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Chelle B

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chelle B

  1. Chelle B

    Stupid vroom-vroom cars!

    I almost ripped my newly repaired shoulder just after surgery, when a cop decided he needed to flip on the siren right beside me so that he could get through the light. I jumped so hard, and that was a seriously painful movement for someone in a sling. So yeah, rant all you want!
  2. Chelle B

    Petty yet annoying

    Growing up in the South, it's been Sweetie, Darlin', Babydoll, Babe, whatever, for my whole life. I don't even hear it anymore.
  3. Chelle B

    What interests do you have that most people think is strange?

    Yes, I study medicine and psychology and have a huge collection of medical books and materials. I get very bored in classroom environments, which is why I chose technology over medicine as a career.
  4. Chelle B

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Perfectly said.
  5. Chelle B

    E-Bay Feedback.. GRRR!!!

    It looks just like the lapband with a stone for the port, lol. I will try to take a photo of it. Jewelry is my weakness.....
  6. Chelle B

    E-Bay Feedback.. GRRR!!!

    For a long time I was hooked on buying and reselling jewelry, back when most sellers weren't STORES. I've been really lucky overall, and have some unique jewelry - including a 14K Lap Band charm.... <some people will buy anything>
  7. Chelle B

    I Want One!!!!

    That is soooo coool!
  8. Chelle B

    E-Bay Feedback.. GRRR!!!

    That is a pet peeve of mine on eBay too - I am a long time buyer and seller. Feedback should be given for the transaction that occurred. That means that sellers should give feedback immediately upon payment (I always do). But now so many sellers hold off on their feedback until you give it - that is just wrong! I have ONE negative feedback in 528 transactions. I sold a ruby ring with appraisal papers, and the buyer didn't like it. Posted a negative feedback saying I didn't return email and it just wasn't true. I offered to refund in full, with no response. So to this day I am still angry at this person. AARRRGGGHHH - sometimes life just isn't fair! PS - I still love eBay!
  9. Chelle B

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    Fear of failure, most likely, or just plain disappointment if they can't make it. In business we use S.M.A.R.T. goals; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Maybe this is what folks are going for. My doc asked me to set my own goal weight, and I said I will know it when I get there. I'm looking for normal BMI. All my life I was very athletic, and weighed more at a size 5 than most girls. I am guessing to get to a size 5 now, I would have to weigh 20 lbs less. So when I hit normal BMI, I will re-evalute and decide on a final goal weight. Great question!
  10. Chelle B

    Welcome to Rants and Raves!

    Good point - that makes me a Newbie too. I wonder when we get our report card that lets us know we have earn our right of passage? Education and Entertainment and Free Speech - rock on! And I know a lot of you, uh, through that same *cough cough* forum. So hello from an old newbie.
  11. Chelle B

    Welcome to Rants and Raves!

    But I NEED my Anime powers! Especially in R&R!
  12. What about the truly weird? "I didn't do all that great this first year only 43 lbs. but I did go from a size 26-28 to a 14-16 so I guess I did accomplish something. " How the heck does anyone do that?
  13. Chelle B

    How often do you weigh?

    Every morning, and often at night if I exercised a lot that day, or feel like I ate too much. I am just interested in this whole process, and what activities, foods, or drinks impact the weight loss process. Also watching how stress impacts weight. I'm my own little research project. I have never told my DH what I weigh - I always hated the number myself so why would I want to tell him? I have recently told him how much I have lost so far, so he can figure it out if he wants to.
  14. Chelle B

    Who have you had enough of ??

    Tom Cruise... Love his movies, hate that a 45 year old man wears his hair like a 5 year old boy! Tom - grow up and get a man hair cut!
  15. Chelle B

    Slutty clothes for 5 year olds...

    I worry about their development and posture when wearing heels and platform shoes. I wasn't coordinated enough as a kid! What scares me most is that we are playing into the hands of the sickos of the world. Your little one is lucky to have YOU as a mom!!!
  16. Chelle B

    Which embarrasses you more?

    Definitely #4. I have learned not to let someone's reaction to my appearance, good or bad, bother me anymore. And btw - I am progressing nicely - heartburn was a one day event. Still not rushing things, but I am so hopeful that this fill is the one!
  17. OMG - You just reminded me of my final meal - one week before banding. Looking back, I don't understand how ONE human female could eat so much at one sitting!!! UGH!
  18. What about those people who say they've been banded for months and fell completely off the wagon because they ate one bite of chocolate? And then go on for paragraphs about how they have totally failed and will now gain back all the weight?
  19. A recent comment from a new bandster: "Emotionally I'm at a place where I don't care if I throw up solid food and can only do liquids, as long as the scale moves in the right direction I'm happy. " I just don't get it.
  20. It has been a really long day, followed by a dinner out with multiple margaritas, so I am ready post my first LBT Rants and Raves post. I won't follow the herd anymore. Ever. I stopped doing that years ago when I realized that I made every decision based upon how I could make the most people happy (or prevent conflict). That's simply not healthy. And it takes all the fun out of life. I hate absolutes. Absolutely hate them. I can't stand to lump a group of people together for any reason. All people at LBT are not sweet and perfect. All people at OH are not cheerleaders and ***** supporters. All Muslims are not extreme radicals. Not all of us Texas women are Southern Belles (ok so that one is debatable). All women are not subservient (ok I know you ladies agree with that one). We are all, quite simply, just people. I don't want to be told I have to do something because it is the Christian thing to do. Are you my priest? My rabbi? My high priestess? Where do people get off on judging other people????? I don't freakin' get it. Each of us have own spirituality or lack of it. Each of us have our own moral core - although some are harder to identify than others. Don't attack me because I don't agree with you - hire a yes-man for that job - it doesn't pay enough for me to take it. And don't push your personal belief system off on me. I like most people. Really I do. And I get along with most people. Some people just get to me, and I don't have to like them. There is no rule about that. There is only one person on my bad list at the moment, and if I ever get a personal apology that person will come off the list. You and I don't have to like the same people or have the same ideas to be friends. I prefer friends who are different from me. If I wanted everyone to be like me - well then I would become a hermit(ess) and just have ME for companionship. I love our differences. I love the passion in which so many of us debate what we believe in. I just hate the herd mentality that says we all have to believe the same thing, or like the same people, or hate the same people....because ya know what? We don't. We are different. Our differences make us unique and teach us more about life than any book will. And one more thing. I rarely drink and I really love Margaritas! :whoo:
  21. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    No, I have the reverse problem. I always saw a beautiful 20 year old in the mirror.... It was photographs that always shocked me so much. For the first time in many years, I am not afraid of the camera.
  22. Chelle B

    Where is everyone from?

    Beautiful Round Rock Texas!
  23. Chelle B

    Let's start a mythbusters thread...

    Obesity is caused by a lack of will-power. HAH! Being overweight is not a simple problem of willpower or self-control. Amazing how many people believe that we just overeat because we are WEAK. Obesity is a mixture of genetic, metabolic, biochemical, cultural and psychosocial factors. Most people are overweight because societal changes over the last 20 to 30 years. We commute farther than ever for work, putting us in the car during natural breakfast and dinner hours. We have easy access to delicious fast foods. Our jobs are less physical, with many of us sitting on our tushes 8-12 hours a day. We take more meds than ever before, along with all the chemicals in our foods. Willpower might be helpful for short term weight loss, but it is not the cause of all obesity!
  24. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Isn't it amazing how weight loss allows our best features to return? You do have beautiful eyes!
  25. Chelle B

    Driving In The Fast Lane

    Since I have never been the "slow" driver, I have no clue what they are thinking. I will be interested in the responses... And after working for 3 years in the volatile D.C. area, you'd better believe I care what other people are thinking!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
