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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by munchkin392

  1. Anyone else having terrible insomnia this week besides me?
  2. Um, yes, I knew who I was talking to. You knew much more about all the diabetic testing than I did....I am only good at titrating insulin drips. So I declare you smarter! :crying:
  3. Oh yes, I forgot you have a weak nursie tummy. Good thing you weren't around for the shit elves this weekend then, because the shit elves went all over the floor and Steph stepped in it. Not good!:crying:
  4. The Sweetheart is fuller but the girls in the store told me that the Flirt is good for curvy gals like us also. I never got a pair but I trust the girl who told me that because she was on the curvy side herself. Now that I can fit in other jeans, I am not really getting Old Navy ones, because I have always had a really bad problem with them gapping out at the back. The other ones I tried on a bit ago were the Right Fit trouser jeans at Lane Bryant. They were a little too big on me in the crotch area, but everywhere else they fit FANTASTIC. Maybe try some of those, they come in all different shapes and sizes!! But go to the store and try those on in person because they have wierd sizing. Of course I would trust you, you are a nurse!! :crying: And cut from the same cloth as me...ok, so you are kinder, more understanding, smarter...but we still share the same warped sense of humor!:wink2:
  5. Oh, I hear you!!!! They used to want to float us to the ER and the Birthing Unit....now, just because we are ICU nurses does NOT mean we can competently work in the ER (ok, with a little orientation we probably could), and most assuredly NOT the birthing unit!!!! Hello!!!! We don't birth no babies!!! I am thrown into a panic if I am expected to take care of a baby (which we are not supposed to have to do but every once in awhile they sneak one in on us and break hospital policy). You should see me try to change a baby diaper, for crying out loud!! (Probably much like it would be for you to change an adult diaper, although you better practice because someday we may have to change Mini's for her!) :crying:
  6. I will take you up on the messing with the neighbors thing. In fact, maybe I will just fly you all here, and we can have one heck of a time messing with the neighbors!!! Waa haa haa!!! We would be their WORST nightmare if we were all together!!!!!:crying:
  7. Dee-That is awesome about your jeans!! Use the free return shipping and send them back and get a smaller size! Or better yet, go to the store and see if you can fit in the misses size 20 yet! The Sweetheart fit was the best for me when I was transitioning over into misses sizes. The Diva fit is a little snug. In all honesty, I am not consistently wearing a size 12, my other Gap jeans are size 14, but two different brands of size 12s is a good start. I can't believe it either. I was wearing a size 20/22 when you last saw me! :crying: I just gave the outfit I wore home from surgery to Goodwill last week!! I wish I had some good before pics, but I really don't. My aunt took a picture of me at Xmas last year (right after I was banded) that was absolutely horrifying-I may see if she can dig that up. (As much as I don't want to look at it!)
  8. Speaking of nurses knowing best....this weekend we had a patient with a recent diagnosis of lung cancer and he had a fairly radical removal of his lung with chest tube, etc. He had taken his oxygen off and his pulse ox was only 63%. He was not my patient, but I went in and told him he needed to put his oxygen on. He didn't do it. So I put it on for him, and he took it off again and slapped my hand away. I told him he needed to put it on or he was going to end up on the ventilator because he was desaturating so quickly. (I don't mess around when someone has a pulse ox of 63%...it is the one time I get really bossy). Then told me "I don't want an opinion from a NURSE, I don't care what a NURSE has to say, I want an expert opinion from a DOCTOR." Whoa....dude, if you haven't noticed, it is the nurses that are there with you 24/7, not your doctor!! I know I shouldn't have been offended by it, but I was....it was a slap in the face to all the nurses in the unit. Later on in the weekend I had a talk with him and explained to him that I know it was hard getting his diagnosis, etc, but that he was going to have to deal with a lot of doctors and nurses in the upcoming months, and he was going to have to learn to TRUST us a little bit. We also explained to him that generally you have to have a pretty functional brain to be an ICU nurse, so he needed to listen to us when we tell him to put his oxygen on, or he really will end up on the ventilator. I then had the DOCTOR he wanted the expert opinion from tell him the same thing in the morning. Oy......it is frustrating to be a nurse sometimes! Just had to vent that story to all my fellow nurses out there...
  9. Brandy- From an ICU nurses perspective, all things considered, it sounds like he is doing great. Sending lots of hugs, prayers, and love your way!! Oh, and tell him to LISTEN to the nurses and do what they say!!! No stubborn manliness is allowed right now! Your nursies know best! :crying:
  10. I am from the Quad Cities, not sure if you know where that is, on the northeast part of Illinois/northwest part of Iowa, about 3 hours from Chicago. I live on the Illinois side, but all you have to do is cross the bridge and you are in Iowa. I work in Iowa. I love the midwest too. I love Iowa especially. Guess that makes me a hick!:wink2:
  11. Um, I thought I was the only one lucky enough to be haunted by shit elves?
  12. I wish we had mountains to climb here. We just have cornfields. Oh, and soybean fields!! Woo hoo!!!
  13. Thanks for all the opinions on my boobie. I don't really have any reason to think something is wrong other than the fact that it hurts...the mammogram just put this thought in my head and now it is nagging me. After talking to my mom it is really nagging me. Especially after she told me they told her for five years nothing was wrong. That puts her at only slightly older than me when hers started. And what Dee said is correct...healthcare providers make mistakes every day. The mammogram is only as good as the radiologist reading it. And sometimes we do have to be our own advocates. I do believe they were pretty careful since they took a couple different views, but I also know the statistics on young women with breast CA and know it can't hurt to get another opinion. I would rather be proactive and be considered paranoid by the doctors than risk having any problems. I have just about every risk factor known for breast cancer, so how paranoid can they think I am? Mini-I know a couple excellent surgeons that I see all the time at work. I plan on asking one of them to look at my films and do a needle biopsy if they think it is needed. I trust either of them 100% so I will go with what they say. (Although, I do have to say they are not fans of the lap band...they are big duodenal switch advocates, so that kind of works against them...) Oh well, not everyone can be perfect like us!
  14. So I had a coupon for my fave store, NY & Co, so I headed there to see if they had any sweaters yet. They really didn't, but they did have these way cute wide leg jeans. I am really into the wide leg jeans this fall, even though I always have to get them shortened because I am a midget. I looked for a 14 in the ones I wanted to try, but all they had was a 16. Their jeans run small on me anyway, so I tried the 16. They were SWIMMING on me. So I tried on the 12, and holy crap, they fit!! So, I thought for sure this was a fluke. I bought two pairs of jeans at the Gap outlet when I went to Chicago a few weekends ago, and just got them back from the drycleaners from being shortened, and had not tried them on yet. I had bought a 14 and a 12. I tried on the 14 and they are too big already! The 12 fits perfect!! I almost pulled a Mini and pooed in my diapers girls!!! Another trip to the Gap outlet in Iowa City is in order, I hope they have the same jeans because I love the ones I bought and can't believe one pair is too big already. Miss Brandy-I am finally catching up with you! Oh, and I soooooo rubbed it in my sisters face. All these years she has made fun of me, even addressing Xmas cards to me as "Nurse Big Butt"...and I wear the same size as her skinny little Marine butt now!!
  15. What do you think it is? Hematoma? Cellulitis? Hmmm....
  16. Welcome to my life, this is how all my fills go....it is a big guessing game. And my doc doesn't like flouro for some reason. Probably because he wants the money for the fills and the repeat follow up visits. Greedy. Right now I am too loose after my unfill but I will not give him the satisfaction of being right after he told me it "was all in my head" when he had me filled too tight and I couldn't eat solid food for two weeks. I will wait for my follow up visit on Oct 2nd and tweak it a little then. Thank God he is only charging $65 now instead of the $335 he used to charge, or we would be having words!
  17. I just got off the phone with my mom, and she said that given the course of her breast cancer and where my new "density" is located I am not being paranoid, that I should have the films looked at by one of the surgeons I know just to be on the safe side. She said hers hurt just like mine has (my left breast hurts after I have been wearing a bra). And hers was in almost the same spot they saw this density at. And her gynecologist told her hers was a cyst for five years until she finally pressed the issue. She told me I am right to not want them to dismiss it so easily because of the birth control pills. Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?
  18. That is a fab story. It is my female lab that is a bit selfish (go figure). She often greets me at the door with THREE bones in her mouth. She is just not a one bone kind of gal I guess!
  19. Believe me, I HAVE thought about throwing things at her over the fence (mainly dog poop when I am out there picking it up) but I know for a fact it would not be worth it to get arrested over her. (As tempting as it may be...and it is!!!)
  20. Oh, swell is one word for them all right. I feel like I live in the movie "Deliverance" now....
  21. Well, after the radiologist having the tech take several different films of my boob (including one that rolls the tissue around that the tech referred to as a literal titty twister-pleasant), it has been deemed ok. But I still have a wierd feeling about it. I know I am being paranoid, but given my family history I think I am entitled to a little bit of paranoia. :thumbup:
  22. Well, it is as I suspected with the a-hole neighbors across the alley. They are buying the empty estate house next door for their daughter as I feared. She is my age and a complete beotch. She makes her mom look nice. They are over there cleaning tonight. So it's official-I am now going to be completely surrounded by them. Sigh. I think I may have to throw in the towel and sell my house and move. I don't think I can take being surrounded. I will go insane. Literally. Only I do not have the financial means to move unless I take my husband back. So it is a catch 22 in the worst sense. But...now that I know for sure that is the reason I got the letter demanding I move the fence...I could really drag this out for a long time if they decide not to drop the issue. My attorney told me if I make them take me to court over it they wouldn't even get a court date until probably December 2009 and they can't sell the house until then. Hopefully their lawyer will convey to them that it is in their best interest to drop it, but if not, I know I can make their lives equally miserable for awhile at least.:thumbup:
  23. Mini-bummer about your glucose, but maybe (crossing my fingers) it was a fluke. And the more weight you lose the better it will get!! And that is sooooo cool about the video! And you were worried you guys would end up on the cutting room floor!! What an awesome way to educate people about mental illness.
  24. I will be praying for you that everything turns out to be ok.
  25. Why yes, they do feel a bit furry after a 12 hour night shift. Maybe you are on to something here! They need to make it mint flavored though!

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