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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Teresita

  1. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Bandida keep doing what you are doing, you are a real motivator. LapBandFan Welcome Back. Your plan sound great, just remember...... WORD FOR THE DAY …..CONSISTENCY (the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation)
  2. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    People we have to put EVERYTHING together to make it work and do it EVERYDAY!!! You can’t do 1 thing today and not tomorrow then at the end of the week complain that nothing is working. WORD FOR THE DAY …..CONSISTENCY (the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation) People Exercise Everyday it is not an option. Eat right, if you don’t know what to eat, ask for help. Measurements- I need everyone to take measurements. Take as many as possible but take your waist if nothing else. We can’t let the scale always determine our mood for the day or week. The scale can make us eat wrong or not exercise out of discouragement but we have to learn how to get pass that to get to our goals. ARE YOU LISTENING!!!!! I do want you guys to start tracking your weight loss. If you can do it weekly great. If bi weekly or monthly is what you can do, I’ll take it. We know what to do and now we need to see what we are doing. ENCOURGEMENT is what we need and will give to make this journey. It is not easy so if you fall off please, please, please ask for help. If you go MIA we are going to come looking for you to pick you up, throw you over a shoulder and run with you. We are going to make it to Spring TOGETHER!!!! BOOYAAAAAA
  3. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    WOW I really enjoyed reading all the post. You guys are doing an inedible job encouraging each other. That is what it is all about. Keep it up; we can motivate some serious pounds off of each other.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Avilla I applaud you, that is what I am here for. To get in your head and make you move it. Come on girl 1 pound down is GREAT!!!! Your body has a lot of adjusting to do to lose a pound so give it some positive words of encouragement. When the scale doesn’t say what you want it to say. Kick it up a notch, if you do 30 minutes of exercise, later that day run up and down the stairs a few times and get that heart rate up for a few minutes each day. Ariel walking around campus is great exercise. Do you have a pedometer to see how many steps you are walking? Great job on staying away from that pizza. If you have difficulty with finding things to eat on mushies just ask somebody or check the food section. Keep up the great work. Morning great job on posting your food and calories. What about the Cadbury ….calories please? Keep up your streaking and you will see that scale go down. Morning I saw that about the Water. I heard that before because that is not the first time it has happened. A personal trainer told me that you should just drink water all down, not guzzle it. Morning I see you have a lot on your plate (no pun). Pray on the situation first and look at the positive at all times. I am here for when you want to babble. You have my number, just call me. Niecyrenee great job on the water. Keep on drinking because dehydration just messes with all your organs. I hope you got your dancing in. Kathyb CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 40 POUND LOST!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I am happy to see your are motivated and walking the walk…Get It!!!! Bandida Great job on posting your food. I am so happy to see you got some exercise in. Kareyquilts Great job!!!!! No I did not see the MOVIE popcorn. Hey you may need to talk to your doctor about your energy level. Journal your food, exercise, water and your moods and how you feel so your doctor can help you out. You may need some blood work done to see if you are getting all your nutrients. Maybe you need to smile a little more. LOL Reeizbooje Big HUGGGSSSS to you for sticking with your work out and see pass the scale. Keep it going and that scale will move down and your so will your clothes sizes. LOL
  4. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    OK PEOPLE THE WEEKEND IS NOT A TIME OF REST BUT A TIME TO KICK IT UP A KNOTCH!!!! I EXPECT EVERYONE TO COME BACK HERE MONDAY IF YOU CAN NOT POST THE WEEKEND AND GIVE SOME GREAT REPORTS OF BODY MOVEMENT AND STREAKING, Water DRINKING AND PLANNED MEALS!!!! READ THIS.... ONE..... MORE..... TIME..... I the undersigned swear once and for all I will finally commit to truely taking care of myself with water, food & exercise. I will not fail. I will do this. I PROMISE To exercise 3 to 4 times a week. I will get a calendar out & mark it everyday. I will walk or run. I will move my body anyway I can to burn enery. I will better my exercise time every 3 days by adding more minutes. I will eat less & more health than ever before. I will not buy fast foods. I will throw out the junk in my house.(My family can eat healthy with me:0) and or I will prepare my own meals as best as possible ahead of time. I will, I will, I will get all my water in everyday. Even if I have to drink 64oz at bedtime & pee all nite I will get my water in. The first time that happens I am sure I won't forget the following day:0) THIS IS LBT BOOT CAMP PEOPLE THIS IS OUR COMMITMENT If I faulter, I will not stop, but start IMMEDIATELY from that moment on to get back on track. NO EXCUSES. This is my time & I will see this promise through for MYSELF
  5. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Bandida you are almost there. You are going to well, just set small goals and reach them. Morning great job on your streaking.
  6. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Josette GOOD GIRL!! Yeah that was not even worth it. Good job on the water. Avilla that is excellent so I guess you will be sticking around and losing weight. Doctors orders!! Great Job Oakiefamily. I did the same thing. LOL Maysa thank you for checking in, job well done on the exercise. Turner grazing is not a meal. GET IT TOGETHER SOLIDER, NOW GO STREAK OFF THOSE CALORIES!! Morning I do slimfast in the morning because I am also tight in the am. Morning that would be so great if you are going to join a gym and GO.... If you are not ready for a gym yet don't do it. It will be a waste of money. Start something at home so that you have no excues about not being able to get out to get your exercise. But if you can make that commitment, GO FOR IT!!! I'm behind you 100%. julestw Congratulations on making the commitment to get it together now instead of waiting for Spring to kick down your door. Kareyquilts great job on the water aerobics. Keep it going.
  7. Wheetsin I am going to cover my floor with saran wrap and put on some footies. Come on family. Hi Catfish great job on the weight lost and good luck with the fill. Once you have your first one you will be fine.
  8. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Bandida I love the discipline of the newly banded. So fresh so clean. Welcome Aboard!!!! Losingjustme Teresita MorningFuneral OkieFamily Turner24 Niecyrene LapbandFan Josette Shellybeans Ariel Time2live Mysa Reeizbooje Kareyquilts Avilla Kathyb Cassandra Bandida
  9. Teresita

    Thank God Leigh is doing good.....

    I thank God for you Doug. You are an inspiration and we can all do this together.
  10. Teresita


    Bandida you have to do what works for you. I wasn't a gym person either. This is a little gym that is always empty. Maybe 1 person will be there or come in but it is ok because I am on a mission. I started out walking in the house and moved outside. I don't like to be watched or should I say didn't like to be watched. I realized that this is about me and I will never get to where I want to be, worring about other people. I am going to try to go to Ballys before this 8wk pass is up. 3 miles anywhere is excellent, keep it up.
  11. Teresita


    I went to the gym this morning but the big treadmill was not working so I got on the elipt, small treadmill for 5 min and the bike for 5 and did arm weights. I need more cardio this week if I am going to lose 4 pounds. It is going to be cold the weekend so I am not going to the park. I need more cardio!!
  12. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Josette you are funny. I wish I had been in the military then I would have some discipline. WHAT your toast was 630 calories????? What kind of toast was that? I went to the gym this morning had a slimfast for breakfast and now I am muching on grapes. I'm not sure whats for lunch but I'm thinking, soup or cereal or meat and cheese. I'm going back to the gym for lunch so I will eat afterwards. I really need to set up some exercise at home for the evening and weekends.
  13. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

  14. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Losingjustme Teresita MorningFuneral OkieFamily Turner24 Niecyrene LapbandFan Josette Shellybeans Ariel Time2live Mysa Reeizbooje Kareyquilts Avilla Kathyb Cassandra
  15. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Cassandra Welcome Aboard all you need to do is read post #1, make the commitment to do as it says, sign it and fall in. Everyone should read Post #113 “SparkStart Workout” Time2Live you are doing a great job. Keep posting, you are keeping me motivating me. Josette- thanks for the swing WEEEEEEEEEEEE Oakiefamily STREAK CHALLENGE Turner 24 great job!!!! You will reach your goals in no time with your work out attitude. Keep it going so it can rub off on all of us. Put your ticker in your signature block so it will come up every time you post. Hey Avilla that was MorningFuneral with the cucumber salad. Avilla your food is looking good. Be sure to adjust calories and exercise periodically so your body does not get use to it. Great Job!! Cassandra what is that hanging out of your mouth? Is that a coke… you said you know, HELLO how many calories was in there. Those calories could have been used on something else and we will not talk about the carbination. Kareyquilts I am going to get my exercise kicking your butt. Food is looking good but exercise is what is going to make that body you are hoping for. I HOPE you do some exercise today. YES MAM? Niecyrenee I am so glad to hear that you are fine. Any walking is good. Keep on peeing. OK we got a STREAKING CHALLENGE....I SEE 3 PEOPLE IN IT. COME ONE PEOPLE, EVERYBODY STREAK TODAY!!!!!
  16. Teresita

    jan 13,-17

  17. Teresita

    Write To Karen

    You don't have high blood pressure or boarderline pressure problems? If so it would be helpful. Kaiser and a lot of insurance companies or even surgeons require the 6 month doctor supervised diet. So I think you see your doctor or nutritionist once a month to see how you do. Be sure to tell your doctor about your knee so he can make note of it everytime. Have you checked the insurance thread? Just stay on this site and research everything you can.
  18. Teresita

    Write To Karen

    You are welcome hun. Get a referral asap to see a nutrionist and start your 6 month journaling. Everytime you see your doctors you have to let them know how much your weight bothers you. What co morbidities do you have?
  19. Happy 8th Anniversay Sisters4Sisters, Inc. Join us as We Celebrate 2007 It's Your Time To: Let Your Light SHINE ! & REFLECT ~ RENEW ~ RESTORE ~ RECONNECT To Your Godly Destiny Dyanmic Speaker- Special Guest Artist- Self Discovery Workshop- Luncheon & More Our Mission for 2007 To Pursue with Passion and Precision our Presdestined Purpose in this Time of Divine Overflow and Destiny. Capture Your Moment...This it YOUR Time ! Saturday January 20, 2007 1:00- 3:30 pm The Greenbelt Library 11 Crescent Road- Greenbelt, Md Reserve your FREE Ticket (s) Today ! Join Us as the Vision Continues..... Register Online Join us as we make a pact...To Lose Weight for Maximum Health and Happiness... We can do it...What do you have to Lose but Some Weight ! Special Guest Trainers, Nutritionists and More You are not Alone...Let's Do This ! Greenbelt Library 11 Crescent Road Greenbelt Maryland Register Onlinehttp://www.sisters4sisters.com/calendar.asp
  20. Teresita

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Give Your Workout a SparkStart 5-10 Minutes to Major Momentum -- By Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer Can you relate to any of these scenarios? Alice is feeling overwhelmed because she has a lot of weight to lose. She doesn’t know where to begin, so that frustration has prevented her from even starting an exercise program. Sherry exercises for 30 minutes 3 times a week, but doesn’t feel like exercise is part of her daily routine. She’s looking to make it more of a habit. Bill can’t seem to find the motivation to get started with a program. He doesn’t think exercise is really going to make him feel any different, so what’s the point? Jane has decided to start an exercise program, so she goes to the gym 2 hours every day for a week. At the end of the week she is tired, sore and already burned out. She doesn’t make it to the gym again for several weeks. These scenarios are all very common. Many people have problems developing a consistent exercise routine—whether they just don’t know where to begin, or don’t know how to make exercise as natural as brushing your teeth every morning. Still others just need a boost of motivation and energy now and then. If finding the motivation to work out seems like a daunting task to you, here’s a great place to start: 5-10 minute "SparkStart" workouts! Although 5-10 minutes will not give you immediate weight loss results, it will help you develop a routine and a foundation to build on. Sometimes all you need is a push in the right direction! A SparkStart gives Alice a very reasonable starting point. It helps Sherry stay consistent with her exercising throughout the week. Bill will notice he has more energy and feels better after his quick workout. And Jane will begin to change her "all or none" mentality and focus on small steps to develop a habit. So regardless of your current level of activity, a 5-10 minute SparkStart workout can be a great source of motivation and the "spark" you need to move your program into gear! Here’s what SparkGuy (SparkPeople founder and C.E.O.) had to say about the 5-10 minute workout: "You won’t immediately see big improvements from this, BUT it will help you turn exercise into a habit so that you don't need to keep going through the frustration of starting over. After doing this consistently for awhile, you'll start noticing small improvements that will motivate you to do even more - and your energy level will slowly start to increase. I've seen people get incredible results using this method." SparkStart workouts include easy exercises you can do at home when you get up in the morning, while you’re making dinner, or while waiting for the laundry to finish drying. Pick something you enjoy so you are more likely to stick with it. Below are some examples to help get you started. All of these workouts can be modified depending on your fitness level and time available. Workout 1: Light jog in place (2 minutes), jump rope (2 minutes), light jog (2 minutes) Workout 2: Sit-ups (2 minutes), 25 push-ups, sit-ups (2 minutes), 25 push-ups Workout 3: Light jog in place (2 minutes), 1 set squats (8-12 repetitions), 1 set lunges, 1 set squats, 1 set lunges, leg stretches (2 minutes) Workout 4: Take your dog (or just yourself!) for a quick walk around the block Workout 5: Walk/run up and down the stairs 5 times Workout 6: Brisk walk in place with arms pumping, knees up (3 minutes), 25 jumping jacks, brisk walk (3 minutes) Workout 7: Light jog in place (2 minutes), fast jog in place (5 minutes), light jog in place (2 minutes) More examples of strength training exercises and stretches can be found in the Fitness Resource Center . To give yourself a real boost, start an exercise "streak". Do some sort of activity every day (could be 5 minutes, could be longer) for as many consecutive days as possible. Challenge your family members or co-workers to see who can carry the longest streak! Post the number of days in your streak on your office wall or refrigerator door. It’s a good source of motivation and a great way to keep exercise in the front of your mind! So are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to "spark" your workout? There’s no time like the present, so get started today!
  21. Teresita

    Shut in due to weather?

    I'm going to take mine own advice and do the home workout this evening. I like circuit training.
  22. Teresita

    Write To Karen

    Hi PrazeDiva Crystalstar actually had to change insurance companies to have the surgery. I have a neighbor who had so switch from Kaiser to have her breast reduction. Crystalstar can tell you all that she had to go through but start documenting all appts and conversations with all contact with Kaiser. Good Luck
  23. Teresita


    I went to the gym this morning but the big treadmill was not working so I got on the elipt, small treadmill for 5 min and the bike for 5 and did arm weights. I need more cardio this week if I am going to lose 4 pounds. It is going to be cold the weekend so I am not going to the park. I need more cardio!!
  24. Jennifer 116 how are you doing today? Okiefamily ewwwww so sorry. Wheetsin your are a nut and I won't even sit in my own collapsable chair..
  25. Teresita

    Free Hugs

    Wheetsin thank you for the hug, I will send the $1 FedEX. Who said don't squeeze their band, you little penguin.. LOL Niecyrene you band has not slipped, you will be fine. Keep us update.

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