Hi Domenic I had my surgery done in Hamilton, ON. I first saw my family doctor in Feb 2013, she finally finished my referral to the bariatric registry in June 2013. It took her a bit to figure out what she was doing for the referral. I received my orientation date for the Guelph clinic in Sept 2013. I requested a transfer form Guelph to Hamilton because of privacy issues, I know people that work at the Guelph hospital that do not need to know my business. I went for my first appointment at the Hamilton clinic in Dec 2013, I thought because of the transfer it would be a lot longer getting in. I had my surgery on May 2, 2014.
I do believe the process time varies from region to region, but the sooner you get the ball rolling the better. I have found form listening to people in the clinic waiting room, if you do what your told, don't whine and complain you might just move along the process a bit quicker. I also jumped on getting any test and blood work done right away so I had all of it completed when I had my first few appointments.
Wish you luck in your journey, I don't regret any of it.