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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    Good News, Bad news!

    Crystal, It really sounds like you aren't getting enough calories to maintain your body. I know it is really hard to find that balance. I don't lose weight unless I am taking in between 1000 and 1200 calories. That is really hard when you have good restriction. Also, are you getting enough "good" fat in your diet. My doc recommends a couple of teaspoons of canola or olive oil a day or some Peanut Butter. (the peanut butter really helps boost the calories and would be a nice spread on your multi-grain crackers.) Your body needs that to function properly, plus it keeps your skin nice too.
  2. StLouisGal

    Revision Date

    Good luck to you! Let us know how it goes?
  3. Given the price of fills, aftercare, and possible complications, I would consider changing hospitals or doctors. However, it is very important that you be comfortable with your doctor/clinic for this to be successful. I'm not from your area so I can't advise on specific doctors but I did change doctors/hospitals when I found out that my insurance would not cover the first one. Before the surgery is the best time to change. It ended up adding a few months to my journey but I think it was the best for me. Good luck in your decision. The decision to have Lapband surgery has been great for me. I hope it will be for you.
  4. StLouisGal

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    You are all doing so awesome! It does make it a bit harder to drive without the aid of our belly :tongue2: I think we can deal with that. I have two awesome NSV's We went to visit my uncle, whom I haven't seen in about a year, we had a lovely visit and came on home. The phone was ringing when we walked in the door. It was my uncle. He said,"I forgot to tell you that you have lost a lot of weight and look terrific. I'm proud of you" That made my day! On Saturday I went shopping, walked into OLD NAVY, a store I have never even been in, and found a top that almost fit. It will fit in another 5 lbs or so. I was so excited that I bought it. It's been a great week!
  5. StLouisGal

    Where did my self esteem go???

    Nettie, Forget the mirror, look at those beautiful pictures of you. You are a gorgeous woman! I was always the fat one in my family and heard about it often, my only wish was to be loved for me, not to be left out of social engagements (like my sister's wedding) because I didn't fit into the style dress she wanted. It hurts. You can't let it get to you! You have to be comfortable in your skin, no matter the size. The are a unique and wonderful person. It has taken me many, many years to realize this but you can do it too.
  6. StLouisGal

    The Worst Part of Having Lap Band!

    It takes a lot of getting used to. The worst part is eating out and convincing the server that you really don't want anything to drink. They seem to think they aren't doing their job if you don't at least have a glass of Water. I am like many others, if it is there, I will pick it up out of habit so I politely tell them that I don't care for anything to drink and then give them a good tip for complying with my wishes. Just keep practicing, now that I am four months from my surgery it is much more of a habit. I don't know what to tell you about spicy, I usually avoid spicy foods but I like the sour cream idea.
  7. StLouisGal

    Progress Pics ---- SLIDESHOW!!

    What a cute slideshow! Keep up the good work! You are looking sharp!
  8. StLouisGal

    Finally The Big 5-0!!!

    Congrats! I can hardly wait til I'm past the halfway mark! Keep up the good work.
  9. StLouisGal

    Words from a sugar crazed fool!

    UGH!!!!! It's Ben and Jerry's for me, I started out with half a cup and before I knew it, the whole pint was gone. Ice cream goes down so smooth. I gotta stick with broccoli.
  10. StLouisGal

    Wishful thinking - eating out

    I have ordered off the children's menu, but the choices are usually less nutritious than the senior menu. I usually try to talk my husband into ordering something I can eat and then eating part of his. If all else fails, most restaurants have a side of cottage cheese and some fruit. Last night we went out for Chinese and my husband and children each ordered an entree and I nibbled off of their plates. The worst problem I have in eating out is convincing the server that I really don't want anything to drink. I also try to tip for two Entrees if I am eating off my husband's plate because it is just as much work for the server to bring me an extra plate, napkins, etc.
  11. StLouisGal

    Time off work?

    Good luck tomorrow! I was off two weeks. I probably could have managed after one but I was still pretty worn out after minimal exertion so I took the second week. My doctor would have written up to six weeks but I thought that was a bit excessive. I was pretty drained after the first few days but I got back into the routine pretty quickly. I was ready to go back because I was getting bored with being at home alone. The only concern I would have about TDPW4 is sitting that long without a break. You are still at risk for blood clots so make sure you walk around a bit after every hour or so. If you can't do that you have a legitimate reason for staying home for another week or two.
  12. StLouisGal

    A bit of an update

    Thanks for reminding me of all the great things that have happened in the last six months or so. Our stories are so similar. What a great idea for sharing. Keep up the good work!
  13. StLouisGal

    St Louis, Missouri/UHC

    I started looking into WLS in early September and had my surgery in February.
  14. StLouisGal

    St Louis, Missouri/UHC

    I went through the DePaul Weight Loss Institute with Dr. Scott. I had an awesome experience. I don't have UHC but I do have a federal insurance program and they worked with me. I know they cover a wide variety of insurance programs. They are a Center of Excellence. I started looking into WLS at the Barnes program but my insurance would not cover them (Fortunately I figured that out before I put out the $550 non refundable fee.) DePaul has no upfront fees and my insurance has covered everything I have needed. Good luck in whatever program you decide on.
  15. StLouisGal

    Anybody gotten sick?

    I've had the sinus crap that you are talking about. I think it was allergies to the construction dust in my office, sore throat, cough, etc for two weeks. My main problem was nothing sounded good to eat but ice cream (not a real good choice for a lap band patient) I called the doctor and asked for cough syrup and she sent more Loratab elixer, If I had known that would work I would have taken some of what I had. Now I have two bottles and have probably taken four teaspoons of it. GRRRRRRR. It makes me have weird dreams but the coughing stops so I guess it is a trade off. Hot tea helped the sore throat too.
  16. Sorry, but that sounds like something I would do. Welcome to Bandland. Hang in there! There are things that smell worse than peanut butter.
  17. My doctor said no carbonation but straws are OK. He said no coconut because it swells up in the stomach, go figure? They want us to wait six months to chew gum and never swallow gum. I have to have a straw to drink the Protein shakes. I don't drink with my meals. I agree with Jaimie, they look at you very strangely if you don't order a drink with your meal. If the Water is sitting there I will drink it and for me that is a very bad idea, and a sure way to get stuck.
  18. Congratulations Gibson, You are doing great! Besides, dancing the jig burns calories so dance away!
  19. StLouisGal

    Bruising with fill

    Has anyone ever gotten a bruise from a fill. I have a blue bruise about the size of a silver dollar (The old ones not the new little ones) I was surprised because I didn't have any bruising from the surgery or the first fill. Any thoughts? :thumbup:
  20. StLouisGal

    My "so-far" pics.. nervous to post!

    Looks to me like your butt and your belly are pretty well gone. You look great! (but we already knew that) Keep up the good work.
  21. StLouisGal

    Bruising with fill

    Thanks for the info. That makes me feel a lot better. I talked to the nurse at my doctor's office and she said it isn't uncommon to have a small bruise. She didn't think mine sounded too big.
  22. StLouisGal

    How much fill do you have?

    I got a whopping 0.5 cc yesterday. I now have 2.5 cc. I am not going to complain though because I don't feel hungry and I am losing weight steadily.
  23. I was back at Curves 12 days post op. I skipped a couple of the machines that work the abdominal muscles really hard but other that that everything was fine. I didn't do those two machines until 6 weeks post-op.:thumbup:
  24. Got my fill today. I'm down 54.5 pounds He only put in .5 cc so we will see how that goes.

  25. StLouisGal

    How many calories?

    I work out at Curves five or six times a week. I also try to add more walking into my daily activities.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
