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Chelle B

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chelle B

  1. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    So far so good! I am being ever so careful this time around, drinking liquids every hour and will progress slowly. I think I would feel like a failure if this one had to be removed! Patience is a virtue, unfortunately just not one of mine.
  2. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    I can't imagine eating chicken six days post op. Not sure if I will be able to eat chicken 6 days post fill. I researched long and hard before committing to major surgery, and still I had lots of questions. I am very thankful to those people who answered my posts. The information was sometimes inaccurate, but it gave me a starting point for research and helped me decide when to try something, do more research or call my doc. There were a few people who truly made a difference to me in those early days, and some who still do now. It's sad that I am so hesitant to mention names nowadays, even to recognize good peoples, because it might start another controversy. There is one person in particular who was so honest and so good to me in the beginning, and she no longer posts on OH. She is one of the reasons I stay around, to give back to others who need support.
  3. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    OMG - that one was totally strange. And very defensive, so I had to wonder "troll?".
  4. Chelle B

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    I read 4-5 books a week, 3 newspapers, and many magazines and of course the internet. Sometimes I even talk to people. Weird, eh? I am currently reading or just finished: Extras, by Scott Westerfield I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This!, by Bob Newheart Marley and Me, by Josh Grogan Garden Spells, by Sarah Addison Allen a variety of Lean Six Sigma books and a re-read of all James Patterson books Ok - I really like mind candy
  5. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    You can't be on THAT team - it won't fit on the T-Shirt! :Banane10: I am on the likes-most-everybody-loves-good-debate-hates-mean-people team. Oops, I did it again.... I threw humor into a debate situation. Somehow I don't think I will ever be able to stop doing that.:heh:
  6. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Not sure what your point is. I accept all friends requests and have 366 on my list.
  7. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    I agree totally.
  8. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Hey - I'm waiting for you....
  9. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Hey! You caught on to the format much faster than I did!
  10. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Hey, I 100% agree with that. Nobody should be allowed to selectively remove posts by other people - it distorts the picture and yes, leaves things up in the air.
  11. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Thanks - I just did. Those are very inspirational!
  12. Chelle B

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    101 lbs - so far
  13. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    In keeping with my commitment to ME, I will answer this question instead. How would I feel is anybody made up medical information about me and used it against me? I would be f***in furious; and I would contact the person directly first. My next actions would depend on the results of the one-on-one. I am weird perhaps because I follow the Stephen Covey 5th habit: "The single most important principle in the field of interpersonal relations is this: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Most people listen, not with the intent to understand, but with the intent to reply." I'm not perfect at this and never will be, but I have to keep trying. It gets easier with time. And it is a reason I felt comfortable coming here and engaging you guys - and I do better understand now. Century Club is wonderful and it will just get better and better from here! For my birthday next year, I want the girls perked up where they should be.
  14. Chelle B

    Gotta love the band!

    That is so sad and scary!
  15. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Yeah, I just don't get it. It is more self-rewarding to be happy and open to people than to be antagonistic. I don't know if I am in the minority or just a weirdo to enjoy the good parts of life so much!
  16. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Nancy, I was beginning to think it would never happen. I am so glad that we bandsters don't have to deal with a "window of opportunity".
  17. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Thanks, Susan!
  18. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    My opinions: I detest liars in any form or fashion. Some people lie to save themselves. Understandable, yet still disgraceful. Trolls lie. People with hidden agendas lie. Manipulators lie most of all, because they are lying to themselves as well. I dislike cyber-bullies. They are cowards and generally very different in person. Nancy is right about the dangers of calling someone out. We've seen it up close and I will be very careful in the future to stay away from potentially bad situations. I see from the posts on here that some would be thrilled if I could be provoked into saying more, but all the sarcasm and pushing is not going to change how I feel. I really don't want to battle with anybody - life is much too short for that. Right now I am thrilled the scale is moving again after months of a plateau and I want to enjoy this day. Sometimes I am selfish that way.
  19. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Thank you so much - it has been a long and difficult year healthwise, and I am now seeing the end of the tunnel.
  20. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Oh please, ask me about something unrelated to Wendell. He knows darn well that I won't answer anything about him and he knows why. Please don't get me started or the dam will burst and I really don't want to go there ever again. I have put that chapter of my life behind me. And I am trying to be as sincere as I can with you. Perhaps Nancy can answer this one. And I have no doubt people here will crucify me for my non-answer, but I truly can't go there again. Not in a public forum. Not in a PM. And for the good news - if anybody here cares - I hit the Century Club finally - I am down 101 lbs!
  21. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Uh-oh, what are the guidelines?
  22. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Surely not.... Perhaps just testing new folks to this forum...
  23. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Sorry, Nancy - I started it by asking. Didn't think anything of it. :faint:
  24. Chelle B

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Great site - very enjoyable! Any plans for the weekend?

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