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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Teresita

  1. It is unfortunate that weight gain is a side effect with so many medications but you need the meds. Your choice on getting banded is not based on 1 year of weight gain, it is over time of playing with your weigh that has brought you to this choice. Keep moving forward in what is best for you and your health.

  2. You know you don't need that equipment to get your exercise in. Moving alone is a work out. You are doing great and to only have gained 2 pounds on vacation was excellent. Keep up the great work and stay motivated.....keep moving that body.

  3. We had a great circuit training workout last night. I loved it, I can see me and my daughter doing that one. OK this is what we did.

    Hands against the wall as if you are going to do a wall pushup instead lift your knee to your chest and 1 2 3 4 ....10 swictch other kneee and 1 2 3 4....10

    Feet together and step right foot out and back together and the left foot out and back togther and out and in out and in out and in right and left righ and left 20

    Fist in front of you to punch so twist to the left and puch right arm, twist to the right and punch left and go left punch and right punch left punch and righ punch 20

    March in place, and march and march and march and march.

    All of this can be done while sitting also. Oh yeah the stretches felt good also...whewwwww good work out. I can see myself doing these at home, dare I say everyday:cry

    You know I am going to do this at work today. So hourly, 2 minute training today.


  4. Well let's see you are under 300 pounds.....you are in the 200's now. That sounds good.

    You are doing 30 minutes a day. That sounds good. Depending on what you are doing. You may be building muscle, therefore you will see the inches leave faster then the numbers on the scale. Add in another 30 minutes of straight cardio and I bet you will see those numbers change. Walk or job in place for 30 minutes.

    Snacking while cooking, those are calories especially if you are still trying to eat dinner after doing so.

    After every post you should type the word "patience".

    Hugs and kisses, you are doing great, keep it up.:clap2: :clap2:

  5. Saturday morning walk was good. I was fired up because I am not walking through the week. It was warm out but I had to get it done. I walked fast and still 1 hour. I was determined to do more so I went to the track and did 1 mile. I was going to do another but the sun hit me and I said nope that was enough. LOL Sunday was gorgeous, it was 68 but felt like 78. LOL It felt good to walk, I have been going to the park long of enough now that I am a regular. There are just some folks you see every week and you wave, nod or say good morning. It puts that smile on your face and makes you feel good that your are a part of the little people. I am still the biggest one down there but that is ok because I am getting healthier and stronger. I'm excited about the weather changing so I can walk after work again. I need to find a walking buddy. I like walking by myself sometimes but I know that someone else would push me to speed up when I don't want to.

    Office walk/jog today

    8:05 6min




  6. First of all I want to say congratulations on your band. Yes it is a slow process but you can help to shape your body and speed it up a little. We will discuss that in a minute.

    This is clearance time in the stores, they are changing over to the fall clothes. If you squeeze out about $15, I don't know if you have financial retraints, go to whatever stores you like....walmart...target....fashion bug...torrid....avenue....lane bryant....ok that's enough. You will find something you like around $15, I did, now I can't stop going. You don't have to lose weight to buy yourself something. You need to feel good in process of losing also. 1 thing, just one little top will make a big diffrence. Once you have lost some weight and can see it, you are going to want to do something for you. You don't have to wait, a new haircut, lipgloss, earrings, just do something small for you right now because you are worth it.

    Your co worker, you could take her under your wing and you guys would be good for each other. You could start off by making her a walking partner or a exercise check in partner. That is when you guys don't actually exercise together but you let each other know what your going to do or what exercise you did do that day. Later, you may feel more comfortable with telling her. I tell everyone but that is just the type of person I am. I want to help others because weight is such a personal and lonley issue.

    Suggestions to get the maximum bang from your band.

    *Drink your water

    *Take your meds and or vitamins

    *Eat or drink your protein first and keep low carb, don't junk it

    *Exercise everyday (walking is excellent soft cardio but if you can do more then do it, lifting light weights to start are great, just keep moving and make it fun, it makes all the diffrence in the world)

    *Keep food journal and exercise journal (you can keep those here or go to the various threads to post it)

    *Get your fills when you are suppose to

    *Love yourself right now, tell you everyday you love you and do things for you to show that, ie eating properly, exercise, drinking your water

    Big Huggs and Good Luck, you will do well. LBT is a great tool if you use it.

  7. I was drained when I got home yesterday. I said ok I will just sit for a little while. I got up to start cooking, almost finished I laid down for a few minutes. I got up ate, kept thinking about exercise, didn't do it. Then I decided the place was a mess. So I made the child do the dishes and vacuum. LOL I mopped the kitchen floor, the bathroom sink, the tub. Put away all the clothes in the living room. We take off our clothes in the living room evidently...LOL OK cleaned my placed.

    2 minute walk/jogs in place hourly today




    12:30 I'm gonna have a mile before I leave here today.

    2:15 1 mile so far (wow jogging is good)


  8. You are almost there, just hold on. Try on a t shirt that really fits and make that your measuring tool. Once the weight begins to slowly slide off, you will see that t shirt get looser and looser. That will be your greatest reward for not have Divinity. Huggggssss

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