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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by latido

  1. I am 3 days post-op. I had major chest pains and my oxygen intake was around 85. I had to wait 2 days for the nurses to order a treatment. Soon after, I felt much better. I realized I couldn't breathe in the bed, so spent the rest of my sitting upright in a chair. The respiratory person said that it is NOT asthma, and that I was hyperventilating? What the heck?

  2. I am day 3 post-op and just sat down to my long awaited first cup. I was not given any directions to quit coffee. I did use almond milk just in case there is any lactose intolerance. I also cut my caffeine intake down for 6 weeks prior to RNY. Two heaping tablespoons is now 3/4 of a flat tbs of granules.

  3. In a deeply emotional moment, I sat down and wrote a list in order of importance. I will share it here, in case it helps anybody organize their thoughts, emotions, and priorities.

    6/25/2014 RNY Surgery Goals

    • To be able to eat half a yogurt and be satisfied, full, and fortified.

    • to no longer be consumed with healthy food shopping and meal preps, the miseries of weighing cabbage, and be satisfied with my minimal needs.

    • to get off my blood pressure medication

    • Lower my cholesterol to normal levels

    • to beat the odds of my family’s heart disease

    • to be able to navigate stairs without dislocating my knees

    • to be able to walk down the stairs and see past my stomach so I don’t trip

    • To be able to get up from a chair without leaving a sweat-spot

    • to be able to wear dresses without leggings, and not chafe my thighs

    • to see my knee bones and ankles

    • to be able to pick up a tissue from the floor without waiting for more things to accumulate before bending down

    • to be able to walk for more than 10 minutes before my heel spurs start throbbing

    • to breathe easier for longer periods and not trigger my asthma

    • to sing for two hours straight without throat pain

    • to sit on the floor with my clients and play guitar.

    • to send all my old clothes to Lisa and Beka

    • be able to play a narrow-neck guitar

    • play the violin without colliding my fingers

    • enjoy airplane flights without stopping the circulation in my legs because my thighs are squeezed in between the neighboring armrests

    • to be able to lift and move objects without throwing my back into spasms

    • to be able to wear trendy shoes with less support

    • be done with granny-panties

    • to be able to buy size medium clothes on the sales rack

    • to be a normal-looking healthy American

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