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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Teresita

  1. I thought obesity was considered a disability in itself. Oh well thank God for your family. Just remember the band is not going to fix all your problems by itself. It is a tool and you have to work with it. Being self pay, how are you going to pay for the fills? Find a doctor near you that does fills before you get that band. You don't want a band and then can't afford to go get the fills.

    Find support groups, because you will still need to exercise and eat right. The motivation from support groups are great.

  2. WOW Avilla go with it, you may have to go to semi mushies. I can do fluids in the morning and I will try a little something for luch and I may still be too tight then so I will eat something like oatmeal or trail mix. Then dinner I'll have some salad, jello, pudding or ground turkey. Drink lots of water and you will see that scale drop.

  3. Excuse me, I don't think so lazy, sloth, oh yeah those are words of inspiration and encouragement....

    What is your goal?

    We both have 14 pounds to get to a major goal. I have 14 to go to get to 100 pounds gone and you have 14 to lose to be at your half way mark. Did you see that? 14pounds away from being half way there, that means you are at the summit of the mountain and you are getting ready to go down the hill to reach your goal. You have come to far to be looking backwards.

    You know how to lose this weight...where is your protein shake for breakfast, where are the handweights that you can be lifting in bed, watching tv, maybe at a sit down job on the phone. Come on, you have lost 63 pounds WTheck you go girl HALFWAY!!!!

    Mini goal, this is not the time to be messing around. Get up and run in place, when you go to the bathroom run in place, where is your water? Did you drink 64 oz.

  4. Congraulations on your fill. 13 pounds is more then a pound a week so you are doing great. You are just turning into a little butterfly now aren't you. Beautiful Avilla!! It sounds like it's time for some pics so you can see the diffrence in inches.

  5. I am so sorry that happend you. I know the feeling all to well. We beat ourselves up enough. We call ourselves enough names but no matter how man times someone calls us fat whatever, it still hurts as if it was the first time. Sometimes you don't feel it until you get home by yourself and then my personally will just break down. It hurts and I am so sorry.

    I had a driver calling me fat names yesterday also. Jerk Wipe

  6. There is not enough time for everything/.

    My life is full of me and weigh loss. What did eat, did I move enough to burn some calories, what am I going to eat for my next meal, what am I going to eat tomorrow, do I need to go to the store






    help others



    Thank God

  7. You haven't gotten on a scale yet, you don't know what it says. There is nothing wrong with a few globs of cookie dough. You have been doing a great job. Don't let this one day mess up your efforts. Today is a new day girl smile and look at what is ahead......a leaner you.

    Take all that you learned from the PT and burn those cookies off. Cardio, running up and down the stairs at home, weight resistance to build some muscle to burn those cookes. Salad today, protein shakes, lots of water to take in less calories for the cookies that you had.

    It is ok move forward, no one is perfect. If you are going to enjoy a treat enjoy it. Volunteering is a wonderful thing so don't stop.

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