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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by latido

  1. Okay then, I guess I am correct in interpreting the sensations. I've started adding 1-2 ounces of dill dip to my meals and it's been a tremendous help. Recipe: http://proteinartist.com/2014/07/greek-dill-dip-3-25-grams-protein-per-ounce/
  2. The nice thing about cooking food yourself is that you have full control over the texture and flavor.
  3. If it's a new development, then yes, have it checked.
  4. DO not drink or eat while sitting. I got a little routine going. At first, I needed a timer. I did a sip every ten minutes, and then sip-walk-burp. I paced in my apartment while clutching a pillow to my abdomen. Soon enough, the air began to move. Walking is the only thing that helped me. Hot Water beating down my back helped somewhat.
  5. I made it today, and they were soft and creamy. With the dill dip, they fell apart as cream in my mouth. Heavenly joys.
  6. OOh, pictures are on pintrest http://www.pintrest.com/proteinartist
  7. M officially post-op today. I'm so excited and tickled. Just wanted to say that. I'm holding out well.
  8. Capital Region buddies, I cooked too much puree in advance. I'm selling 2 oz portions. http://albany.craigslist.org/hab/4575973703.html Thanks.
  9. latido

    Albany, New York....?

    Capital Region buddies, I cooked too much puree in advance. I'm selling 2 oz portions. http://albany.craigslist.org/hab/4575973703.html Thanks.
  10. Three weeks today and it is agonizingly worse. Doctor's staff is non-responsive, telling me that "honey, you just had major surgery". But this pain shouldn't be getting WORSE!
  11. It's day 8 and my pain is pretty much gone. Except for the lower-left side, where everyone complains about. However, for me, it feels like a very strong hernia pain. I had a hernia in other places before, and I know that pain. It feels like some part of you is jammed inside tightly in the wrong place, and is being clamped down on! Try jamming your finger in the door and nobody there to open the door for you... and then breathe through that 24/7. SO I'm wondering, with the rewiring of the plumbing inside, is there any chance that some stuff shifted around post-op, and slipped through some newer spaces in the intestines? Or is that what the post-op pain is about, and I should stop being paranoid?
  12. I'm dealing with this for ten days and the doctor's staff is ignoring me. I'm in agony.
  13. I can't bring myself to by the white water....ick. Is this such a BAD place to 'cheat' on? I weigh and measure everything and am super careful with everything I take in.
  14. I've finally figured it out. Anytime I have ever tried a protein shake (any variety over 15 grams), my blood pressure explodes, and I pass out. To prepare for surgery, I cooked protein packed foods and stored them in my freezer so that I won't have to purchase any protein powders. I wonder if anyone else discovered that they too were extremely sensitive to protein products?
  15. latido

    19g Mediterranean Feast

    Score! I bought a tube of dill paste from the fridge section near the vegetables. I squeezed some into greek yogurt, added 1 ounce of soy milk, and it made an incredible side to go with my dinner! Will work for fish, tuna, hard boiled eggs, etc. Makes a great helper for chewing. Today I ate Shwarma (chicken thighs) 3 oz @ 16g Greek Yogurt with Dill 1 oz @ 3g Vegetarian Moussaka. -- Although I am in the purees stage, I can no longer eat that texture. I will gag and starve. So I sad for an hour and chewed responsibly, and I got this meal in. Hurray.
  16. latido

    19g Mediterranean Feast

    I didn't make it. Today I treated myself with some takeout. It will last me many meals. I used to make it often though. It's really easy, but I have no energy yet to stand for too long.
  17. latido

    19g Mediterranean Feast!

    From the album: Post-Op RNY 6/26/2014

    Score! I bought a tube of dill paste from the fridge section near the vegetables. I squeezed some into greek yogurt, added 1 ounce of soy milk, and it made an incredible side to go with my dinner! Will work for fish, tuna, hard boiled eggs, etc. Makes a great helper for chewing. Today I ate Shwarma (chicken thighs) 3 oz @ 16g Greek Yogurt with Dill 1 oz @ 3g Vegetarian Moussaka. -- Although I am in the purees stage, I can no longer eat that texture. I will gag and starve. So I sad for an hour and chewed responsibly, and I got this meal in. Hurray.
  18. Me too! I also think it is mindgames, since I too can sometimes grab a yogurt after a meal and work it in. @@patticake1448, I'm sorry, but that sucks!
  19. I wish we had more Brians in our office, rather than the blond barbies that enrage my motivation :-) I'm sorry for your loss, warmed by your memories.
  20. latido

    My typical lunch bag.

    Looks like my kind of food. How do you make the pickled eggs ?
  21. latido

    How they lure us...

    @@Miss Mac I admire your honesty. That took some courage to write!
  22. latido

    Homemade Cheese Crisps

    I'm in the purees stage now and I'm chewing it - it turns to puree instantly in my mouth.
  23. I think that after moving into the purees, I realized that I couldn't eat past 2-3 ounces at a time. I am exercising restraint with the yogurt, since it seems to go down easily no matter what came before it.
  24. latido

    Homemade Cheese Crisps

    I've made it with many different kinds. Each one will look slightly different, but always predictably Delicious.
  25. From the album: Post-Op RNY 6/26/2014

    Although I am in the pureed stages now, I am able to eat these because as soon as I chew it once, it turns to puree. <--chew with discretion, know yourself! Directions: Place a sheet of parchment paper on a large oven pan. tear/cut cheese into postage-stamp size pieces and space them at least an inch apart on the parchment paper. Add your favorite spices (black pepper, chopped onions, olives) and bake on 450 for less than five minutes. Check every minute to see when it puffs up. The moment it does, it will turn brown in the next minute. Grab it and place it in the fridge to cool and preserve the 'bubble'. When it settles, it will be crispy. Store in the fridge or in the freezer in ziploc bags for a quick snack. It will defrost in less than an hour for traveling protein.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
