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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by IcanMakeit

  1. @@gowalking, Congratulations on the birth of your grandson. Grandchildren are the reward we get for not leaving our kids on an ice floe when they drive us nuts. I enjoyed and agree with your post except for one thing. Although I didn't weigh myself daily in the losing phase, I'm getting a big kick out of checking my weight every day and finding that it's not a fantasy, I really do weigh this amount. I know it's immature and shallow, but I was so big for so long that I'm like a kid at an amusement park now. I want to jump for joy when I weigh myself. And on a practical note, weighing myself daily keeps me accountable. When I lost almost this much weight 15 years ago, I didn't maintain the loss for a hot minute. As soon as I stopped losing, I started gaining. I'm determined to keep that from happening again. And weighing every day is part of my strategy.
  2. IcanMakeit

    Going to Reno -- Will I be Bored?

    I rarely see shows in Reno or Vegas. The ticket prices are so high and the acts are often people I only enjoy in small doses. But you bring up a good idea. I'll see who's going to be playing that weekend. My husband is a blues fan. Maybe we'll get lucky.
  3. IcanMakeit

    Salads? Veggies? Fruit?

    Also, you might find that a food that didn't agree with you will suddenly be just fine a few weeks later. So don't give up on vegetables and fruits. Just give yourself some time and then try again.
  4. IcanMakeit

    Belly fat!

    You will be amazed at how much your body will change. I was the applest apple out there before I lost weight, and have not had a tummy tuck yet, but after losing 130 lbs, there is only a tiny bit of fat under my loose belly skin. Size 4's in some brands are huge on me. I do have a major loose skin problem, but with shapewear, I look pretty smooth.
  5. IcanMakeit

    Bypass or sleeve

    I love my sleeve and am glad I did not have the bypass. I have lost more weight than I ever believed possible and am now enjoying better health than I have had for many, many years. But if my doctor had recommended the bypass instead of the sleeve, that would have carried weight with me. Only you can make the decision, but I definitely think that the surgeon's opinion should not be ignored. Although it has not been an issue for me, GERD is no joke.
  6. IcanMakeit

    Great deal on quest bars

    Thanks for posting this. I jumped right on it. It expires today.
  7. I've been walking on my lunch break with a much younger and fitter friend instead of sitting on my tuckus. It's kicking my butt to keep up with her.

    1. Goatfarmer


      U go girl!!!!

    2. Christina T.

      Christina T.

      Awesome!!! I need to go for more walks... it's finally Spring(ish)!! Oh well, we take what we can get!! ;-) I definitely have more energy lately though... do you notice that, too?? (Don't know when you were sleeved - I'm about 4 months out.) It's a good feeling. :-)

    3. IcanMakeit


      I'm closing in on the one year mark. I hit my goals and am in maintenance, but I wasn't exercising at all until recently. I let a back problem derail me from exercising and then didn't get back into it until just now. I'm over 60 so I can't get away with that. My blood pressure and cholesterol both go haywire when I'm too sedentary.

  8. When I was obese, I dressed appropriately for work, but did not really try to dress creatively. My colors mostly matched but most of them were dark and boring. Now that I have lost so much weight, I'm paying more attention to my outfits and have really been enjoying bright colors. It's too bad that I didn't have the confidence (or the interest) to dress nicer when I was fat. I'm having so much fun shopping and putting outfits together. But I really could have been doing something like this before. Too bad I didn't.

    1. gowalking


      I've been doing this for a while now...dressing much nicer and using jewelry and other accessories. I feel like a real life barbie doll at times. Fun, isn't it?

    2. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Agreed. I feel like I am re-inventing myself.

    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Yes, I have to admit I put waaaaay more effort in to getting dressed than I used to. Shopping and dressing is alot more fun now !!! A

      long time ago I read an article called "The art of getting ready". If I remember right , it talks about a woman who takes the time and effort to make herself attractive before she leaves the house every day. I definitely put in my time and effort now. Every, single. day. And yes, people will notice you, and make nice comments. I'll take it !!!

  9. IcanMakeit

    Motivation to Reach Goal

    @@JamieLogical, you may be right that your body is healthy and acceptable at your current weight, but until you have reached your goal weight, you have nothing to compare it to. I think you should press on to goal and then decide if you need to stay there. When I reached my surgeon's goal weight (135 lbs), I briefly flirted with the idea of going into maintenance. I can now see that at near the top of the healthy BMI range, I was a lot less fit than I am now that I am on the low end of the healthy range (112-113 lbs).
  10. IcanMakeit

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    I weighed in at 112 (my challenge goal) this morning. I fully expect to weigh a pound more next week. This has happened before that I drop two pounds and then gain one. No happy dance yet.
  11. IcanMakeit

    Clothing size

    At over 240 lbs, I was up to size 4X/28W in tops and dresses, and size 1X or 2X skirts and slacks. Now, depending on the brand, I'm wearing mostly 8's and mediums (and some smalls) in tops and dresses and size 4 or 6 slacks and skirts. The other day I tried on a size small skirt and it was too big. I have tons of cute clothes in the sizes between XL and small. I should start altering them.
  12. IcanMakeit


    No thanks. While it's true that a few crackers have very few calories, they are all carbs and have very little else to offer. They are also easy to overdo because they are so easily digested. I can't be trusted with them. When I want a cracker, I eat Wasa Fiber Crispbread. They have lots of fiber.
  13. IcanMakeit

    VIP Member Check In

    I'm really enjoying this thread. It's really great to hear about your real lives. I'm female and 61 years old but I often jokingly tell people that that I'm 39 (like Jack Benny). I've been married to a patient and loving man for almost 39 years and we have two grown children (a son and a daughter) and two fantastically cute grandsons, aged one and four. We also have a German Shepherd who is so handsome that we feel like he's a celebrity and we're his entourage. I'm from San Francisco originally and I still live near the Bay Area, so rooting for the Giants is in my blood. I also check in to this website every day. You all keep me focused and give me such great advice. I'm very grateful.
  14. I had it all planned. I was going to have some fresh, homemade popcorn today. The first since surgery almost a year ago. I really love popcorn! But I had two servings of fruit today and used up all my carbs, dagnabit. Well, maybe next weekend.

    1. MrsSugarbabe


      Sounds yummy! Great discipline on your part to not exceed your carbs for the day. I have not done a tummy test with popcorn yet to know if my tummy would tolerate it.

  15. Be careful with the fiber though. Most fiber supplements are soluble fiber, and in certain cases, too much of it can have the opposite effect. Our bodies need both soluble and insoluble fiber. Constipation has been my constant companion since my surgery. Even though I get plenty of soluble fiber in my diet, I find that I have to resort to medications or Smooth Move tea to keep things moving.
  16. IcanMakeit

    Accidental Sip

    Since you seem to be able to take it or leave it, why stray off the program now? I think you should save the experimentation until your sleeve is more mature and you have become fixed in your new healthy eating style.
  17. I definitely had to start exercising discipline to control my portion sizes at six months. There are a few on this board whose restriction seems just as strong when they are fully healed, but I think for most of us, once the swelling of the stomach goes down, we really notice the difference in capacity. Don't worry, though. All you have to do is measure/weigh your serving sizes, and you won't be in danger of overeating. And thanks to your sleeve, you will still be satisfied with a lot less food than you were accustomed to pre-op.
  18. I'm sorry you are going through this @TudaTank2. No doubt about it,the first few weeks post op are not fun for just about anyone. I didn't have any pain associated with eating during that time, but I had so much nausea that I, too thought I would never feel well enough to eat again. Now, 11 months later, that brief period is just an unpleasant memory. Go ahead and talk with your surgical support team just to be sure, but they will probably tell you that what you're going through is in the normal range of the healing process. As the next couple of weeks progress, you should find yourself feeling better and better until you feel so normal that you'll almost forget how uncomfortable you were.
  19. Most people are uncomfortable with change. Since I actually am thinner now than I have been since junior high, I understand that people are not used to the new me and will take some time to get comfortable with the change. I'm just hoping to maintain long enough that my friends and family will think the thin version is the real version of me.
  20. I have always loved vegetables and have been eating them every day since I was cleared for all foods. The only problem I have from them is a bit of occasional gas. (But that won't stop me from eating them. I don't feel a meal is complete without my veggies.) Fruit, however, I avoided until I reached goal weight. I know that for me, sugar is an issue and I didn't want anything to interfere with my weight loss. Now that I'm in maintenance, I do eat fruit, but I stick to fresh fruit in small amounts. No fruit juices. I haven't tried banana yet. Just a bit too high carb, for now.
  21. I couldn't figure out how to read it for free without signing up for the $9.99/mo unlimited plan. It's supposed to be available to borrow for Kindle owners, but I did not find the link for that.
  22. Went out with a fresh mani-pedi and wearing my new "skort," thinking I was all that and a bag of chips. Got home and looked in the mirror and saw raccoon eyes from smeared mascara. That's what I get for being vain.

    1. borg/assimilated


      There's always something to keep us humble! You were probably the cutest raccoon eyes out there.

    2. gowalking
    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Could of been worse.............you could of had a booger in your nose....... !!!

  23. Your surgeon needs a refresher course in sensitivity. I can imagine how frustrating it must be to be following the program and then get accused of blowing it. Don't let him get you down. Your body will release the weight when you figure out what's holding you back. Just approach this logically and methodically. Try to rule out each possible culprit by weighing, measuring and logging your food intake. Keep an exercise journal (or just use MyFitnessPal). Check the lists of side effects on all your medications. Then take all this information to your doctor and/or nutritionist and ask them to evaluate it.
  24. This happens to me often. I just assumed it was gas.
  25. IcanMakeit

    NSV shout outs

    I found a cute white denim skirt and tried on the size small. It was too big. maybe it was mis-sized, but I'm taking it as an NSV anyway. A year ago I could not have squeezed into it at all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
