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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    What the hell...I'll post some pics

    You look awesome! Thanks for showing all of us how well the band works.:wink2:
  2. StLouisGal

    Putting a face to a name

    Wow, You have to feel so much better. Keep up the good work, you are looking great!
  3. StLouisGal

    Check in Febsters!

    You are so right! I, too, went out for Mother's Day yesterday. We went to PF Chang's and my wonderful family ordered all my favorites so I could have a little bite of each of theirs. I asked for an appetizer plate so I could guage how much I could eat. I ate tiny bites really slowly, enjoyed the conversation and had a wonderful meal. I think this is the best part of the band. Because I eat such tiny portions I can eat a lot of the foods I really enjoy so I don't feel deprived but still fit within my calorie and Protein needs. I don't do well with being restricted to "diet" foods. It was hard on Saturday when we were eating out at a grill celebrating my neices graduation when all of the deep fried appetizers came out and I pretty much sat and watched everyone eating deep fried green Beans, jalepeno poppers, chicken fingers, potato skins, etc. I simply explained that I could eat it but that I preferred more healthy food and I couldn't afford to fill up on appetizers. I gave the same excuse at the post ceremony reception where they served huge cookies. I explained that I wouldn't be able eat lunch if I ate a cookie. I sipped on a cup of coffee because it was going to be at least an hour before lunch. I did eat one tiny piece of portabello mushroom so that I didn't look totally anti social. I was fine when I got my grilled chicken breast and cottage cheese. I even snuck a couple pieces of my husband's broccoli. The family was quite impressed at my self control. That made everything wonderful. The band is a wonderful tool but it takes work. Hang in there everyone. We all have our eyes on the prize. We have to educate our family and friends on the wonders of our bands.
  4. Hey John, How is it going by now. Are you so sick of liquids you could die. I was that way a couple of weeks out. Hang in there, It gets better. How much have you lost by now.

  5. StLouisGal

    Knock Knock?!?

    Congratulation! What an accomplishment. I'll be there soon so save some room. Keep up the good work!:frown:
  6. StLouisGal

    Hello Missouri

    Welcome, You are about a month ahead of me. My surgery was February 15. My surgeon is Dr. Scott and I was at DePaul. I think you will enjoy this site, lots of good support. Take care,
  7. StLouisGal

    Need some advice on what to eat

    Keepinfaith, I eat a lot of egg beaters. They are much lower in fat than eggs so I think they are a better alternative. I sautee a little green onion (or regular chopped onion, a little finely chopped ham and 1/2 cup of southwestern egg beaters. Top it off with a little low fat cheese and it makes a nice meal. You can also put a little salsa on top for a little extra kick. It has about 28 grams of Protein with 2 ounce of ham and one ounce of 2% milk cheese. It's a lot of food but I usually don't have a problem getting it all in if I eat slow and chew well. The whole thing has about 216 calories and depending on the ham you use about 8 grams of fat. Besides it is quick and easy to make. TriAgain, If you eat dairy products try cheese sticks or string cheese, boiled eggs, etc. individual servings of fruit, like applesauce, peaches, or pudding are also easy to tote in a purse. Try to find a small insulated bag to put them in and slip it in your purse. Protein Bars are good but it is hard to find one that has no sugar alcohol (something I try to avoid) Individual servings of Peanut Butter are also good to carry for hunger emergencies. I try to always have something with me in case I get delayed. I don't want to go to a place that sells food when I am extremely hungry. Good luck to both of you!
  8. StLouisGal

    Did I PB???

    It sounds like a PB to me. The nurse at my doctor's office said that happens when you fill your pouch too full. It sounds like the drink pushed you over the top. Had you had any pain, sliming, etc before it came up? That usually happens to me before it comes up so I have enough time to grab the trash can.
  9. StLouisGal

    Low Blood Pressure

    It is definitely something to check into. You don't want it to drop any below that. Mine usually runs about 110/60 but I haven't had mine checked since my first post op appt. A trip to your primary is a good idea. It may be something as simple as a medication that is now too strong because of your weight loss. Try not imagine things until you know. When they know what it is, they can treat it. Hang in there.
  10. StLouisGal

    Silly question...

    It is true that the sweetner in diet soda can make some people gain weight. My husband is one of them. I gave up my 3 a day coke habit about 6 months before I was banded. I missed it at first but don't even think about it anymore. My doctor agrees with many here, the carbonation is bad for your small pouch and you should avoid it forever. For me it is not worth the chance of damaging my stomach. My suggestion to anyone giving up diet coke or regular coke, pepsi, whatever, give it up well in advance of your surgery so you don't have to deal with caffeine and sugar withdrawl at the time of your surgery. You don't need a headache and fatigue along with post op pain and getting used to a new eating plan. Good luck! You can do this.
  11. You may be having carb or sugar withdrawl. That can feel like hunger but it is much worse. I was lucky because I had been through carb withdrawl before so I eased off carbs and sugar a few weeks before my surgery so that I wouldn't have the intense withdrawl feellings. Hang in there, in a few days that part will be over. You can do this. Once your body adjusts and you get some restriction you will love the band.
  12. StLouisGal

    Bloated Upper Belly??

    I know what you mean, I have this little overhang above my waist that just won't go away no matter what I do. It has gone down some but it's not nearly as flat and unnoticable as I would like. I want to wear a belt but my overhang prevents that. If anyone has any exercises that work, let me know too. I do curves five times a week and that has done wonders for everything else.
  13. Any time you have unusual pain, Call your doctor. It may be nothing, but then again, pain is usually a sign of something. Your doctor is the only one who can judge that.
  14. I was really worried about the shot in my stomach :thumbup: but it was over before I realized what she was doing. :confused: I didn't even feel it. I did have a bruise but that is minor. Good luck with your surgery. The band is wonderful.:wink2:
  15. StLouisGal

    IT'S OFFICIAL: I am at the lower half of the 200's!

    Congratulations. You are an inspiration! Keep up the good work.:thumbup:
  16. Your video was great! You look fabulous! Keep hanging in there! Slow and steady wins the race.
  17. Congratulations. This band is a life changer isn't it. I've had one fill but due for another one. I am pretty close to my sweet spot with only 2 ccs. Go figure!
  18. StLouisGal

    Sold a bill of goods

    Under 200 pounds. Into the 100's I can hardly wait.
  19. I have a hard time believing that the price of corn is going up because of research into alternative fuels, it is a different variety of corn. I would believe it is labor costs of harvest and fuel prices to get it to market. the farmers sure aren't getting the price increase.
  20. StLouisGal

    I'm so confused!

    I had a similar problem with BCBS. They changed names at the first of the year and lost my paperwork even though I had been told I was approved. It was a pain. I finally had the HR rep from my husband's work (our insurance is through his work) call and I had my approval within about a week of her call. I had my surgery about a month later. You do have to stay on top of them even though it makes you crazy. By the time I got my approval, everyone in the insurance office knew my name. So far they have paid every bill. Hang in there, you can do this.:thumbup:
  21. StLouisGal

    Hello Missouri

    It hit here about 15 minutes after I got to work this morning. It was a hum dinger of a storm. They say the worse one is coming this evening. Take care and stay safe everyone.
  22. StLouisGal

    Second thoughts about Lap Band.

    I had 130 to lose when I started this journey. To date, since Jan 1. I have lost 50 pounds and feel so much better I can't hardly believe it. It is a very personal decision and this is just my opinion but I think if you can do it with bypass, you can do it with the band. It takes work and committment but if you work your band and follow the band rules, this will work for you. My personal opinion (for what it is worth) is that the level of committment of the individual is directly related to the success of the band. In my case, I am committed to measuring my food, tracking my calories, working out five or six times a week. Walking instead of driving when possible. I finally have the energy to do those things. I still have about 85lbs to lose but I can do it. Before I got my band I worried about whether it would work for me, I took a gamble and it has paid of royally. Good luck in your decision and with your band.:thumbup:
  23. StLouisGal

    How many calories?

    This is an interesting thread. I just broke into the -50 catagory so here I am. I have 2 ccs of fill in my band and fair restriction. If I am eating the things I should eat I struggle to get 1100 calories. I try to stay under 1200 but my average is usually 1050-1150. I am losing 2-3 pounds per week.
  24. StLouisGal


    I think I had one because I didn't have to use the bathroom for a couple of hours after my surgery. I don't remember it going in or coming out so it couldn't have been too bad.
  25. StLouisGal

    Embarrassing Question

    I was wearing a gown and several blankets when I went into the OR, I don't really remember even moving to the Operating table, I was wearing the same gown and warm blankets when I woke up in the recovery room. What happened inbetween is that I got a marvelous tool that has helped me lose 40 pounds in four months, You gotta do what you gotta do, you won't remember a thing. Keep your eye on the prize!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
