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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sades

  1. I was told 4-6 weeks after the op. I have an appointment on 27 Nov with the nurse. If I need one the dr will be there to give me one.
  2. Sades

    I have stopped the process

    Does this mean you are going ahead?
  3. Sades

    Confused about mushies

    It must be hard Linda to have a doctor's office who are not helpful when you need them the most. I don't often call my doctor's office but when I do, I don't feel that it's a problem to do so. Geez, you've paid them enough money, they should be welcoming you with open arms. Do they run a support group? The Nurse at my doctor's surgery has a band as well and she run's a monthly group... worth looking into it. I made a plain Pasta dish last night... made it from vermicilli (very fine pasta). I semi mashed it and then chewed it as well as I could... slippery little buggars. It was my first pasta experience with the band. Had no problems with it. I have not attempted to eat anything else that wasn't mashed first. I'm so ready to eat normal food, especially when the family got together last night, some ordering Chinese and some ordering pizza. Neither of those is the healthiest food to eat but if it's only 1 cup or 1 piece, got to be heaps better than when I wasn't banded. Hopefully will get the go ahead on Tuesday to go to solid foods.
  4. Sades

    New Nov Nymph

    Welcome to Nov Nymphs! Glad to hear that you're doing well. Give yourself a week or so and you'll be back to normal. Good luck with your surgery Debbie! :whoo::whoo:
  5. Sades

    Whippledaddy Has Passed Away

    I stumbled across Whippledaddy's first post "Hello All" and found his words to be profound and himself such a warm and loving soul. I decided to do a search of all his posts and came across this one... it brought tears to my eyes. Even if I wasn't around when he was, what he said to other bandsters rang true for me and his sense of humour touched mine as well. I'm sorry that I didn't have a chance to be part of his life but he has ended up being part of mine. God rest his soul.
  6. I'm almost 4 weeks post op and am still on the mushies stage but should go to the next stage after my appoint with the nurse on Tuesday. I have kept to the post op diet.
  7. Sades

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Good one Danna... makes me think I should be doing something like that. Look forward to seeing more of your journey.
  8. Sades

    So absolutely disapointed

    It sucks but at least it wasn't as bad as first thought. Good luck on your new date.
  9. Sades

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    I didn't have to go on optifast but was told to cut down the week before... did a bit but not as good as I could have been. I'm sure you'll be fine... good luck! :clap2: :clap2:
  10. Sades

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    I know what you mean Danna. whenever I've been on a diet in the past, I would see Maccas commercials on TV and crave a burger... I don't eat their burgers... fillet o fish is my thing... weird. I haven't had those cravings during this phase. I sometimes think, gee I'm never going to eat the way I used to again... you know those days you just want to gorge... but it soon goes away. Monday week, not too far to go now! :whoo::whoo:
  11. Sades

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi Danna, I rang the surgery a couple of days beforehand to find out what to do. I ended up paying the $2,000 prior and Anna said I can pay the $3,200 within the next 6 months. My anthesist's bill is $1,300... sent that to medicare & MBF so I don't how how much I will end up paying. I also got a bill for $138 for the xray in hospital which I'll do the same with. I think that's it now. How's the optifast going? I will be seeing Sarah on Tuesday so I assume she'll say go onto solids. Anna mentioned something about getting a fill at that time... sounds too early to me. Anyway, I'll let you know what they say. Not long to go !!
  12. Sades

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Good luck Karlea... we have similar stats. I was 100kgs when I decided to do this but put on a few kilos because I ate my anxiety away in the 2 months prior to the op. I'm only 155cm but am happy to get down to 65kgs. That will help with my heath poblems.. BP, Diabetes, sleep apnea. Keep us posted.
  13. I usually mush the protein in with the other food and eat 1/2 cup at a time. I sometimes eat a little more than 1/2 cup because it's there. That's only been in the last few days (probably because the swelling has gone down). I'm seeing the nurse on Tues & was told the dr may give me a fill that day as well.
  14. Sades

    Band Success Without Fills?

    Boy Susan & Rick, that's a great achievement. I've lost 19lbs in 3 weeks but it's slowed down in the last 2 days. I have an appointment on Tues with the nurse... was told by the receptionist that I may get a fill that day as well (4 weeks by then). I'm not even on solids yet so I'm surprised that they may give me a fill. Is this possible?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  15. Sades

    So absolutely disapointed

    Sorry to hear that Tish... what did the results show? You'll always be a nymph even if it's not a November one!! :clap2: :clap2:
  16. I've been banded over 3 weeks now and I feel guilty because at times I may be slightly over eating, ie, having 3/4 cup of mashed food instead of 1/2... I'm amazed at what people are doing at stages even earlier than me. I certainly wouldn't want to end up back in hospital doing this all over again... think before you put it in your mouth!
  17. Sades

    Anybody taking up swimming?

    I used to do aqua aerobics but haven't been for a while. Was thinking of doing that once my healing is over. Really good for weight loss and seems to tone up the stomach.
  18. That's true. I guess I'm seeing it from my point of view, after all the anxiety & elation prior ... wouldn't want to go through that again. Keep us posted.
  19. Name...........Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal...........To Go Sades............230........................209............199......................10
  20. Sades

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    I know someone who has had their band in for 2 years and has lost 40kgs... she had a hernia during that time and had to have it removed and then had another one put in... she says the same thing, no regrets. I know what you mean about the weightloss, I did LitenEasy about 3 years ago and lost 16kgs. Ended up putting on 14 of them in the last 2 years so thought I want to do it again but I don't want to put it back on (yoyo weight loss for many years). I found this option and so far, I think it is the best one. I'm 5'2" and am now at 95kgs... happy to go down to 65kgs which should put me in a size 12-14. Again good luck with your continued journey.
  21. I was around 42-43 and now 38.... and going down! :whoo:
  22. Sades

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi Shell, I'm from Sydney and have been banded for 3 weeks. Congrats on your rebanding... you've done so well over the last 3 years. I would be happy to do as well. Good luck with losing the rest of your weight.
  23. Sades

    How did everyone do.....

    I am 3 weeks out and haven't had anything like that. How are you feeling now? why don't you call your local doctor if your lapband doctor isn't around. also why don't you post this into a new thread under "Pre-op & Post-op Lapband Surgery Questions & Answers" so that people will read this and be able to help you.
  24. I understand that it must be hard to read posts from people who are not following their doctors' instructions, even I find that a little frustrating to read but these people still need help, more so than most. If they don't listen to your advice, then move on... it really is not your issue. I am thankful that I have had a really good run since my op. I've been doing everything I've been told by my doctor and have lost 9kgs (19lbs) in 3 weeks to boot. Can't complain ! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  25. Sorry to hear what happened to you. Even though you sound positive, it must have been disappointing to come out of it knowing that you have to go back. Lucky they realised that there was a problem before they went any further. Good luck with your new date!

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