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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HowCanIAffordThis

  1. Hi people! I am very new to this site and I find it really helpful to me. So I am a foreign student and I have been to America for few years. I decided to have the Gastric Sleeve Surgery months ago and I have started saving money for the surgery ever since. I live in socal area and I have been calling some doctors. All of them qouted from 18000-20000. It's a huge amount of money for me. I am determined to have the surgery but before that I'd love to hear your stories and experiences and how much did you spend etc... While price is definately one of my major concerns, I am not planning on doing it in Mexico. I am not judging or anything, it's just a risk that I am not willing to take.
  2. Thank you so much for your information Mrs.RRn! I've tried the search box tho, couldn't find what I'm looking for.

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