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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AmyMT

  1. AmyMT

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks for all the encouraging words and support, everyone. (back a few pages now... you all really post fast and furious here sometimes :crying:) I am upping my exercise to between 60 & 90 min a day 5-6 days a week. I think that will really help. Thanks again, your encouragement made me feel awesome!:tt2: ~Amy
  2. Today is my bandiversary! I am down about 30 pounds. I have been a slow loser and I have had quite a few challenges but I am now looking to make year two even better than the first one was. My triumph is that I am down 30ish pounds from my starting weight and not 5, 10, or more pounds heavier which is what I would be if not for my band. ~Amy
  3. AmyMT

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP Today is my Bandiversary! I have been more of a slow loser (down 30ish lbs. in the year) but I am kicking myself into high gear and getting on track to make year 2 better than the last one!! :thumbup:
  4. AmyMT

    Knockouts December Updates

    Chrisann, You look wonderful! And younger. Congrats and keep up the great work. ~Amy
  5. AmyMT

    September Fills????

    I finally understand what good restriction feels like... and it is GREAT! :thumbup: I feel so much more in control of my eating and I have even lost about 5 or 6 lbs since my fill appt. :cursing: I did start to freak out a little yesterday when I was feeling cold Water going down really slowly, but then I realized that it is that TOM and knew that a lot of others get tighter then, so that helped me calm myself down. :thumbdown: ~Amy
  6. AmyMT

    September Fills????

    I got my fill yesterday. He tried to put in 1cc but I was getting Water stuck so the nurse took out about .5 cc of what he added and I was able to get the water down. So I think I have about 7.5 cc's in my 10 cc band. Here's to good restriction! :wink2: (those are Protein shakes, of course :crying:) ~Amy
  7. AmyMT

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    Last weekend I was going through my "extra" closet. (The one filled with all the clothes either too big or too small to wear currently.) I have culled out a lot of things to donate because they are Too Big!!! I fit into several of the cute blouses that I have. Yay! I tried on a dress that I used to wear a lot (and thought I looked pretty good in) and it fit . . . BUT my hubby told me that it looked more like a nightgown (think granny gown - completely covered) than a dress.:tt2: So I guess that it wasn't too flattering on me ever... so I have retired it and will pass it along to someone else. On another positive note, my 10 year old is thrilled she can wrap her arms around me easily now to give me a hug. :drool: ~Amy
  8. AmyMT

    September Fills????

    I am going in next Wednesday for another fill (4th one). I am only down about 30 pounds, but I am down several pant sizes and at least one shirt size! I am on track with exercising every day, so I am hopeful this next little fill will help me not eat quite as much in the evenings. ~Amy
  9. I am getting really frustrated! I have only lost 27 pounds in my first six months after surgery, and I keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds. As of today, I am 248. I have been walking faithfully (I have 1205 minutes for July as of this morning). I have been trying to stay on program and succeeding most of the time. I don't know if I need another small fill or what. I am pretty tight (Water is slow to go down) in the am and it feels like I can eat a lot in the evenings. I am just really getting discouraged that I haven't done better, especially in that important first six months window. It was a year ago that I started in this journey and I am glad that I am not at 275 any more, or even bigger the way things were going. I do wish however that the weight was coming off a bit easier. Thanks for letting me vent a bit. I think so many of you other Knockouts are doing FABULOUS! Keep up the great work. ~Amy
  10. AmyMT

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    I found a big box of clothes yesterday that I haven't fit into in about 3 years. I tried them all on and Guess what....they FIT! Yay! That is one of the best NSVs I have had so far. :biggrin: ~Amy
  11. AmyMT

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    I had to put on a belt today. My jeans were literally falling off! :thumbup: ~Amy
  12. AmyMT

    Montana fill doc

    I am also in Bozeman, and I agree with Tiggie2, Dr Rohrer is FABULOUS!! He did my surgery in Jan and I have had two fills since then. His staff is really great as well. ~Amy
  13. I really like the chocolate and vanilla flavors of unjury. I put 1/2 a scoop of each in my decaf coffee every day. It tastes a bit like the white chocolate/vanilla mochas that I used to get pre-band. This new version has only about 100 calories, 20 g Protein compared to I don't know how many calories and no protein. I also really like the tropical blend flavor of K2O protein Water. That is my afternoon protein pick me up... 50 cal & 5 g protein. The rest I get from the food I eat. ~Amy
  14. AmyMT

    My own worst enemy

    Hi Ang, I am completely there with you. I was banded 3 months ago today and have only lost 24 lbs (but am able to fit into pants 2 sizes smaller). At times I feel like I should have done quite a bit more, and at other times I am just thankful that I have lost ANY weight at all. The end of February and nearly all of March were CRAZY :thumbup: stressful for me and my weight has fluctuated up and down the same 4 pounds for nearly a month now. I am frustrated, but trying with all my might to stay positive and on track. I read an article on Sparkpeople.com yesterday about diet rage. It compared dieting and losing weight to being stuck in traffic. We may not be moving along as fast as we would like, and there may be fits and starts to the process, but we will get to our destination eventually. I think you are doing awesome losing 33.5 lbs so far!! ~Amy
  15. I have had a really off month, because of extreme heel pain. I went to my doc and he tells me I have plantar fasciitis. I won't be meeting the 630 minutes this month, but with the rehab stretches and other changes he suggested, I am hopeful to be on track to really kick it up next month. ~Amy
  16. AmyMT

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    I had a new NSV this weekend. I fit into size 22 jeans. The scale, it sure isn't moving for me, but knowing the I am in jeans a size smaller is helping!! ~Amy
  17. I did it!! I got 605 minutes as of this morning!! wooo hoooo ~Amy
  18. AmyMT

    Non-Scale Victories!!

    This may seem silly, but I was able to zip up my snow boots myself this morning. I didn't need one of my kids to do it for me.:thumbdown: I just bent over and did it myself. ~Amy
  19. AmyMT

    March Exercise Challenge!

    That sounds like a great challenge. I'm in!!:biggrin: ~Amy
  20. AmyMT

    I think I had a NSV

    Definitely a NSV!!! Here's to fitting into a size smaller :tt2:. ~Amy
  21. AmyMT

    My first NSV

    I did it! :smile2: I fit into jeans a size smaller than before surgery!! :laugh: The scale isn't acting like my friend these days, but obviously my band is :biggrin2:. Woooo Hoooo. Happy Dance!! ~Amy
  22. AmyMT

    Home and Banded

    I am feeling pretty much back to normal. Once in a while my port feels like it is pinching, but that isn't too bad to deal with. I go for my first fill on the 27th. I am down 17 pounds so far, and I hope that fill will help give me another little nudge in the right direction. You were such a great support to me when I was waiting for insurance approval, so I am glad that I can return that support to you now. Rest up and focus on healing. ~Amy
  23. AmyMT

    Home and Banded

    Congratulations!! StLouisGal! :tt2: Here's a protein drink toast :wub: to your speedy recovery! ~Amy
  24. AmyMT

    Hey Jan. 22 people!!!

    Hi everybody, I'm a Jan 22 bandster too. :cursing: Just over 3 weeks out and I am feeling really pretty good. I am seeing the doc for my first fill on the 27th. I have already been able to fit into some sweaters I had gotten too big for, and I can hardly wait until I am a size down in pants. :biggrin2: ~Amy

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