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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita

    Working on it!!

    You are doing great, just keep it up. A protein shake once a day to replace a meal is always helpful for me. Just be patient with yourself.
  2. Teresita

    What R We Eating

    Thursday B Fruit (grapes, watermelon, canteloupe) S Sunflower seeds L Turkeyroni, fruit D Salad, turkeyroni, bacon S sundae
  3. Teresita

    What R We Eating

    I had the best watermelon and canteloup last night. A friends dad is going to North Carolina Friday and coming back the same day. Does any body want any? The watermelon was at least 2 feet long and the canteloups are big. I'm getting another melon and 2 loupes, I can't go wrong with fruit.....or can I ......nope.
  4. Teresita

    Enema anyone?

    I did not but after the gas I wish I had. A doctor her in DC suggested the enema and the person who did it was low on gas pain. If I had to do this over again I would do the enema. TMI I think.
  5. Teresita

    Biggest Loser Column

    August 2, 2006 Get Addicted Jen Kersey is a Fiber junkie and wants you to become one too. Doc-to-be Jen Kersey (Season 2) isn't afraid to say she has a problem. Yes, it's true. She can't put down the fiber. Morning, noon, and night, she's snacking away on foods that fill up her stomach and help keep the pounds off, post-show. Sitting down for a chat, she confessed that her biggest secret to losing weight was, "vegetables, vegetables, and vegetables." But she didn't stop there. "Make your sandwiches with high-fiber bread," she says. "It contains about 45 calories a slice. That way, you can have two slices of bread." When it comes to treats, Jen goes for the fruity fiber. "If you have a sweet tooth, eat fresh pineapple. Its sweetness is unbelievable!" So next time, you're shopping, do it Jen's way. Fill your cart with foods that can keep you on the weight-loss track: fruits, vegetable, and multi-grains. But remember, we warned you. Too much of a good thing is a good thing.
  6. Teresita

    Central Florida Lapbandsters?

    A girlfriend of mine is on her way down to Ft Pierce for the week.
  7. Teresita

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    I forgot to tell you that instead of saying bye to people I say Merry Christmas. I have been doing this for years. The person will look at me like I'm crazy then laugh and I say oh I allways say that. People who know me real well reply with Happy New Year so then I have to say another holiday like Happy Mothers day and we just keep going until we run out of holidays. When Christmas comes around I don't know what to say because it is not out of place. LOL I love being happy and making people smile.
  8. Teresita

    Hello, another newbie.

    Try intoducing yourself in the Florida Forum http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=30
  9. Teresita

    Hello, another newbie.

    Well honey you came to the right site. Now go look around and jump in. What state do you live in, if I may ask.
  10. Teresita

    Hello, another newbie.

    Nice to meet you kittylover. I hope that you are accepted and everything goes smoothly.
  11. Teresita

    LBT Charlotte Bandsters Picture Thread

    Awww the bondgirls are really growing, they are so cute. You girls are look good. Keep up the great work.
  12. Teresita

    Weigh In Corner

    Just what I expected to you, knowing that is not what I need. You know that is not what motivates me. You just kicking a poor gil while she is down. You know that is just going to drive me to some candy, now why would you want to do that. I need consoling, not a kick for real, but of course you would do it. I forgive you you because that is you. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah:think
  13. Teresita

    Poll zodiac sign

    Cancer I just read about my sign and wow, that's me. I like some of it and some of it ...I don't. But that's me.
  14. Teresita


    Awesome...:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I love it!!!!!!! I have to go do the same....President, hey what is the name of your company?
  15. Teresita

    Holy meth-addict Batman!

    It is great that you are doing constructive things with the surge of energy. Every now and then I feel like I want to just go run, yeah 389 pounds of me running down the street.....NOT!! You are an awesome lady, I am sorry you are dealing with all these issues. Great journaling and thank you for sharing it. Keep on smiling
  16. Teresita

    Liquids Day 5

    Oh great, she can walk with you after surgery. Be sure to let her know you have to walk often.
  17. Awwww I hope you got some good sleep. We all go through panic attacks about the surgery. We really don't know what the outcome is going to be. We pray for good results but sometimes people have serious complications or die. You have to weigh your options and only you can make the finally decission.
  18. Teresita

    2 pound gain

    2 pound gain and I am not happy. Going in the wrong direction. PMS is an excuse, mother nature is not funny. 60 May 25 June 39 July 50 August 459-389 I have got to get more walking in.....the weather is just not conducive to going out to walk. I'll get it. I *&%$#*( *#$ :mad:
  19. Teresita

    Weigh In Corner

    1 pound is one thing but 2 more. I will put a stop to that today. 389 today...kick me
  20. Go Josette Go shake it shake shake shake it.....don't do that right after you get the band:crutch:
  21. Teresita

    Weigh In Corner

    gunn4ya, that is an excellent attitude to have. That scale will start going down and don't forget about the inches. Girl it is time to change the picture and show us the new you.
  22. You are crazy, I loved it!!!! Hey did you know you are getting a band on Thursday? Congratulations!!!
  23. Teresita

    Liquids Day 4

    Kutia you are doing a great job on your liquids, keep up the great work. I see you have 2 days to go and I am excited for you. Have you started walking yet? If not start walking around in the house, up and down halls or just in place. The walking will be excellent for get the gas in your body to move out and it is a great way to begin your exercise to speed up the weight loss. Big HUGGGGGSSS Kutia!!!
  24. Teresita

    Notice the time of this posting...ugh!

    Poor thing, I hope the egg on you husbands head is ok. Think of the broken ac as a moving sauna...:straight it will burnnnnn some of the fat....I give up. I hope you get a cpap soon so you can get some sleep

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
