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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wsb

  1. I am staying on plan today, because I just got my first fill, so I have no excuses not to do it right
  2. Amy, My heart just breaks for you, I have lost friends, not over weight loss, yet, but other reasons, and know that the pain really cuts deep. I think the part that is blowing me away is she didn't want you to mutilate your body...what does she think we have done for years with food...same thing, just a different source...I have to agree with everyone else, she has her own issues and baggage, your taking care of you was more than she could handle. You will be in my prayers... your reponse was awesome....Wanda
  3. I have a hard time with this thread because we have all been "babies" at one time, in fact, I am still a "baby". I know it gets annoying, because some of it is common sense stuff, but the "the old timers" have the wisdom that is needed...our bodies are changing each day and it is scary at times, even with education...I can't count the hours of research that I did, the annoying questions that I have asked...it is your wisdom that is valuable...yes, babies and small children make mistakes each day, that is why we love them, nuture them, forgive them and try to lead and teach them. That is part of the deal...if you don't want to help, don't, but why degrade the "babies" because they are not as educated as you are yet? What does it accomplish? I understand the frustration with the "babies", but you were once a "baby" also. Don't mean to stir up a bunch of feelings here, but this was kind of hurtful for me to think that some of the support system that I value had this attitude because I don't have the experience you have. I can read and educate myself all day, but expereince is the best teacher...and a lot of people learn from other's expereiences, I know I do...I expect negative reponses to this, and that is okay, but I just had to express my disappointment...what happened to there is never a dumb question? We are talking about people's lives and health here, and their feelings...my apologies for my feelings about this, and I know to expect a lot of negative feedback about this...but I had to get it out. I read it several days ago, and it has been on my mind ever since.
  4. Exercise: 1 hour each weekday Weight loss: 10 pounds All the water in a day I am suppose to get in All the protein in a day I am suppose to get in Learn to eat slower Learn to chew, chew, chew
  5. wsb

    Not drinking with meals

    This has been a big issue for me, not drinking with meals and waiting 2 hours after meals to drink...hard to get in all the water you need when you lose 6 hours of drinking time cause you ate. Sometimes I have to decide am I really ready not to drink for 2 hours before I eat, cause being diabetic it is hard not to drink for 2 hours--which my doctor says to do...I have found brushing my teeth a lot after eating helps the dry mouth and gum for a few minutes after meals helps also. I also make sure I drink right up 'til meal time so I am hydrated before I eat. This has been the hardest part of this for me.
  6. wsb

    Transfering to alcohol?

    It is common for us addicts to switch addictions, just need to find a more healthy addiction to switch too. My daughter in law turned into an alcoholic 3 years after gastric bypass, serious, mean alcholic, has been arrested 2 times in the past 6 months, a DWI and domestic violence charge. When she isn't drinking she is an awesome daughter and wife. It has been hard on our family to deal with this. Be careful and if you have any concerns that you might be headed down the wrong path look for a support group, and the fact that you have asked the question shows me that you have some concerns.
  7. I read somewhere that "normal" people don't eat until they are full, that they eat until they are no longer hungry. I love this...because it makes me aware that I don't have to be full, I just need to be not hungry, and that feels good!
  8. wsb

    Banded With J&j???

    Are you talking about the SAGB band, which was just recently approved for usage in US? It is a Johnson and Johnson product. It is what I have and my doctor highly recommended it due to less problems with erosion and the port has titanium in it which is less likely to create any problems with the port.
  9. Can someone give me a current phone number on Dr. S. and if she still does the fills, etc...I am in Waco, Texas and would she would be very close to me.
  10. I had the same thing happen this weekend. I ate too fast and it was too dry. After I pulled myself back together, etc...a few hours later I was still feeling some discomfort, and drank some pineapple juice to get it all "moving" the way it should. From what I have read on the forum there is some type of enzyme in pineapple juice that helps when food gets stuck, and it did help! I did follow up on liquids on Sunday and am doing liquids today as well.
  11. wsb

    Christian bandsters

    I am excited for the Christian support. I have not told very many people I got banded, so my support has been very limited. Christian support is very important to me. I know God opened the door for my lap band. Two years ago I started praying, and thought God said no, but I learned this year He just said wait. I was not ready 2 years ago. When I felt God said no, I started dieting and had lost many, many pounds before my surgery--I'm self-pay, or I should say God paid for it--I had to learn first the discipline that is needed to diet, and then accept this is a tool, not a cure, and 2 years ago, I would not have understood either one. God's timing is always right on time isn't it. Thanks for a Christian support group--I wish we had a Christian chat as well...I struggle just to type in my "two cents", so maybe God will put it on someone's heart to get one going, cause that is not one of my talents! :angel: Because He Lives, Wanda
  12. <p><p><p>We went camping last weekend, and I had some emotions creep in that I was not expecting. It was our first camping trip since I had been banded, and it was not centered around food or snacking. I was still on liquids, so it probably was not the best timing to go camping. Anyway, it reminded me of when someone dies and you have that whole first year to go through of holidays, etc...without that person and the feelings and emotions that come up. With the holidays coming up and so many of us new at this, I am hoping some of you "old timers" will share your "first" experiences, if it created any emotions, feelings, what was different, etc..</p> <p>The camping trip truly got my attention early and I want to be more emotionally prepared for other first. <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Wink" smilieid="5" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p> </p> <p>Wanda</p></p></p>
  13. wsb

    Can someone please explain..

    Remember, you are still healing, this is not the lifestyle change. Also, remember your carbs count as well, the potatoes, crackers and cream of wheat are going to be higher carbs. Your green veggies cooked very soft and mashed up to mushie would be better than the startchy foods.
  14. I am Wanda, 50 years old and live in Waco, Texas. I am a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. I enjoy sewing, reading, camping and spending time with my family. We have a new puppy, Great Pyrnesse and 5 cats. Bill, my husband and I have been married 29 years..
  15. It is normal for people who are in "recovery" from addictions to have dreams about their addictions and additive behaviors. At times the dreams can be so vivid you feel like you just did what ever the addiction was. The name for it is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndromes, otherwise known as PAWS. It will improve with time.
  16. wsb

    Lets get this PARTY started! Oct 07!

    I am having it done in Mexico, October 9th, same doctor!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
