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Blog Comments posted by Teresita

  1. I really enjoyed my Thanksgiving Day. :hungry: I plan on going walking today and this weekend.

    Piggyback off of Cha Cha dreams

    Tiny NSV's

    • Running up and down the stairs and am not ready to drop dead
    • Knees don't hurt as much when running up and down the stairs
    • The band keeps me from filling a plate up with food, woofing it down and then go back for more.
    • Private NSV for friend
    • Able to sit with one leg under me without my leg falling off dead
    • Able to comfortably do the sit sideway crossleg
    • The confidence is amazing, I know it is also the coming of age....40
    • None of my clothes are tight anymore. LOL
    • Did I tell you I love my collar bones. I can actually feel them and they are almost able to show all by theirselves if I position them right. LOL I'm so excited.:clap2:

  2. Oh Doug breath 1,2,3,4,5. OK let's see where to start. Stop hating on your friends girlfriend. Wouldn't you rather hang out with your girl then your boys. HELLO OK What you do for others, don't expect them to do the same for you. Everyone is not built that way.

    Where you give our blessings is not always where you will get them.

    I am so happy surgery went well but sorry you didn't have enought pain killers but at least it's over. Nexttttt, hey expected to hear about what you bought to shrink your liver.

  3. I like that title LOL

    I had a rough mental eating day yesterday....no excuses. I'm not sure why but weighing in may have had something to do with it.

    pepperjack cheese

    italian sausage(I boiled and broiled)

    crystal light


    soup(home made, potato,cheese, broccoli, mushroom)

    When I got home ice cream(egg nog was on sale) cake that I had baked for a friend who did not pick it up

    OK this may be an excuse but my eating may be a little off due to my condition of emotional eating (say with french accent). Holidays do give me serious mood swings. Happy one minute to downright crying and why am I here. Both of my parents are gone and it hurts. I am the youngest and we have a small family. I like the holidays but I feel releaved when they are over. So pray for me that I will exercise today and everyday here on out.

    I love everyone of you...ohhhhh yeah my weigh out

    383-373-377 I gained 4 pounds but I am actually ok with it. That means I was actually supose to have lost 6 pounds last week to keep off. This just means that when I get out of the 370'2 I will be out for good. I still can't believe I weight 3 hundred anything. LOL Recently I said I weigh 473 and my daughter corrected me and I actually had to think. WOW 459-377 yeahhhhhhh:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

  4. WOW on the cigs and the hot yoga. I couldn't do that, I would be in that room trying to pass out because I couldn't breath. LOL

    Hey Bullwinkle is quitting smoking also. Go check out her journal when you have time. I loved her entry for today. I don't smoke so I can't totally relate but I do understand addiction hence the 459 pounder.

  5. Your writting skills are great. Have you ever thought about writing a book or do you jornal a lot. I normally write down just quick thoughts but your journal is so much deeper. I feel like I am there seeing you go through all of this. Do you have someone to call when you want to smoke? I don't know if it would help but you might want to try it. I will call someone to keep my mind off of food sometimes. If I am on the phone I can't go to the snack shop.

    You are doing great. Just remember all the reasons you have quit....for this moment.

  6. Hey Leigh it's nice to meet you. Tia we already know each other, what's up girl. I wll have to be sure the number in my cell is the right number for you. I will talk to you sometime over the holiday. Alright Doug sleep tight for surgery and check back with us and let us know what all the nurses say about how big your heart is once they are inside. Big huggggggggs

  7. I am not going to comment on your craving because I give in but look for a lower calorie one. Good Luck

    Who's a failure.....not you. Where is my positive energy......when you have to post the negative get your positivity in there and give your affirmations

    "THIS IS MY TIME ON EARTH"!!!!! You stepped your steps, not theirs and guess what, you burned more calories then they did. LOL YEAHHHH

  8. I am nervous because tonight is weigh in and after losing 10 pounds last week I think it will be difficult to come up with another loss this week. I remember last Tuesday I didn't have time to eat but trail mix all day. Today I have cream soup, oatmeal and a sausage. Help me! I think I will jog in place perdiodically today.

    14 pounds wow WOW:D

  9. Ohhh Kutia the joy that is in my heart.......I love it, I just love it. Thank you for going to the gym. Please try to keep it up through this holiday. You will appreciate at it later. This will help to burn those extra calories you may take in during the holiday. Nothing says love like dedication and a smaller body. Love Me haha ha

  10. I love you guys, thank you for all of your comments and your encouragement.;)

    I am blessed by each one of you. :iloveuall:Thanks for allowing me into your journals. I learns something from each one that I read but mostly "I am not alone". We all go through the same struggles and we need each other. It is amazing how much love you can receive from a bunch of strangers LOL. Sincere Strangers LOL:p :) :eek: :(

    I thrive off of other people so you guys really keep me going.:humble:



    86 lost :clap2:



    14 to get to 100 :P



    123 to goal :nervous

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