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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by munchkin392

  1. Um, I can't run for even a minute on my treadmill so you are doing FAR better than me!! :thumbup:
  2. Well, Bob works in scrubs in the ICU also, so you weren't totally off!! She is my prettier/skinner counterpart!! And "Aunt Bob" to the dogs! She is the one who lets them out during my shifts. Bob rocks!! (As to why we call her Bob...Her name is really Jen. When I started in the ICU, we had two Jens on night shift, and they would both always answer when you called their name. So I started calling Jen "Bob", and it just stuck. She is officially Bob now! Everybody we work with calls her that!)
  3. Awww Brandy....I'm feeling for you. Any word from the pathology report yet? Wasn't it supposed to be back today? But it's great that he farted! (We nurses get excited about the goofiest things, don't we? Pee and farts!) Hugs, hugs, and more hugs!!! (Oh, and no more ripping pieces of your abdominal cavity apart girl!)
  4. Well, I said I wouldn't do this until goal, and I don't have any full body pics, but here are some of the difference in my face. The first one was taken in November shortly before I was banded. The second one was taken last night (with no makeup on, what was I thinking?) The band is one of the best things I ever did for myself. Physically I feel so much better than I did a year ago. And it is nice to be able to wear cuter clothes too! :thumbup:
  5. Mal-thanks for the compliment!! My other neighbor who did my mammogram actually didn't recognize me! I had to tell her who I was!! But the evil ones know exactly who I am! :thumbup: I really didn't notice the change in my face until I saw the pics side by side! Now I need to find an old full body before pic and have someone take a new after pic! And I love that you said "fosho"! Did you see that movie Superbad? Hysterical!! No one ever knows what I am talking about when I say fosho unless they have seen that movie. Gotta love McLovin!!! Well, court was as expected. I interrupted my sleeping, got ready, drove all the way there, sat there for five minutes and then was told "Your attorney already appeared for you, it is set for trial on January 21st." Sheesh.
  6. Congrats my friend! I am so proud of everything you have accomplished!! You rock!! (And you are funny to boot, what more could you ask for?)
  7. Mini-I lost the pound I gained plus one more as of last night. I will weigh myself again this am and update you if anything has changed. I am thinking of you as you are drinking your icky glucose goo. I am going to go get ready for court now. Messing up my whole Friday sleeping schedule for me to be there for probably 10 minutes. Grrrrr. (Have I mentioned I am not a morning person?)
  8. My family loves der wienerschnitzel but the closed ours here some time ago. It is a family dream (ok, a family joke) to open one again. They couldn't figure out what my role would be in the business since I only know how to be a nurse, so I have been told I will be the weenie mascot that waves to people on the street. Nice. Deb, I think Tucker is milking this personally...:thumbup:
  9. About 5 hours of pain! Actually, the poem part didn't hurt AT ALL! It was amazing!
  10. I have to go to court in the morning so we are both going to have delightful mornings. :thumbup:
  11. Thanks for the compliments ladies. And Mini, I don't know about a rockin bod, but I DO have a waist now!! :thumbup:
  12. Puff Mini-good luck with your test tomorrow. That glucose would make me want to ralph at any time of the day, let alone on an empty stomach!
  13. And for you Puff Mini, new pics of my completed tat. The poem is really not crooked on the bottom, it is just the curve of my back that makes it look that way in the pic.
  14. Ok, hopefully this works since I am so computer/digital camera savvy. (Actually I am pretty digital camera savvy I just hate the one I have right now). Anyway, my aunt and I were looking through pics tonight on my camera, and she commented that she couldn't believe the change in my face from the pics from my friend Mollys wedding (which was shortly before I was banded in November. So here goes.
  15. Mal-It sounds like you and your son are doing some great things for his friend. And I am so glad that I am not the only one who has voices for my dogs...it turns out we are all flying our freak flags!!:biggrin:
  16. My mom had a cancerous mass that did hurt-for five years. That is why I would rather be safe than sorry.
  17. I work at the hospital in Bettendorf. Come visit me!!!! (And yes, it is snoozeville...just the way I like it in the ICU!)
  18. Well, you are right, we couldn't really be Puff Mama, Heavy DD and the 80 Talking Boobies without her. I think I am going to attempt to sleep or else I will not get anything accomplished tomorrow before I have to go back to work on Friday. I have been slacking all week! Night night! Sweet dreams!! And big hugs from Illinois!!
  19. You make a good point about it being all connected. I may have to call my very wise and very nice gyne. And you are right-Puff Mama would be joining in if she weren't unconscious right now! (Like we probably should be!)
  20. You know, everyone is going to be horrified with these multiple "TMI" posts when they read them in the morning!!:crying:
  21. It is generalized in my left breast but it hurts worse on the lateral side-that is the side where bras hurt it and where the mammogram found the density.
  22. I have talked to the doctor (a few of them) and they are perplexed because none of this started until I started losing weight!!! They are confused because I am doing the opposite of what I should be doing!! So no, I don't have PCOS. I think they are just at a loss, so she threw me on the pill to see if that would help. I wonder what she will say when I call her and tell her I still didn't get TOM on time? I am a medical mystery.:crying:
  23. I don't know what is wrong with me...I am telling you, something with my female parts is screwy these days. I am almost starting to wonder if I am going into early menopause or something! The gyne put me on the pill because I was not getting TOM regularly, and now it is time for the first time since I have been on the pill, and it is not here yet. Very weird for me, I was always like clockwork, especially when I was on the pill. And then there is the total disregard for sex thing I have going on. :crying:
  24. And yet I have no desire whatsoever for sex....hmmm...what is wrong with this picture?

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