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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crazy4jags

  1. crazy4jags

    Day 4, post-op...and I'm craving solids!

    I was banded on Thursday, 10/11; Friday and Saturday were miserable-nauseous and sore and didn't want to think about food. Today I finally feel good (except for the soreness at the incisions) and I am starving! Full blown, stomach grumbling hungry. broth, popsicles, and Jello are not cutting it. My doc says I can go on full liquids tomorrow and can''t wait for an Atkins shake. Tried ice chips for some crunch, but ...nothing. Hope I can hold out! Sue:hungry:
  2. crazy4jags

    is it just me

    I was banded on 10/11 and can say that I feel like crap. The incision sites are sore, but I have had nausea and, of course, nothing going in means nothing coming up (if you get my drift). Dry heaves...yuck. Nothing sounds appetizing to me and keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the long run. Gotta run! Sue
  3. crazy4jags

    Banded??? Check in here

    Good morning Tens - Today is the day after (dr considers this day 1) and I'm pretty sore in the incision spots. Still no gas pains (no, I'm not complaining!) but other than that I'm not too hungry...nothing that a SF Jello couldn't fix. Taking my liquid pain meds regularly, which is probably helping. Like Jenne, if I sit for awhile I'm a bit stiff, but that's it. I'm glad to hear that shermy had a turning point on day 5 because that's when I plan to go back to work. My DH is having his surgery on Monday (haven't gotten him on this site yet) but I think I'll have to take an extra day off to stay with him based on how I feel today. Good luck to the rest of the Tenacious Tens! Sue
  4. crazy4jags

    Banded??? Check in here

    Surgery today with very little pain, but am keeping on the pain meds to keep it in check. Pre op diet went well since I lost 10 pounds and dr said my liver looked good. I was hungry when I woke up, contrary to everything I had heard and don't know if SF pops, Jello and broth is going to cut it for much longer. Way to go all my other band-mates and looking forward to a new me! Sue
  5. crazy4jags

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Hello Everyone, Well, I'm now a band mom! Surgery at 8:45 this morning and woke with no pain except for a little gas pain in my chest. A brief walk and pain meds helped with that and no other pain since. Have to keep my compression stockings on for a day or two and get up and walk every hour or so for blood clots. I was still hungry when I woke up (I was told I wouldn't be), but SF pops, jello, and broth is helping. I had lost 10 pounds in two weeks from the pre-op diet and dr said my liver was in good shape when he went in. No hiatal hernia to repair, which I was glad to hear. Will keep you posted on progress and good luck to those of you with surgery tomorrow! Sue
  6. crazy4jags

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Don't mention food! My surgery is in 2 days and I would LOVE a large Oreo Blizzard! I can't wait!
  7. Is anyone else having concern about not drinking while eating. :faint:I ALWAYS have a beverage (or 2 or 3) while eating a meal and now that I'm 4 days away from my surgery date I'm trying to acclimate myself to waiting 30 minutes to drink anything after a meal. My mouth is watering for a drink now as I just finished eating 15 minutes ago... Any other thoughts...?
  8. crazy4jags

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    To all of you who have been banded - thanks to you for the info and tips...keep 'em coming! Less than 5 days for me and feeling nervous - excited - scared - anxious - (d) all of the above. Still having lots of anxiety about chewing my food well enough and those dreaded PB's (I had thought everyone was talking about peanut butter)
  9. crazy4jags

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Jenne - we'll be band-mates! I'm the 11th too and it can't get here too soon. Yes, I am an avid Jaguar fan in Jacksonville and I'm looking forward to going to the games and not feeling cramped in those stadium seats! Good luck to you...I'm sure we'll be talking lots! Sue
  10. crazy4jags

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Dave- I'm from Florida too and my surgery is 10/11. I graduated 2 weeks ago with my Bachelors degree (yeah, me!) and I won't even buy my cap and gown picture because I'm embarrassed at how big I look. Good luck to you. Where in Florida are you?
  11. crazy4jags

    Ready...Lets talk pre-op diet

    Hi Jenne - I'm new to this forum and my surgery is the 11th too. I'm on day 4 of my pre-op diet. My doc didn't really restrict me to calories but gave me a list of do's and don'ts. Basically, I'm on VERY low carbs so I've been doing lots of cheese, Advantage shakes, salads, more cheese, and then more cheese. My dr was pretty rough on us during the pre-op and I figure if I can do this for 2 weeks, I can have some tastes after surgery. Good luck to you!
  12. I am having surgery on Thursday, 10/11/07. I am anticipating going back to work on Tuesday (after my husband's surgery on Monday, 10/15). I work at a desk but have the flexibility to get up and move around, if needed. Is this a reasonable amount of time to give myself? I will worry about work getting done if I take off longer so I really want to minimize the amount of time I am gone.
  13. crazy4jags

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. Sue and my surgery date is 10/11.

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