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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mayshula

  1. Looking for Oregon supporters. Any out there?

    Omg! I found people from oregon finally. I would love some support I live in salem oregon it would be so great to connect and maybe plan a get together. It would be great to hear from people who r going through a similar process. My friends are great and do their best to support me but no one will get it unless they r going through it. This is my email melinaleon81@hotmail.com

  2. Miss Mac any chance u know my ex? U just described him lol. Happy to be far and away from him which is so sad to say but one of the best decisions o made in my life. What ever u do even when it's harder alway choose yourself over anyone else!

  3. Hi I live in portland and also had my surgery out of the country.. Would love to connect with you

    It would be great if we can connect! It's always nice to talk with people who are going through the same process. Do u use myfitnesspal? This is my user name siemprechapina u can find me there or just add it @hotmail.com so u could email me if u would like to communicate with me????

  4. *Being 345lbs at 27 and my ginocologist told me there is nothing wrong with u u just are too fat and if u continue this way u will die soon! I know direct but I needed it!

    *Losing 120lbs gaining 60 a few months later losing 80 lbs again gaining 20 once more I was done dieting as extreme I was doing it for 5 years I wanted to enjoy life not just exercise and diet every single day and avoiding social life because it would get me out of my diet.

    *feeling rejected even for people I love and know they love me

    Now I'm 32 years old I got my sleeve done 3 months ago I have lost 50+lbs and feel great at 182lbs I still have a way to go but it was the best decision I could of make to give myself a second chance to live and this time in a healthier way!

  5. I agree with u I like to know how many calories an taking in! I used myfitnesspal I have been doing that for about 4 years and I love. With my vgs I have a hard time getting 1200 calories in, but I don't want to get sick either so I'm trying every day I have been reaching my goal of 100 grams of daily Protein but is so hard. Sometimes I think I'm afraid of food because I don't want to stretch out my stomach???? I know it sounds crazy but that is what the crazy voice in my head tells me! U sound really active...i love to exercise too and love riding my bike after 17years! My username in myfitnesspal is siemprechapina or we can connect through Facebook too. It would be great to talk with someone who is going through a similar process!

  6. I'm having a hard time eating enough, I was getting about 700 calories daily and burning about 800 with exercise. My nutritionist told me that for the quantity of exercise I'm doing I need to eat from 1200 to 1500 calories so I'm not running my body on empty it sounds too much for me I have to put 100 gms of Protein if I want to keep exercising the way I do which is 1.5hr of cardio 5 to 6 times a week! Is any one out there eating about that same amount of calories? I'm afraid I will stop losing weight and I'm doing really good but I don't want to hurt myself either by not eating enough! I got the surgery to be and feel healthy but it looks like I like extremes! I don't know what to do ????

  7. I would love to lose more around my waist and bum. My ass is holding on for dear life. LOL! I seem to lose from the top down. Sorry boobs, apparently you got voted off the island.

    Congrats on your losses so far!

    Haha its great to read all this omg! It helps me so much...I am losing from my waist down but my boobs are not going anywhere they now seem extremely huge! I like my big boobs and have always embrace them but I'm getting disturbing looks and I hate that! I'm not losing pounds but inches and sizes for sure size 12 is getting big for me now and that makes me happy! We can do this people...stay strong!

  8. Ok So, I've heard all about the stupid stalls. I am 9 1/2 weeks out and have lost 36 lbs as of this morning but I have not lost an ounce in three weeks. Help!!! I am so discouraged at this point that I don't even know if I am coming or going. I try to remember that not only did I have surgery but I have bought a house, and I am working super long hours but I wonder how long before I start losing again. I am living on around 450 calories per day and I always thought that if you consumed less calories than you burn the weight will come off. I know that just breathing I am burning more than the 450 calories that I am taking in. Its very frustrating.

    What my nutrición is told was that I was eating to little calories. I was doing the same thing now I'm eating between 700 and 1000 sounds like a lot but if u eat the right ones it will help, more Protein less carbs. Don't get discourage it's part of the process! Stay strong!

  9. I am finally in onederland! I am so happy I had no seen a 1 like the first number on my scale for 17 years it was a big deal for me. I cried for a few minutes cuz I couldn't believe it. I don't regret doing this surgery at all I have lost 36lbs so far this is my 7th week and I am already back at the gym just doing 45 mins on the elleptical I also ride my bike to my work and walk during lunch time some days, I'm having a hard time drinking my Water though. I'm in a low carb high Protein diet. I'm so ooo happy! I wish u all the best keep going and stay strong even if the scale doesn't move as fast as we want!

  10. Hi, this is my first time on this app. I really am glad to find support. I am 7weeks out yesterday. I have lost 35 lbs. I lost that in the first couple of weeks. I haven't lost but a pound since. Has anyone els experienced this lag?

    I am also 7 weeks out, I was stuck for almost 3 weeks then I weighted and 5lbs were gone! It's normal don't worry just keep eating healthy and exercising. I think the exercise is what helped me to get out of that stall! Good luck

  11. I told everybody at work that I had done it. I hate lying and once you start with 1 lie you feel you have yo keep going. I decided to tell them because I am the only one that can decide in my life and I had wanted this surgery for a long time! People will always judge you, but hey if you are happy don't worry about what other would say or think. You can also say you don't want to talk about personal stuff. What ever you decide to do do it because you want to not because you feel pressure and be happy with yourself! Good luck!

  12. I had my surgery on May 6 and so far so good, I have a question has anyone tried trop50 orange juice. I have a problem with taking my meds at night and so I tried taking it with this juice vs. Water and it seemed to do better, however im new to the whole watching my sugar intake and watching carbs and calories. I just don't want to take in too much this soon, Is this juice ok to drink?

    Calories 6.3

    Total Fat 0.0 g

    Saturated Fat 0.0 g

    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0 g

    Monounsaturated Fat 0.0 g

    Cholesterol 0.0 mg

    Sodium 1.3 mg

    Potassium 56.3 mg

    Total Carbohydrate 1.6 g

    Dietary Fiber 0.0 g

    Sugars 1.3 g

    Protein 0.0 g

    My doctor and nutritionist said i can't hace any citrus just yet. I have the same problem with taking my meds with Water so i user hibiscus ice te and that helps a lot plus it helps me with my water intake I'm having a hard time with that! Good luck

  13. Has anyone had any issues with your veins near your IV site. My veins over my wrist where my IV went in on that hand are really really sore today like I can barely move my wrist without them hurting. It's a little bit puffy and my hand itself is ok with the veins over where my wrist bends are really sore. Anyone have any medical knowledge of what this might be. I don't wanna make big deal out of it if it's nothing but its weird that it showed up 10 days after surgery

    My vein hurt really bad for the first two weeks! It will get better, by the third week I had no pain. Good luck

  14. I too am in the same boat. Sleeved on May 14th lost 16 ills in the first 13 days.....then ..... Nothing , nada, zelch. I know it's common to be in this stall and that it will start to come off again, but I can't stop my mind from thinking I wil be the one that this fails on. Like everyone else. I am averaging -600-700 calls a day, 60-65 gms of Protein and 8 glasses of Water a day.

    I have been having avocado as well, and will eliminate this as another posted suggested for now.

    I just hope and pray that my weight loss kicks in again. Sad in Canada.

    Gosh I'm still stuck too! It's driving me crazy how can u ladies get the 70 grams of Protein without exceeding 700 calories I cant! I'm starting the gym next Tuesday finally, I'm so ooo ready to go back to my routine! I just hope I start losing weight soon! But hey we are doing maybe not as fast as we would like it but we r doing it! We can do this!

  15. I am 3 days almost 4 post op. My family just left today to Disneyland. I feel SO depressed. I wish I hadn't made this decision. I feel so lonely. I don't feel well at all & feel so lightheaded & faint. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. My mother had offered to stay behind with me but I know she needed this break. I have to fight my tears when they call. I know I sound so childish but I'm not sure I made the right choice. I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

    I think we all have been there. It is ok to be scare after all is a big change in our lives. I live alone and I don't have family in this country but my dreams of a healthier me keep me going. Think about your final goal and how proud you will be of yourself once you reach it. We all had have does fears you r not alone! Plus we r here to support you and we all will get through this together! Stay strong! !!

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