No problem Heather. My surgery wasn't until 10:30, but I had to come from Mansfield so we left plenty early. I had lost about 12 pounds before the surgery so I just wore some slacks that had already gotten too big and a loose blouse.
My brother and sister in law took me there. Since we were early, there was sort of a long wait before they called me, but no big deal. They took me to a big long room where all the patients were waiting for surgery (different kinds)... they started the IV and of course put me in the lovely hospital gown. I put my clothes and insurance card/in a plastic bag and my sister in law held on to them for me during surgery.
Dr Myers and Mike came to see me before they took me to the operating room just to see if I had any questions. I teased them that I was going to have the best (flattest) liver they'd ever seen. :-) Then the gorgeous anesthesiologist introduced himself and told me what he was going to be doing. Shortly after that they wheeled me into the room. I remember about 2 minutes in there because Mr Gorgeous knocked me out right away.
I woke up ... whenever .. and felt fine. Very thirsty and dry mouth. They give you ice chips and they are wonderful. I had to spend the night because I lived out of town (and alone). I was worried more about nausea than anything and they made sure I had medicine to keep me from getting sick. I only took one pain pill .. about 3 a.m. when I was up walking the halls with the nurse. Next morning Dr Myers and Mike came in .. checked me out .. and signed the release papers.
Heather - this is my third surgery (gall bladder and hernia). I've never had a big problem with surgeries or pain afterwards, so I might not be typical. But the surgery wasn't painful at all to me. I felt fine afterwards. Of course the incisions are ouchy for a few days.. but otherwise... piece of cake.
You'll be fine ... I'm sure of it ! By Christmas morning you'll be feeling good and even though you won't be eating.. the ProtiDiet, etc isn't bad at all. If you have an aol address you and I could chat and email at
Good luck kiddo! You're on your way !!:clap2: