Since this really snuck up on me I thought it might be worth passing on...
The first couple days after banding I had the 'gas pains' in my shoulders, neck, and chest that are pretty common. I walked frequently and they went away. I say this only because on the forth day post-op, when I began feeling like my stomach was tight and 'overly full' I attributed it to what I was eating (clear liquids, jello) thinking I was putting to much in too quickly. So I slowed down, and than really slowed down, because after only a couple sips it started hurting and felt like my stomach was going to 'pop'. Then I started getting nausea and came close to vomiting (felt like I ripped out my staples) but it passed. I spoke to my doctors office and the nurse thought the nausea might be from the medicine I was taking and suggested I cut them up and take them over 1/2 hour or so.
The next day I still felt like I was going to 'pop', sips of anything hurt and the nausea came and went all day. By the end of the day I began to feel serious sick with nausea, headache, dizzyness, lightheaded, cramps, clammy skin... I called the nurse again and she asked how my Fluid intake was going and if I was urinating frequently. I realized that I hadn't used the bathroom since early that morning and that I hardly drank anything because I felt like I was already 'too full'. She said it sounded like I was dehydrated and for me to started drinking 'Pedialyte' immediatly and that I might need an IV (hospital). She also said to get some gas medicine because the 'overly full' feeling wasn't from the liquid diet it was from me swallowing too much air.
Wow, I took some Malox Chewable Gas tablets and even though I still felt somewhat bloated, it made all the difference. I was actually able to drink the entire liter of Pedialyte (over a few hours) and I started to feel normal again.
If I would have known that the 'tight, overly full' feeling was gas right from the start or if I would have recognized the early symptoms of dehydraton I wouldn't have almost ended up back in the hospital. I have learned so much from this forum so I am just hoping that this might help someone else.
Best of luck...