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Chelle B

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chelle B

  1. Chelle B

    Diet Pills

    I haven't tried diet pills post op - but I sure think about them alot since my unfill. I was addicted for years so I wouldn't take the risk now. I am working my way back up the fill level again, so hopefully I will be back on track soon.
  2. Chelle B

    Streached Esophagus

    Your band is too tight if you cannot eat 3 solid meals per day (although many people are tight in the morning and have liquids instead); if you have acid reflux at night; if you have night cough for no reason; if eating is just plain too uncomfortable (it should never be painful to eat); or if you can't get enough solid calories in every day.
  3. Chelle B

    Streached Esophagus

    Yes, and I go in for an unfill on Monday.
  4. Chelle B


    1. Unfortunately, yes racism still exists. 2. Reverse-racism definitely exists. 3. Affirmative action, used properly, still has a place. It needs to be applied to those most in need at any period in time. 4. It is what it is. I hate stereotypes, but they exist. Think about racial profiling. We don't do that right? So our random searches by TSA are so helpful in stopping terrorism. I have seen teeny children searched, as well as old men in wheelchairs who were not even aware what was happening to them. Would be nice if we just made judgments using intelligence....
  5. Chelle B

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    I 100% agree that comparative religion (and I include agnostics and atheists here) should be taught in the schools. It is definitely part of our history. The more I study, the stronger a believer I am. I doubt exposure to a belief, or lack of, will change too many minds.
  6. Chelle B

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    Beautifully said, Phyllis! (and I am so sorry to have missed you again. My FIL wasn't feeling well so I spent more time with him.)
  7. Chelle B

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    I loved the Golden Compass and series, and never thought of them at anti-religious. But then again, I often just read for the sheer pleasure of the story. I don't understand atheism, however I'm not afraid of it. What I am afraid of are fanatics of any kind - whether they be pro or anti religion. Fanatics push their own agenda and don't care who they stomp on to get there. I am interested in all religions, and also atheism. I love having great 1 on 1 debates where both parties truly want to learn and understand. But you know that with religion and politics - that is a rare discussion. I haven't been on LBT in a long time, just now saw the new format and this was the top listed post on R&R. I will be very interested in reading the responses. Hope they are insightful, tolerant and understanding.
  8. Chelle B

    News & vent

    That is awesome news! Congrats! AND he is a very stupid doctor!
  9. Chelle B

    Help, I offered to throw a baby shower....

    Wow this is too weird - I am in exactly the same position, except that this is a really good friend of mine. I don't know what I am doing either. We are doing it at her house, so that she won't have to cart gifts home. I asked her to register at Target, BabiesRUs and Dillards. And I used eVite to do online invitations. That's as far as I got so far. Good luck and I will be watching these responses so thanks for posting.
  10. Chelle B

    AND another thing that irks me....

    Both are almost impossible for speed readers to comprehend. It's sad but now I generally only read normal writing posts - I don't care about spelling because I can figure that out, but the all or no caps posts are impossible for me to read without great effort.
  11. This goes for both online and voice mail messages... I keep reading new threads on another forum where one paragraph is a page long, and the subject title is Help. Sheesh get to the point already. I hang up on long voice mails without listening to them, and I pass right over these posts as well. Give me a clue up front to what the problem is, and perhaps I can wade through the long story to understand and maybe have a tip or so. <sigh>
  12. We've all heard about addiction transfer, in OTHER people. Well I am beginning to feel it and I don't like it too much. Shopping has been a great deal of fun as I lost weight and could buy cool new clothes and shoes. But I think it has gotten a bit out of hand. I find myself shopping way too much and for things I don't need or really even want. So while I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions (except as a another promise that will be broken), I will strive to break this expensive habit of mine in 2008. Yes you read correctly, 2008. I have 3 days of freedom left. I'm not going to tell this to my DH, as I don't want him to try and police my spending. That would just send me right out to the malls. If it becomes necessary I will talk to a therapist to get past this. I hope for some sound advice here instead. Has anyone else had some type of addiction transfer after losing weight? We can't volume eat for stress relief anymore - and we all cope differently. I would sure appreciate your comments and experiences before I go broke!
  13. Chelle B

    AND another thing that irks me....

    I guess it could be worse and we'd have to listen to them in person.
  14. I used to love watching this pageant as a kid, and now the gals just look weird to me. Every one must have gone to the same tanning salon - they have the same flat blah tan. The body just doesn't tan evenly - they look so 2 dimensional. This is the one drawback to HDTV. The good part of the story is - all my bandster friends are way more beautiful than these golden Barbie dolls. :cursing:
  15. Chelle B

    People rant

    An absolutely beautiful lesson....
  16. Chelle B

    People rant

    I think it's a bit of both. I try never to be passive/aggressive, and at the same time try not to hurt anyone's feelings. I am the type person that tends to see both sides of an issue - I want to so that I can learn more. I know that to uber-aggressive cyber folks - I need to be more direct. Many people look for the hidden meaning. And sometimes there isn't any hidden meaning. I am much more direct in person - because I can gauge body language and responses of the people I am talking to. And background has a lot to do with this as well. I was raised in the South where manners are everything. It took me many years in a tough business to learn to look someone in the eyes and be totally direct without being a bitch. In the long run - everybody has something to offer and it bodes well for me to try and understand where a person is coming from so that I communicate on their comfort level. So maybe we are just all screwed up.
  17. Chelle B

    Tom Cruise..scientology...no Comment...

    It's his religion, and he has a right to it. There are fanatics in every aspect of life, and he is singled out because he is rich and famous. He doesn't bother me in the slightest; I will still watch his movies if they interest me; and his daughter is the cutest little gal ever!
  18. Chelle B

    Plastic tans - the Miss America contest

    The older I get the more I love pale. And there are few things in life that I would do that require standing for 3 hours, ugh. I knew body builders who did that, but didn't realize that pageant contestants did too.
  19. Chelle B

    Am I too liberal or...

    I don't understand the concept of "too liberal"...:cursing:
  20. This is the dumbest thing I have read all week! Nude Buttocks May Cost ABC $1.4 Million Email this Story Jan 26, 7:15 AM (ET) (AP) Vicky Rideout, vice president, Kaiser Family Foundation, talks about the depiction of sex on... Full Image WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal Communications Commission has proposed a $1.4 million fine against 52 ABC Television Network stations over a 2003 broadcast of cop drama NYPD Blue. The fine is for a scene where a boy surprises a woman as she prepares to take a shower. The scene depicted "multiple, close-up views" of the woman's "nude buttocks" according to an agency order issued late Friday. ABC is owned by the Walt Disney Co. The fines were issued against 52 stations either owned by or affiliated with the network. FCC's definition of indecent content requires that the broadcast "depicts or describes sexual or excretory activities" in a "patently offensive way" and is aired between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The agency said the show was indecent because "it depicts sexual organs and excretory organs - specifically an adult woman's buttocks." The agency rejected the network's argument that "the buttocks are not a sexual organ."
  21. ROCK ON! The facts speak for themselves.
  22. Chelle B

    I hate the hotel "free" breakfasts....

    Thanks, I will tell them that next time. And just buy some shakes and protein bars for the room.
  23. So I finally woke up early enough to come down to breakfast. Lots of bread stuff. Muffins and bagels and donuts. Some icky looking cereals. Waffle makers. English muffins. Next time I will sleep in.
  24. Chelle B

    The Bandsters' Constitution

    Good analogy!
  25. Chelle B

    I Have a Dream . . .

    Hopefully my last post on this thread, although I could continue for a long time on this topic. I just want to make a few points. Nobody on this forum, or any other forum for that matter, knows what my beliefs are. I just enjoy the conversation for the most part, and hope to learn a bit, and impart a bit of learning or thought to others. When you have time, try to read the responses without looking at the names. Makes for very interesting reading. I don't understand why some people get so defensive about their own perspective. What you choose to believe is yours alone. When people use defensive language or generalize their own views by using "most people...., well have you actually talked to most people? Why not be courageous and simply state what you believe? Pure and simple. Generally I just post my thoughts as they pop into my little brain, and you need to understand that these are my thoughts. I'm not trying to change you. And you can't change me. Just don't misunderstand me. Read what I am saying. Did I ever indicate that I think everybody should be required to pray in school? Nope. Would I like to see a return to a daily devotional, for those who are interested? Sure. Why not start the day with some type of positive affirmation? And let those who aren't interested sit out? As old as I am, I will never understand why it is so difficult to talk about sex, money, politics and religion. All are fascinating subjects!!

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