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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Nicole518

  1. Hi! I am new. I had my sleeve done on 5/29. I am down 18 pounds. I am meeting my Protein requirements every day, and almost meeting the minimum Fluid requirement (48 oz). Pain level is pretty bad right now, but I did a lot today. I have three little ones, and as of today, no more babysitters. So resting is not an option. I walk...a lot! Just wanted to introduce myself. :)

  2. Hello! I am new here. My name is Nicole. I had my sleeve done on 5/29. My pain level is generally okay, but when I turn or try to lay down in bed, I get this horrible shooting pain where my internal incision is. It is so bad right now that I can't move. It feels like the incision is tearing. I don't know if this is just a sharp pain or if I should be more worried. Pain medication hasn't helped much with this particular pain.

    Thanks for your help.

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