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Chelle B

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chelle B

  1. Chelle B

    I Have a Dream . . .

    Good post, Lauren, although I must disagree with your first paragraph that basically points the finger to one side only. I've see the, um, debates start from both sides and that's cool by me. It is never one or the other only - that's stereotyping in my book. And I do agree with you that we can all learn as much as possible about anything we are interested in. However, my point was that some posts back I recall what appeared to be ridicule from non-believers indicating that they know the Bible better than Christians. I didn't get that argument and I still don't. Heck I studied Madeline Murray O'Hare for a long time because I truly wanted to understand why she fought so hard against things like prayer in school. The vast majority of people would choose to continue the daily devotional - but we lost that right to a few people who were offended by it. Why couldn't we have come up with a better solution that tries to satisfy both sides? We took a right away from the majority to protect the minority from being ostracized in school, IMHO. Maybe I am too idealistic, but I sure wish we could better appreciate our differences in life. :wink2:
  2. Chelle B

    The Bandsters' Constitution

    Bandsters Rule of Attire: When a bandster loses that much weight, they can wear whatever they choose!!
  3. Chelle B

    I Have a Dream . . .

    Well said! I always feel somewhat guilty because I don't want to appear that I am bashing anyone when I jump into these discussions. I would so love to see people explain their own views without criticism of others.
  4. Chelle B

    The Lapband and my journey...

    Ditto to the others - please stay! You are successful, and we like hanging around those who can share their success and some tips.
  5. Chelle B

    I Have a Dream . . .

    I think sometimes we forget that we did all come here with the same baggage of weight. Heehee that makes us all alike in at least one aspect! :tongue:
  6. Chelle B

    I Have a Dream . . .

    I have been surprised at the amount of 'Christan bashing' I have seen, some more subtle than others. I think what irks me more than the morons like, well you know who, are those non-believers who swear they know the Bible better than any Christian. You can read the words, or you can understand and accept the words. There is a grand difference, and I will never tell an atheist that they are wrong in their beliefs. OR that I know more than they do about their own beliefs. Faith is unique in this world. I, for one, am very comfortable in my own faith. Just don't condescend to those who see life differently. It's ok. We were made the same. We do have free will. And one thing about free will.... People mock that and say if there were truly a God then he would prevent all the bad things in the world. When that happens humanity is gone. Free will, mistakes, risks, faith, love, hatred....so many different attributes have shaped humanity. As parents we may know when our children will make mistakes, and yet we don't lock them in the home. We allow them to spread their wings and learn. I am glad we have had the opportunity to learn and grow as people. And I am exceptionally happy that we are unique and different as people. So much to learn through life, and I appreciate each lesson. And for the most part, I appreciate all those who can defend their views without trashing others.
  7. Oh I agree. This is the most interesting set of potential candidates in many years of elections. And it is encouraging more interest than ever in the election process. Now if the mudslinging stays to a minimum I will be happy (but I won't hold my breath).
  8. Chelle B

    Who dreams of wearing stilletoes?

    Oh man, I so want to wear hot sexy heels, but I am afraid of falling down and humiliating myself! How does one learn to walk in them???
  9. Chelle B

    Wanna talk about clothes????

    I spent lots of time trying on clothes, especially when the scale isn't moving. I've been riding a recumbent bike since before surgery 2.5 years ago, and it has helped me lose in proportion. So I am always surprised at what I actually can wear. I shop at Ross, Marshalls, TJMaxx and any place with sales so that I can have clothes but don't spend a lot of money on transitional clothes. I am in a 14-16 and it is amazingly nice.
  10. OMG this is beautiful! I love your smiley and sure needed some fun this morning!
  11. Heh. It's like the ongoing discussion about heterosexual versus gays. I am married to an gorgeous and awesome younger guy, and I adore him. Yet I go to gay rights events at work, because I am interested in everything and I have gay friends. I went to an event and one gal asked me when I came out. My response, "I'm married to a guy. Guess I just haven't met the right girl yet." We all believe what we want to believe, or need to believe. And I had thought the OP was a female in disguise, until this post. Now I think the OP is my EX!!! Sure sounds mean enough...:wink2:
  12. So Draz, getting OH all worked up wasn't enough for you? You think coming here to insult people is a good idea? Well you are very wrong in that. We have believers, atheists and agnostics here, and for the most part everyone is very respectful of each others' beliefs. One of these days, when I have time, and if you are brave enough; let's chat offline without an audience about beliefs. I am a believer and would love to go a few rounds with you. I detest bullies, and you are the worst online bully I have seen in a long time. Sure makes me wonder who you really are. Believe or don't believe. This is an internal choice and an inherent right for each of us. Get over yourself.
  13. Yup - my baby sis had an abortion after the doc said that she or the baby would die. I would vote for my sister to live every time.
  14. Chelle B

    Tom Cruise..scientology...no Comment...

    That was supposed to be an internal Scientology video. NOTHING is private anymore. I'm not speaking for or against anything here, but sheesh - I detest the media.
  15. Chelle B

    Where's the gang?

    Well, I'm probably not part of the gang you are looking for, but I am in Seattle visiting my son and daughter in law. And wow, you are almost halfway there - doing great!
  16. Chelle B

    NOT so motivational!!!!

    I received this "motivational" email today...if he were still alive I'd smack him! "There are two great medicines: diet and self-control." — Oscar Maximilian Bircher-Benner: Was a Swiss physician and nutritionist
  17. Chelle B

    NOT so motivational!!!!

    Just think where we would be now without the band - not a pretty sight in my case....
  18. Chelle B

    NOT so motivational!!!!

    Oh why is it so easy to slip back into those behaviors? I am so lucky that my band keeps me from gaining anything back. And when I see sights like you did at WinCo - well they make me even more determined to be successful!
  19. Chelle B

    NOT so motivational!!!!

    I just hate the word "diet", especially when combined with 'self control'. I've always believed in mind over matter, so it really irritates me to realize that I allowed myself to gain weight for the first time, when I was in my 20's. I wasn't raised with a healthy diet, and this strikes home for me. For years I was a work-a-holic, and just ate whatever was convenient without thinking. I KNOW that diet and self-control are important, it just hit me at the wrong time (after more than an hour of intense and painful physical therapy this morning). So yeah, I gained weight because of a bad diet and lack of self control. Heck I never blamed anyone else for my problems, but I sure didn't need the reminder of my own failings this morning.
  20. Chelle B

    Suzanne Somers

    Sheesh....did she say anything that was accurate?
  21. Chelle B

    Your Thoughts on January 5th NH Political Debate

    Romney was way cuter than I expected. That's all I can say for the Republican debate. :heh: Edwards is trying to ride on Obama's coattails, and he should just drop out of the race - I think he is going for a VP slot. Obama was charismatic as always, and Hillary showed well as the more experienced statesman. The other guy is not even in the race. I enjoyed the format.
  22. Chelle B

    The Future Of Marriage Gets A Lift

    Hmmm, a man with skin like ours and steel underneath..... Ok - I'm in!
  23. Chelle B

    OK when is enough, enough??

    When we bought this house, I didn't even let me hubby see the master closet - he has to use one in the guest room, lol. I have decided that I finally have enough clothes and will not (I hope) buy more for a while. I have shoes for an army, and too many purses. And I love all my stuff!!!
  24. Chelle B

    Help me come up with a new SN!

    I am completely uncreative this morning, just wanted to say it is nice to see you back!

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