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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jboyd2014

  1. My surgery is booked for August 4 and here are some things that I can't wait for or even imagine doing! 1. Crossing my legs 2. Putting on shoes/ runners without discomfort 3. Wrapping a normal towel around me and it fitting 4. Not wearing a seat belt extender on the plane 5. Not worrying about sitting on camping chairs 6. Not worrying about bumping into people 7. My knees not hurting when I walk 8. Loving walking my dogs it's dreadful now 9. Not being ashamed and wondering if people are talking about me 10. To love my body instead of hate it 11. A better relationship with food I currently hate food and what it does to me
  2. I started this on June 8 and we are November 23 and I've hit every single one of my nvs items! Wow
  3. Jboyd2014

    OVER 300 lbs

    I started at 331 my heaviest- surgery aug 4 2014 was 302 today 255lbs
  4. I'm excited to be writing this as I approach my two month anniversary from surgery. I'm doing wonderful! I feel fantastic and have dropped a ton of weight and am starting to see some of my early on goals met. I couldn't have imagined 2 months ago that I would have met some of these items but I did. Now to make some new items on the list..
  5. Jboyd2014

    2 weeks postop update!

    How's the post op going?
  6. I'm 4 weeks post op and had a number of items on my list. Sit on a plane without a seat belt extender - did that today Cross my legs when I sit - did that today Going for walks comfortably Those are a few I have already hit
  7. Jboyd2014

    Canadian Looking for answers

    I had my VSG done in Tijauna 3 weeks ago. My regular physician along with the company that I went through is doing after care. I have contact with the surgeon if needed, but haven't needed it. who did you go through. Oh and I'm in Canada.
  8. Jboyd2014

    Arg I cheated!

    I'm upset with my self I'm 2.5 weeks post op and I poured my son a bowl of chips and popped one in my mouth! I guess out of habit as I didn't realize it until it was too late.- I'm still on liquids until next week, at which time I move to full liquids. Hopefully all is okay and I don't do damage!
  9. Jboyd2014

    Arg I cheated!

    I didn't die, my stomach is fine. I worry about leaks when the swelling goes, I worry that I did some damage. But I don't think I did. I start full liquids next week and can't bloody weight. this has been a long three weeks!! the next shall pass a little quicker as there is more variety in the diet then I'm on to 1 week of softs, and then regular food! Whew! THis has been a lot of work and a definite challenge.
  10. Jboyd2014

    2 weeks postop update!

    I'm down 28 lbs since surgery!!!
  11. Jboyd2014

    2 weeks postop update!

    I had my surgery as well on aug 4. They have me on liquids for another week yet! I can't wait to start full liquids!!!!
  12. Jboyd2014

    August Sleevers Check In

    Surgery was aug 4 still on clears off them next week! I'm craving real food something fierce!!!
  13. Mine was August 4. Just 1.5 weeks and lost 14 lbs. I'm on clears for another 2 weeks. Feeling great except for lack if energy! Less or virtually no calorie intake = tire body! Good luck you will soon see those little victories
  14. I was sleeved aug 4! All is well on a three week liquid so sick of broths!!!!
  15. Had my surgery on August 4 and have hit some items on my list! yippee!!!
  16. Jboyd2014

    Weak and nauseous

    I also am 6 days out. However my surgeon put me on a clear liquid for 3 weeks. She told me that eating anything with protein will not be good to my new tummy. Perhaps it's the protein or dairy as I feel great! Good luck
  17. Jboyd2014

    August Sleevers !

    I had the sleeve yesterday doing pretty good. Pain is manageable, lots of gas pain! But all is well. They are sending me for a leak test tomorrow and hopefully I get discharged.
  18. I had to have my pre op diet and do it for 2 months. I was surprised at the ease it was done. for instance my diet the first month was a high protein diet under 1000 calories a day and less than 50 grams of carbs a day. then I moved onto a more strict diet which was a liquid diet / soft foods under 800 calories a day less than 35 grams of carbs meeting 80-100 grams of protein a day. this was hard, but i did it. then the final 2 weeks, and I'm off to surgery on monday, was a clear liquid diet. Jello, broth and protein shakes. that's it! total loss 30lbs and i'm okay. good luck!
  19. Jboyd2014

    August 11th!

    Wishing you luck! I go August 4, 2014. Just finishing my pre op diet and down over 20 lbs.
  20. So I haven't hit a lot of the items I posted but I have hit a few. I head for surgery in less than a week. I'm down 15 lbs in 5 weeks! I can now put my shoes on without discomfort and walk my dogs without pain!
  21. Jboyd2014

    August Sleevers Check In

    Ok started liquids today! Missed the sensation of chewing at supper tonight! Hope it goes away- not hungry tho
  22. Jboyd2014

    August Sleevers Check In

    I'm starting my liquids on Monday. Just finished a 4 week high protein diet. The first two weeks basically had me figuring out what I could and couldn't eat so I didn't seem to loose much. In the last week though I dropped 6 lbs. I was down another 1 lbs today. I guess that is mainly water weight? My bladder seems to be going every hour so I guess that would justify the weight loss? Like I said on Monday I start liquids I'm a little scared. I'm scared I'm going to miss chewing; I'm scared I'm going to be hungry, I'm just simply scared!
  23. Jboyd2014

    August 2014 sleevers!

    I go for surgery aug 4 - in Mexico with dr pompa! Anyone else with dr pompa? Also on a 6 week pre op! Week 1 was hard this week so far ok- down 1 lbs .
  24. Jboyd2014

    August 2014 sleevers!

    I'm scheduled for aug 4. Just started a 6 week per op! So far it's been hard but mainly because I'm on holidays right now for a wedding! I'm home next week so hopefully I can kick it into high gear!

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