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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jbrad71629

  1. Welcome to the RNYTalk Gastric Bypass Surgery forums jbrad71629! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

  2. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Thanks Pamela! I am trying so hard to get to goal, I had hoped to be there by now but I am happy with what I have done so far! You look awseome too.. We should all be proud of our accomplishments. Take care.
  3. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Yeah Mia, Dr B does alot of other things besides the lap band and I have to say he is very good. I am sitting here right now feeling worse than I did after I had my lap band surgery but with a huge sense of relief that he was able to figure out my problem and take care of it. Take care..
  4. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hi everybody! I just wanted to take a minute to check in. A lot has gone on in the last couple of weeks. Be sure to check out the December Newsletter coming from Dr. B I am in it. I was tickeled to death that he asked me. And my other news is I am sitting here recovering from gall bladder removal surgery. I kept having a pain in my side and nausea so after a ton of testing Dr b took it out today. He is such a good doctor, I feel truly blessed to have him taking care of me.I hope this post makes sense because I am all drugged up and playing online.. Take care !
  5. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I will be at the meeting, I need something to get me back on track. I have been super stressed lately and have realized that.... Stress is a wicked wicked thing and it seems to carry chocolate in it's pocket!
  6. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Mia Your mom would be very proud of you! You have done so much in a year and you have so much to look forward to. Keep thinking positive and celebrating her life that is how she would want you to be. Take care!
  7. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Thank you all so much! I need to get my head back in the game. I don't know what pushed me over the edge but you all sure know how to drag me back on the wagon! You are all so wonderful and kind. I don't know what i would do with out all of you. I will be back inthe gym tomorrow morning bright and early. I guess it really is a true test of our dedication to weight oss when we get stresed out and see just how fast we drop the workout to alleviate our stress and pick up the bag of chips. One of the guys at work pointed out yesterday that I seem to be grumpy all of the time and he could tell I had not been working out like i was before. SO for the sake of all the poor guys that have to work with me everyday I will get back on track. Leslie see you in the morning. I promise!!! Thanks again all of you. Yall all have no idea how dear to my heart you are. Take care!
  8. I am so sorry I just saw your message, it has been a while since you sent it but please feel free to join our support page "bagnato bandits" the girls there are great!!

  9. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Ok guys I need to vent, I hope yall don't mind. My weight loss has stopped all together lately. I am not exerciseing at all , all I want to do is sleep and I am eating crap food. I am having an awful time at work because we are going through some changes and I am really having a hard time dealing. I had planned on running in a 5k that is coming up this weekend but I have to be at work so that is not going to happen. I know I am not going to reach my personal goal of 100 lbs by my anniversary and I think the combo of all this has just knocked me on my butt. Come on guys give me some much needed peptalk and some equally needed kicks in my butt to get me moving again. I keep comig here lurking hoping to get some inspiration but I guess I just have to spill my guts to feel better. Take care!
  10. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hey yall! I have not dropped off the face of the world, I have been lurking and reading all your posts. I am haveinga tough time mentally lately and don't want to sound like I am whining so I have just been hanging out. My head tells me I should be happy wiht my weight loss but my heart was really set on being at goal by my one year anniversary. I just know I am not going to make it and it really is bothering me. I have pretty much just quit trying and I know that is no way to get where I want to be. I so have to get back on track AND QUIT WITH THE PITY PARTY! Maybe if I scream at myself none of yall will have to. I do miss talking with yall, so I will do better from now on. Take care!
  11. You all look so good. I am so proud of all of you, What insprirations you have all been! When I get ready to give up I come back to these pages look around and get my head on straight. Thanks for keeping it up!
  12. jbrad71629

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    OK guys I have been awful lately and have made apromise to myself to get back on track tomorrow morning. SO if i don't check in tomorrow evening to say I am back and moving again I need one of yall to give me a good kick in the butt. Leslie, I guess you would be the most likely, hope to see you in the morning... Take care all.
  13. Congratualtions Pamela! I am so proud of you! Keep it up and you will be running the whole thing in November! Take care
  14. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Leslie Get off the pitty party and get your butt back to the gym! You are not a third wheel at all, I need your support or i piddle out as well. I didn't go today at all but expect to see your happy face there in the morning! Right?? I am counting on you, I need you to help keep me accountable! Call me if you need to talk you know i can listen.
  15. jbrad71629

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Leslie!! I will be at the y bright and early in the morning. I slept in this morning too and then i have goofed off tonight and not made it there, so we can both get back at it in the morning. I need someone to hold me accountable and you do too so we have to do this together. We deserve it!!! Call me if you need to talk!
  16. georgia girl (aka Pamela)~ 87 lbs leslie2lose (aka Leslie) - 45 lbs jbrad71629(aka Jeannie)-87 lbs Nip50 (aka Gina) - 129 lbs kristim8132008 (aka Kristi) - 26 lbs __________________ I am finally losing again! I went to Aeropostale tonight and bought a pair of 11/12 jeans. Is it tacky to leave the size sticker on them so everyone can see?? I am on cloud nine right now! I love my lap band! Take care!
  17. jbrad71629

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    OK guys I need help, please. I made my way to week 4 with no problem did 2 days of it struggling and now i can not make myself run. I am still going to the gym and using the treadmill daily but i just can't get into the running. My question is do you think I need to go back to week 3 and progress a little slower or just keep struggling with week 4 until i can do it? I need advice I don't want to give up and I am really getting frustrated. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated I am feeling like a failure.
  18. jbrad71629

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    What do you guys do on the days between your runs? i know we are supposed to rest and not run back to back days, but I ahve to do something. My weight loss is based solely on me moving my butt in one way or another.. I am tryign to find a plan to follow that will carry me through six days a week. I take Saturdays off most weeks. I am having a blast with the runnign and want to do it everyday but i know i dont need to so any suggestions would be wonderful. Thanks all of you this is a great thread.
  19. jbrad71629

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I hope we all get to go to the Support meeting. This group has been such a help to me I would love to meet more of you face to face. Take care.
  20. jbrad71629

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Thanks all of you for the advise. I am really getting into this working out thing. It was my off dayfrom running so I spent 30 minutes onthe stationary bike this morning, then this afternoon my hubby invited me to go to the gym with him so I did 30 on the treadmill and another 30 on the bicycle. That is 1:30 total for the day. A year ago that would havebeen my exercise for an entire month,not a day. I hope this amount of activity gets me weight lossstarted back up. I am at a plateau that I just can't seem to break. Thanks again for all the advice and encouragement. You all are wonderful!! Take care
  21. jbrad71629

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Renewed You are my inspiration! You have done so well any advise for us newbies? I am only on week 3 day 2 but i am really starting to enjoy my runs. I have a few questions for all of you more experienced runners... What time of day is best for you to run, moring or evening? Do you eat before or after? What do you eat before/ after? Do you run outside or on a treadmill? Any pointers you wish to share will be greatly appreciated, like I said I am really starting to enjoy my runs and I think this may be somethign that I actually stick with. :thumbup: Take care
  22. jbrad71629

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Mamato I have been reading your posts and my heart really goes out to you. You and your family are in my prayers. Take care. Jeannie
  23. jbrad71629

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well. I finished week 2 last friday and plan to move to week 3 in the morning. It was not as bad as I had made it in my head. I am enjoying my workouts alot and can't wait until morning to see if i can make it through day 1 of week 3. It is great tohave something to push myself to accomplish and to have a goal to work toward as far as my workouts go. everybody here is doing so well it really gives me so much inspriation.

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