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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by IcanMakeit

  1. IcanMakeit

    Soft crackers?

    Soft crackers? Sounds like an oxymoron. Maybe they did mean softened crackers. Even in the early phases I concentrated on protein sources. I did not try starches except for mashed beans.
  2. I think the science says that cleanses don't really do any good, but I have personally found them helpful in the past. I feel so much better the following week. I was considering doing a cleanse to resolve my gas and constipation issues, but I have put that on hold until I gain a few pounds. My doctor doesn't want me to lose any more weight.
  3. IcanMakeit

    Weight goal keeps dropping

    As long as you protect your health and vitality, you can shoot for any weight that makes you feel good. Listen to your body (and your doctor). Ps. You look fabulous.
  4. IcanMakeit

    Labor Day Challenge!

    Still at 105.
  5. I could have made the chicken coating low carb, but it's the frying that really made it bad. And since the chicken was a treat for my husband as well as for me, I wanted to make the real thing. The point for me is that even though I have been super careful to follow my rules for the past year and a half, I still wanted to eat an extra piece when faced with an old favorite. The reason I didn't is that I couldn't. So have I really learned anything? I really want to get to a place where there's no battle between my appetite and my common sense. @@OutsideMatchInside - Thanks for the links. I don't cook that often since my husband is a former chef and cooks every day, but I like finding great recipes.
  6. IcanMakeit

    Ladies, What Size Jeans Do You Wear?

    Height: 5' 3" Current Weight: 105 Jean Size: 0 - 4, depending on cut and manufacturer I confess that I'm still wearing my size 6's with pins in them at the waist. I have a bunch of pairs in that size because I thought I was done losing weight. I am amazed by that sizes vary so widely. How are we supposed to know what size to try on?
  7. @@Djmohr - With the way sizing ranges from manufacturer to manufacturer, I have no doubt that when you hit your goal, some size 8's will fit. You're pretty tall so at 165 you'll probably be on the lean side of normal. I'm sure you look great already. You really have done well. You need to celebrate your success.
  8. Congratulations on your great NSV and enjoy your new duds. But look out! You'll be surprised at how quickly you drop sizes as you near your goal.
  9. IcanMakeit

    HELP pre-op diet issues..

    Couldn't you just dilute the protein shake to cut the sweetness? I never had this issue because I am unfamiliar with the concept of anything being too sweet, but it seems like adding extra water would help.
  10. I like the idea of a Paleo food plan but I would have to modify it to include some dairy. Love my Greek yogurt! Also, I would have a hard time giving up artificial sweeteners. I know they are not healthy, and I'm working on cutting back, but they really add to my enjoyment of my meals. And then there's the problem @@Miss Mac pointed out: I don't burn a lot of calories each day and the traditional Paleo plan might cause me to gain more weight than I should.
  11. IcanMakeit

    proudgrammy is very proud

    Way to go! This is all part of taking care of yourself and I'm glad you realized it. I can't wait to admire your pics.
  12. IcanMakeit

    Swallowing capsules

    I'm 15 months out now and I've been taking capsules since I was about 10 weeks out. So far, no problems.
  13. You are wise to try to guide your son into healthy eating patterns rather than trying to force him to eat healthfully. I battled with my son when he was a toddler because I thought he needed vegetables. He reacted by becoming even less likely to try anything that might be good for him. He wanted only hot dogs and peanut butter sandwiches. When I just provided good food without comment, he slowly began to broaden his tastes. And now he is a very health-conscious eater as an adult.
  14. My nutritionist showed me examples of the actual serving sizes for the different phases. That was helpful. Otherwise, she didn't tell me anything I didn't already know and she recommended some sugary meal replacement shakes that I would never use.
  15. IcanMakeit

    I want Thai food

    My favorite local Thai restaurant closed about a year ago and since then I have avoided going to other Thai restaurants. The chef at the old place was willing and able to skillfully accommodate my no sugar, less oil requests. I just tried that at another local Thai restaurant. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to alter the recipe at all. My mixed seafood stir fry with basil was sweet. I know. First world problems. But I like Thai food and want to find a way to eat it without waking the diabetes monster. And truth be told, the food tastes much better to me without the sugar.
  16. IcanMakeit

    Unchartered Territory: Scared to eat

    Are you in the purée or solid foods phase? My program did not introduce solid foods until the sixth week, so it sounds like you want to do what my surgeon recommends for all his patients. I don't think it will hurt to wait another week before moving on to solids. Treat your new stomach gently!
  17. IcanMakeit

    grazing, overeating and weight gain :(

    I'm impressed that you are so determined at your young age to be successful. Does your program recommend Snacks? During my weight loss period I did find it necessary to eat 2 small snacks each day. That was the only way in the beginning to get my Protein in, and then later I found I was too hungry to go 4 hours between meals. The key to success for me was planning and routine. During my weight loss phase, I ate pretty much from a narrow list of foods every day. Make a list of foods you like (and can prepare) from the recommended food list that your nutritionist gave you and then make sure to always have those foods available. Then eat only at your predetermined meals. Once you get into a routine, things get easier. Another important part of the program is exercise. Make sure to get enough exercise every day to keep your metabolism humming. Are you going away to college? Will meals be provided? If so, contact the school and find out if they have accommodations for people who require special diets.
  18. IcanMakeit


    Dehydration is no joke. Call you doctor right away. You'll gradually feel better, but he/she can give you something for the nausea now that will make you much more comfortable and avoid dehydration.
  19. IcanMakeit

    I'm Alive!

    Well, Hello, Dolly! For some reason I'm humming that song. Regarding the visiting children - you should go ahead and cover your couches with blankets or sheets until the kids leave. It won't be pretty, but it will save your sanity. Also, ask your sister to intervene when the children disturb your workouts. It's perfectly reasonable for you to be able to have some time to yourself while they are there.
  20. This morning my weight was down to 105, giving me a BMI of 18.6. My doc recommends that my BMI be above 20. It’s time to start taking this seriously. I’ve been in diet mode for so long that I’ve gotten used to always choosing the lowest calorie/highest nutrition option at every opportunity. I have to branch out into higher calorie/high nutrition foods as well.

    1. borg/assimilated


      I really admire how well you have done! Our beginning stats are similar, and our ages are close, I really hope I will do as well as you have. You are an inspiration!

    2. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      105 just sounds so "tiny !", hopefully you can add in some healthy, higher calorie foods like nuts, pb, etc to add a few pounds. Otherwise, congratulations on your hard work !

    3. IcanMakeit


      Yes, I have definitely overshot my goal by too much. But it's hard for me to loosen up on the discipline without allowing myself to get back into the habit of eating unhealthily. I'm working on it. Today at lunch I ate some fresh pineapple. Yum.

  21. I don't understand why your doctor would tell you not to worry about protein until you reach week 4. This is contrary to everything everyone told me. Protein is vital to your recovery and your weight loss and can be taken in both clear liquid and full liquid forms. Maybe he/she just meant you shouldn't to try to eat solid protein? (Because of course, you shouldn't.) Or that it's ok if you don't hit your protein goal in the first few weeks? (Because many can't.) I don't want to pass judgment on someone I've never met, but it sounds like your doc could use some lessons in communication. The weight goal thing was unfortunate, but this seems to be just plain wrong.
  22. IcanMakeit


    I applaud you, gowalking. I think it's important to acknowledge the current reality, whatever it is. I was tempted to leave my ticker at 110 lbs even though I've lost a bit more, because I'm getting embarrassed by my low weight. But I know that putting my head in the sand is my modus operandi and I don't want to do that anymore. That's how I ended up regaining more than 120 lbs a decade ago. No matter what, I'm going to be honest with myself (and you guys).
  23. I'm glad you're feeling more hopeful. Be sure to let us know the results of your endoscopy. We're all pulling for you.
  24. I was worried the night before surgery, too. I am so glad I didn't talk myself out of it. It's one of the best things I've ever done for my health. I've been off all diabetes medications since the surgery (in May 2014) and all my labs are good. When I think back to where I was year and a half ago, more than 100 lbs overweight, unable to walk around the block, and in pain most of the time, I shudder. Now I'm walking, dancing, and riding a bike. Pretty much whatever I want to try, I can do it. Once you get beyond the first few difficult weeks, you, too will be telling yourself that you're glad you didn't back out. And when you reach your goal weight, you'll come back here and tell your story to another nervous newbie.
  25. 0. What type of weight loss surgery have you had? Gastric Sleeve 1. How long have you been in maintenance mode? 7 months 2. What's your current height and weight? 5’ 3”, 106 lbs. 3. How many calories do you eat daily (on average) to maintain your weight? 1200 4. What kind of focus do you put on Protein -- number of grams or anything else you want to say? I don’t have a maximum, but my minimum is 70 grams 5. What kind of focus do you put on carbs - number of grams or anything else you want to say? As a rule I avoid starches and sweets and limit legumes, sweet vegetables (i.e. carrots), and fruit. I try to stay in the range of 40-60 net carbs per day. 6. What other nutritional tips / tricks are working for you that help you maintain? I’m working on looking at my diet overall on a weekly basis and trying to make sure that my weekly averages are within my desired ranges. I also weigh myself every day so that I can spot trends early. 7. Which foods, if any, do you avoid altogether? Bread, rice, potatoes, corn, fruit juices, pastries, cakes, etc. I also don’t drink alcoholic beverages as a rule. These foods (and alcohol) are indulged in only on holidays and infrequent celebrations. 8. What exercise regimen (exercise types and frequency) do you follow? Bicycling several times a week, walking every day 9. What role, if any, has counseling or therapy played in your WLS success? None 10. What advice would you offer WLS patients to help them be successful? It did not come easy to me, but I had to really look at my previous behavior and previous weight loss attempts and acknowledge that they didn’t work for me. Once I admitted that, I was able to begin to take the advice of the vets on this site.

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