. Good luck!
  21. I had to see the Pychologist before the doctor would even accept me as a patient. I never met one on one with a nutritionist. She talked to the group that had preop testing the same day I did.
  22. Snowbird is exactly right. We all have to find our own way. I do eat light mayo and butter because it saves my calories for something I want more. I eat no sugar added fruits because I need the Vitamins and nutrition the fruit provides, not added sugar, but for the most part I eat whole foods, potatos, carrots, peas, Beans,beats, beef, chicken, turkey, ham, eggs, etc. I don't get hungry like I did before my band and I take time to enjoy the small portions of food I eat now. Everyone has to find what works for them. What you eat is your choice. Your body will tell you what it doesn't want. I have found that I have more energy and less time to think about food because I am out enjoying life. Food is no longer the focus of my life. I eat out, go to family dinners, and all the things I did before. The only difference is I have the power to decide what I will or will not eat. It is a great feeling.
  23. I think the reason a lot of people talk about protein shakes and sugar free drinks is because for the first few weeks that is about all you get to eat. Different doctors have different rules but the first week or so for everyone is pretty much liquid. You have to let your stomach heal. After about six weeks you will be able to eat just about everything, just in smaller portions.
  24. StLouisGal

    Soda - Is this dumb?

    I was a huge coke addict. When I first started looking into the band I stopped the coke cold turkey. I knew this would be the hardest hurdle to cross when I made the decision to get my band. I drank a coke the day before my surgery (after four months off of them) and it didn't really taste all that good. Since I stopped drinking them, I have more energy, am sleeping better, wake up more alert, etc. Crystal light, iced decaf tea, and plain water taste great now.
  25. I have found that since I have been banded I enjoy my food much more. I eat a wide variety of foods. I haven't tried breads yet, see no need to because I am enjoying fruits, veggies, deli sliced meats, meatloaf, eggs, chunky Soups, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, Peanut Butter, even an occasional piece of chocolate. I eat much smaller portions and track everything I eat on The Daily Plate so that I have an idea of what I am eating. Sweet potatos are my current favorite carb. Baked, with a little light butter, splenda and a sprinkle of cinnamon is delightful. I can make one potato last three meals and I feel like I've had a treat. I do drink one Protein shake a day. I have never been a Breakfast eater but now I find I have to have something in the morning so a shake fits the bill. I'm easily getting in 75 to 85 grams of protein a day and usually get 75-80 grams of carb. The only thing I usually have a bit of trouble getting in is Fiber. I haven't eaten many sweets since I got my band, I don't crave them and why start. I will eventually add a little ice cream, Cookies, etc back into my diet but not until I am securely at my goal. The band is a great tool but I have to do the work, it won't do it for me. You are the only one who can decide if you are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to reach your goal. It is a wonderful tool and I am thrilled with it but it took me many years to be mentally ready to take on the lifestyle changes required. I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you make.

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