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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BandedMi

  1. BandedMi


    No! I'm the co plate opposite! I pray my band never has issues, I am thankful I have it! So very thankful! I worry all the time something will go wrong and I'll lose the band! So, don't worry, you'll learn to love it! I sure did! I felt same as you before surgery!
  2. BandedMi

    Help - starting over

    Subbing fruit can help to get sugar and satisfy the sweet tooth" plus, they are good for you. Just don't eat so much that it too hinders weight loss.
  3. BandedMi

    Help - starting over

    My doctor told me that if I can't give up sugar, not to bother with the lap band or gastric bypass. Even fake sugar, he said that is going to hinder weight loss. I, too, am addicted to sugar. I have pcos, too. I gave up soda completely. How? I don't know, I was an addict! My hubby makes me sip once in a while....and I don't even like it any more. I have only lost 40lbs in 5 months. I have to exercise. I gave up sugary cereals. I still struggle with desserts. Some dark chocolate Evan help that. I encourage you to discipline yourself greatly with the sugar. Start by giving up sugar in any drinks. Work your way up to committing to no desserts every other day. Then try to limit it to twice a week. Sugar is your enemy, and it's terrible for us. The problem is they put sugar in everything in America. They know we love it. They put it in bread. So, even when you give up soda and desserts, there is still sugar in everything. It's going to be hard. I encourage you to start slow and commit. You can do it!
  4. hello. I was wondering about how much food to eat in a sitting. Aim for a cup? Like a cup of chili? Or is this too much?
  5. What do they feel like to you? Can they vary? I feel like mine vary & each time it gets worse? Today, I made a mistake. I thought I could eat a cheeseburger. I took 2 bites. And it started. Ever since I got my first fill 2 weeks ago, I can no longer swallow anything during my stuck episodes. Before, with no restriction, I would feel stuck but could get tiny bits of Water down that would "clear" me. Now, I can not swallow anything when stuck, I try swallowing my saliva and usually can't get that down. I wet burp, they are small burps, a lot. Today, I even had a moment of burning! Never had that before. Honestly, my mouth got so full of thick saliva, I had to spit it out. I thought it would come up for sure, but I kept it down (was driving!) I get super hot. I cranked up air condition. I get the urge to jump up and down. Is all of this normal for stuck? My doc didn't tell me much about being stuck. I get stuck maybe 3-4 times a week like this. Surely, it's my fault. Too big of bites, dry food, etc. I am learning. I feel like I waited too long to get a fill, because while the mushy stages and preop and post op diets help prepare you, the real tests come when you can eat regular food. I am trying to train myself. Slow down. Small bites. It is so easy to forget. Yes, literally, I forget I have a band! I am awful!
  6. BandedMi

    Stuck episodes

    Oh, and now, a few hours after the stuck episode, my stomach hurts a little' like when you are sick. And I feel exhausted, like I spent the day vomiting, which I didn't. Do these episodes do this? I feel tired and drained, like I have the flu. (which I don't) IF I puke, when I am sick, my body is worn out, it takes a lot out of me when I puke. I hate puking. That's how I feel now, slight headache, tired, etc. weird.
  7. I was having trouble swallowing some foods that are soft/dry. It felt stuck in my upper throat, like literally behind my tongue. I asked my doc to do my first fill under flouroscopy and he did this was wonderful for me! He put 7 cc in and saw it wasn't going through the band, so he took .5 cc out, and says that should be good. I felt great after my appt, knowing my swallowing issues are not from a slipped or wrong band, but just my own bad eating habits. I only lost 3.5 lbs in the past month and a half pathetic, but I know its because I had no restriction and I honestly found myself giving in to cookies, fried food. Issues I have with food run deep...every time I leave my house, I think about all the food I should go get. I gave up soda, but wow....that addiction is awful! I am glad I gave it up, but not a day goes by that I dont want one so bad! It was really neat seeing my stomach and throat on flouroscopy, I feel lucky my surgeon listens to me & cares about my requests. Dr. Coon of victorville/riverside is the best!!
  8. I feel like instead of a lap band, they tightened my throat. When I eat food, it often gets stuck in my throat. I have to drink. This never happened before surgery, it scares me. Sometimes, it's literally stuck in my neck area, so I'm pretty sure this isn't normal lap band "stuck" issues. It forces me to drink. It makes me freeze up. I think ok maybe smaller bites.....but why, if I have no restriction right now...would I be getting food stuck in my throat? Please help!
  9. I went for my check up, it's been a week and a half. I lost 20 lbs, with Preop diet included. I started on mushies, but I feel like a failure. Apparently I don't cook my eggs wet enough because I got that feeling that everyone gets when they have dry food in their throat. I took a few sips and it was fine. Last week same thing happened, but with mashed potatoes. I feel like a failure. I'm scared I caused my band to slip because of these 2 instances. I try so hard to eat slow, I'm hardly eating anything. Like at most a half cup fills me up. But I still feel like I can't do anything right! How does someone get stuck on mashed potatoes nd eggs? I haven't cheated and eaten a cheeseburger or anything, but I'm failing on mushy foods. What if my band slipped now? My doctors office won't do fluoroscopy to check, they say I'll know if I vomit after my first fill. I don't know, I know 20 lbs is something to be proud of, but seriously, I'm so afraid of getting stuck or whatever that was that happened with the potatoes and eggs that I don't want to eat. I feel anxiety every time I eat, it's frustrating. Any advice would be wonderful. Tia
  10. My knee area is numb, right side. My Dr said its because during the surgery they stand you up. This can cause issues with some of the nerves in that area. Dont know if that's your issue, but maybe??
  11. How often does your doc use the barium machine thingy to check to make sure you have not slipped, dilated, etc?
  12. That's very odd. I'm sorry, I have no experience with this. Could it just be the way you are sitting, bending? Or is it internal? Are you resting enough? Hang in there, you are doing all the right things getting care. Keep us posted!
  13. BandedMi

    Woah! This is hard!

    Should've known there's an app for that!!! lol thanks!!
  14. I'm on mushies now & I feel good a week out of surgery. One incision is sore, the rest look almost healed. I've been noticing, because I'm no longer drinking my Preop shakes, drinking broth....that I find I'm inadvertently taking bites of food when I'm cooking for my family!!!! It drives me crazy! I also noticed that I drink water fast at times. These natural food actions are so hard to break!!! I put something in my mouth and chew it up and am like....omgosh..no cant eat that! :X
  15. BandedMi

    Woah! This is hard!

    Even a popsicle, I eat it so fast, I gotta try something else to slow myself down I keep remembering Slow!!! After I've eaten all my food.
  16. Has anyone gone through a program for food addiction? If you've overcome food addiction, eating for comfort, etc. please share some strategies. I'm getting scared....!!
  17. Hi! I got banded on Friday. I thought I would write about my experience for those who are curious. I was told to check in at the hospital at 10am. I got there and was escorted to a special waiting room for surgeries. We signed in there, left my husbands info so they could call him when surgery was over, or if there were any issues. I got called back, asked a bunch of questions, weight, allergies, previous surgeries, etc. etc. I was given a gown to change into. Blood pressure taken, vitals completed. At this point, you are in a holding room, with many others, separated by curtains, waiting to go in for surgery. The nurse checks all paperwork, asks more questions, you get totally naked, put a gown on, cap & booties. The anesthesiologist visited me, asked questions and so did the OR nurse & my surgeon. After this, I was wheeled into the operating room, they have you move over to another bed/table & put you to sleep. My anesthesiologist was kind of an ass, he simply said goodnight! And I was out. Typically, you will wake up peacefully, someone saying your name, asking you to breathe or blink, etc. I had a bad reaction, so my wake-up was chaotic and scary. But, once they gave me pain meds, I was fine! I was wheeled to my room, I was not able to go home same day, as planned bc of the anesthesia. Get to your room, I got to rest a lot. It felt good. Usually nurses are bothersome, but this time it seemed like they were less disruptive. Blood pressure and vitals are monitored every half hour at first, then tapers off a bit, pending all is well. I was so tired, I asked my husband to leave and come back the next day. The next day, Saturday, I walked around at 5am. I was feeling good. Those pump meds are great! My doctor came around 3pm, said I could go ome. Discharge paperwork took a few hrs and I was unhooked from iv meds, etc. I had a 2 hr drive home, I felt a bit sick. Probably pain meds wearing off. The rest of that day I felt fine. Tired, but fine. Day 3, I felt awful! I was so sore, my thighs, arms, everything. I had pain that was moderate to severe, but much of it was a sore throat from being awake when they yanked the tube out. Day 4, Monday....I feel much better! I feel normal. Yes, it does hurt and itch a little where they cut, but pain wise, I feel the hump is over yay. I don't feel hungry much, gas is still trapped inside. When I eat, I don't know if it's the healing or the pouch, but I take a few sips and feel full. I was able to shower fine this morning, it was nice. I used a heating pad all day yesterday. I suggest it, it seemed to have helped. I'm no longer exhausted, but feel like I could maybe walk outside today. I have some energy. I made a broth today, it tasted so much better than canned Soup. sugar free Jello isn't as bad as I thought. I dream about food! I wonder if it's because I have a fear of accidentally eating solid food or if I'm hungry or mourning food, no clue! But I'm constantly dreaming of food. pizza, chocolate, etc. lol Also, I don't recommend cheating on the Preop diet, bit I did a bit. If I was feeling ill, I ate some cherries or grapes. Instead of eating a lean cuisine, I ate a small amt of low fat foods. When I was in Preop, the nurse came to ask me questions. She asked me if I had luck with the Preop diet. I said I had. She said ok, well if you didn't, we will still operate, we just like you to try so it's easier, but it's not a big deal. I was like gee...sure wish I knew that all week as I gagged on those shakes. But I'm glad I did well on it, because I was worried about my liver. Good luck to you guys who have surgeries coming up! It's not bad at all and if it's worse than you thought, be encouraged, after day 3 it got a ton better for me!
  18. We need one so they know they can not put an Ng tube in us. My doc suggests it.
  19. I had lb surgery and after I noticed...I have no feeling in my outer knee area, right side. I can walk fine, but I'm concerned. My nurse said possible sciatica issues from being positioned on the table....I'm kinda scared. Has anyone ever experienced this? Tia
  20. BandedMi

    Surgery 3 days ago

    I was allowed to put fruit in my shakes. Instead of doing that, I ate the fruit. It was the only thing that kept me from buying a pizza lol For my shakes, pb2 was disgusting. I think it was my chocolate flavor with the pb2, not the pb2 itself. I recommend, mixing decaf coffee with your shake. Maybe even ice. That was the only way I could stomach the shakes!
  21. BandedMi

    Surgery 3 days ago

    Some carbs are not an issue.
  22. BandedMi


    I had my surgery Friday, I woke up to like 4 people patting me and calling my name. Apparently I didn't wake up how I should have and I was awake when they pulled the tube out of my throat. I was in extreme pain. My head hurt, my throat and omg my laparoscopic cuts hurt. I instantly regretted having the surgery for the first day. Just so you know I'm strong, I had my kids with no epidural, I had an open abdominal surgery to remove my ovary, Fallopian tube and a huge mass.... But this hurts way more than expected. My whole body aches. My legs hurt when I walk, my neck and back hurt. My throat hurts the worst, I don't know if they reintubated me, or what. I remember waking up, everyone yelling my name and I was crying about my headache. I had the headache prior to surgery....it was a bad one. I ended up staying the night. I wish I had stayed another, for the pain meds. All I have are low dose hydrocodone. But I'm alive, and hopefully healing (sure doesn't feel like it) and for that, I'm truly thankful. Thanks for listening, sorry it wasn't more happiness. I'm in sad shape
  23. BandedMi


    It was way worse than I expected and I'm not sure why. Maybe they took away pain meds to help me wake up? But omg it was awful. The pain pump is wonderful I'm going to call and get more info. Every other operation, it seemed waking up was peaceful.
  24. I wanted to ask a few questions because I have a funny problem. Maybe it's a good thing. I love food! But when I eat with others, in public, I don't eat a lot. I am too self conscious, I eat like a bird. But at home...or by myself... I eat like I would never eat in front of others. Is this a good thing because it shows SOME control? Or is this a dangerous thing bc it shows bad habits? Does anyone else do this???
  25. Soooo, I'm on day 5, I wanted to encourage people who are starting out on it! For me, the hunger was unbearable the first 3 days. I actually thought about backing out! I was having headaches, my vision was cloudy, my head foggy and all I wanted to do was sleep! Then, after day 3, that fog lifted and I actually felt good! I had energy to clean, I was not so tired. I'm not even hungry any more. I noticed the control I have over food, and it's pretty great! I will not lie, I have had a few bites here and there, or a few grapes or cherries.....but when I'm making my children food, I can only take a bite if it's something I really like, when before....I would have been out of control shoving my face with food! I am having a hard time drinking 5 shakes...I'm just no longer hungry....I am forcing myself to drink them, but I never drink 5. They are gross. My taste for fake sugar is not there, I almost threw up a few times. My Preop diet is only one week, 5 shakes a day & an apple or lean cuisine under 300 cals if you are not able to just drink your shakes. I can not imagine doing it any longer!! But be encouraged, for some people....it's just the first few days that are unbearable! I know a girl who had a bypass, she didn't do Preop diet right and had many complications during the surgery. I can't say it was because of the Preop diet or not though...because I don't know exactly what happened, but I know she couldn't and didn't do Preop diet. Well, my day is Friday!

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