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About IcanMakeit

  • Rank
    Bariatric Master
  • Birthday 10/14/1953

About Me

  • Biography
    After losing over 100 lbs on the Atkins diet, I regained all that I lost. For me, dieting is not the answer. I have to change my lifestyle. For good.
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  1. Sneaked in an off schedule weigh in this morning because I had a hunch. I was correct, the post surgical water weight is gone. I now weigh 136. One pound from my surgeon's goal.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. missbrown30


      Yo go! Funny how water is your best friend and your worst enemy all at the same time!

    3. MeAndTinyTina


      So happy for you!

    4. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Don't take this personally, buti think im jealous right now !!!! Congratulations on all your hard work ! You're amazing! !

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