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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Asdf12345

  1. My primary motivation for getting sleeved is to reduce or negate my diabetes. Anyone else out there with Diabetes as their primary motivator?
  2. Asdf12345

    Best Decision

    I'm about three months out and I couldn't be happier. I'm down 56 pounds (62% of the way to my goal weight of 190). I haven't been this weight since my sophmore year of highschool. I feel better than I have in 20 years. I no longer take blood pressure medication and I have reduced or eliminated all of the meds I used to take for diabetes. And it hasn't been all that difficult to keep the weight coming off. Life is great.
  3. Asdf12345

    Immediate stall?

    Exact same thing happened to me. I went into a 18 day stall right after surgery. But when the stall broke the weight started to fall off for about two weeks, then I went into another week-long stall. Stalls stink, but at the end of the day the weight is still coming off (albiet in waves).
  4. What is the logic behind not drinking 30 minutes before or after a meal?
  5. Same thing happen to me about a week post-op. I actually gained 3 pounds during the two weeks after that, all while eating about 800 calories per day. It straight up ticked me off. But I have lost 16 pounds in the two and a half weeks since then. Be patient, it will pass and the weight will come off.
  6. Asdf12345

    Dallas TX sleevers?

    Texas General isn't on anyone's network BUT they have some kind of deal with Dr Kim. I paid for my surgery out of pocket so the savings really helped. I started with Kim April 4th and had the procedure 6/10. It all happen really fast! The hospital and the staff were all very very nice. I really feel they provided top of the line care. I had an entire team of staff helping me post op and Dr Kim is one hell of a surgeon. I was asking to go for a walk right after waking up in the recovery room. I was in the same boat. I was a self-pay and had mine done at TX General (out of network). Just last night I got a bill from the hospital for $48,000. I almost fainted, then totally freaked out. I called Dr. Kim's office this morning to ask about it, and they told me that I wasn't responsible for the bill, that it would take several more weeks for the bill to be cleared out. Evidently the billing/cost arrangement between TX General and Dr. Kim has to be taken care of manually through the hospital's billing department. Dr. Kim's office told me I would likely receive two or three additional bills from them asking for the payment of the $48,000, but that I should disregard them. I felt much better after the call. Did you experience the same thing?
  7. Asdf12345

    Dallas TX sleevers?

    I'm in the metroplex as well. Sleeved on June 16th. All is going well.
  8. I'm a guy. Right at 4 weeks post-op. My only regret is that I didn't do this fifteen years ago. What kind of questions do you have?
  9. Welcome to the club. My week three stall lasted over two weeks. Just two days ago I started losing again. The odd thing is that I went to a family reunion over the weekend, and for the first time in a month and a half I ate some things I shouldn't have (ice cream, and then some more ice cream...). What's odd about it is that this weekend was the first time in the last two weeks that I have lost weight (four pounds over two days). How the heck does that happen?!!??!!!
  10. I just don't get it. Prior to surgery, I had typically eaten about 2,500 calories a day, and I stayed a consistent 275lbs. It was that way for at least the last 15 years. Now that I have had my surgery I eat about 800 - 1,000 calories per day and I'm not losing. How is it possible for me to cut over 1,500 calories daily from the amount of calories that used to keep my weight constant and not lose weight? It's very frustrating.
  11. Asdf12345

    The Math Doesn't Add Up

    I'm not drinking as much as I was instructed to. I might drink 30 - 35 oz a day instead of the 64 that the doctor recommended. I try to drink more, but never seem to get it all in. Could not drinking enough cause me not to lose? I'm 3 weeks out. The majority of the weight I have lost was during my pre-op period.
  12. Asdf12345

    Antacids, how long?

    My Dr. said to take them for 6 months after surgery.
  13. Asdf12345

    June sleevers, check-in!

    I actually can't get to more than 500 cals in a good day.. Other people's sleeves must be smaller than mine. I've had absolutely zero problem with anything I've eaten, or with how quickly I have eaten it. I ate an entire chicken breast last night (it was mashed up) over a 10 minute time period. I fear I've gone through all this, only to have very little restriction.
  14. Asdf12345

    June sleevers, check-in!

    Of those that are alrady in the Pureed stage, about how many calories are you taking in per day? I'm eating between 800 - 1,000 calories a day and have not been losing weight. This scares me. Prior to surgery, if I were to have eaten only 1,000 in a day I would have lost weight that day. WTH?!?!?!
  15. Asdf12345

    Skipping Ahead

    I haven't skipped ahead, but I have been tempted. Not all doctor's orders are the same. I'm still in the full liquid stage, which I will have to stay in for two weeks. prior to that I was in the Clear liquids stage for two weeks, and prior to that I was on two weeks pre-op liquid diet. Put that all together and it will have been a month and a half that I will not have put anything in my mouth other than broth, protien shakes or thinned out Soup. That sucks and would frustrate a lot of people. Having said that, it's part of the price you have to be willing to pay when you sign up to get sleeved.
  16. Asdf12345

    Pain - Stomach or Incision?

    I will give them a call. I had this pain (the pain is on the scale of a 2 of 3 out of 10) prior to my last follow-up appoint, where they did a leak test and all was fine. It feels muscular (sp) in nature, and maybe an inch or so below the skins surface. I will call though just to make sure all is well.
  17. I have a pain in my side that feels like it is relatively shallow (not in my core). I think the pain is coming from my main incision, but the pain isn't right under that incision, but maybe 2 inches to the side of it. Could this be my stomach hurting rather than an incision? Does the stomach actually ever hurt from being cut? By the way, I'm 16 days post-op.
  18. Asdf12345

    Change in tastes?

    I used to be a 4 cup per day coffee drinker. All of those cups were starbucks (k-cups) Sumatra coffee. I absolutely loved the stuff. I tasted the same coffee three days ago and didn't care for it all.
  19. Asdf12345

    June sleevers, check-in!

    Same thing happend to me. I lost a few pounds right after surgery, then gained 4 pounds over a five day period. It completly ticked me off. I could not (and still don't) understand how I could gain weight when I was eating only 700 calories a day. But that passed, the stall ended, and I started losing weight again, and losing very quickly. While it's easier said than done, just be patient, give it some time, the wight will come off
  20. Asdf12345

    June sleevers, check-in!

    Sorry, wrong thread.
  21. Asdf12345

    Post Op June 2014 Sleevers

    Have you started soft foods. I was thinking the same when I was on liquids only but when I hit soft foods I was amazed how little I could eat. If you are eating a lot of soup you might have some water weight from sodium. I was June 10 and have lost 10, sx weight was 218. It depends on where you started too. No, I'm still of full liquids for until July 8th. I was sleeved on the 16th. I'm eating one can of soup per day, and only eating the heart healthy Campbell's types, so I wouldn't think that there would be too much salt in it. I could be wrong though. I started at 275 prior to my two week pre-op diet. I lost 20lbs on pre-op. I have since lost 4 pounds after the surgery. My ideal weight is 190lbs. Having said all of that, the 250lb mark seemed to always be a stall point for me in the past so maybe I just happend to hit a stall point right after having surgery. I hope that's the case.
  22. Asdf12345

    Post Op June 2014 Sleevers

    Am I the only June sleever who is concerned about their restriction level? Granted, I'm still in phase 2, but I could eat/drink an entire can of soup in seven to ten minutes and feel very little restriction. I have to take two large drinks of water in a row before I can actually feel the restriction. I fear my sleve might be too large. Also, while I lost 20 pounds in my two week pre-op diet, I've only lost 4 pounds in the 12 days post-op, all while eating only 700 - 800 calories per day.
  23. I was a June 16th sleever as well . It's back to work for me today. To say that I'm a little tired little would be an understatement.
  24. Asdf12345

    Full too fast?

    Thanks Josh, that makes me feel better.
  25. Asdf12345

    Food comercials!

    I noticed the same thing. It seems like every other commercial is for pizza Hut or KFC. I just change the channel. Having said that. It did open my eyes to just how much of my hunger was head hunger, because I am anthying but hungry..... until those commercials come on. I also used to watch all those shows on the food Network. Those have made me hungry too. I will no longer watch that network. I might even remove the channel from my DirecTV guide choices.

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