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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jbrad71629

  1. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Hi all! I just wanted to check in and let you all know that y first day back at work was a breeze. I was dreading it so much but it turns out that I had no problem at all. Hope all of you are doing well. Take care.
  2. jbrad71629

    Banded 11/16

    Hi all! I was banded on the 16th and am doing great. I went back to work yesterday and did not have any problems. I seem to be doing well at getting the protein in but I still need to work a little more on that. Weight loss is going great as well. I can not believe I finally found something that is going to work. I jope everyone else is doing good. Take care.
  3. jbrad71629

    Help please...federal bcbs prior approval

    I had to pay $2300 out of pocket up front, I can't imagine ther would be a need for $5000 up front that seems excessive if they know it is going to be covered by your insurance.
  4. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    I have had the worst day ever. Today is my last day of recooperation before i go back to work. I got up brght and early and was making aa sandwich for my dd's lunch. Not even thinkig I popped a piece of ham in my mouth barely chewed it and swallowed it. I have never felt such pain. I walked laps around my house until i remembered someone had mentioned pineapple juice to clear u anything you may accidentally get stuck after a couple of sips it worked and the pain was gone. After the kids left for school i was driving to the grocery store when a sweet little old lady pulled her land yacht out in front of me across both lanes of traaffic I had o slam on brakes and the seat belt caught me right across my port. I had to pull into a parking lot to cry. I really hope tomorrow is better and i hope you are all having a better day than me. Thanks for letting me have my pity party.
  5. jbrad71629

    post-op return to work

    I was banded on the 16th and I am going back ro work tomorrow. I have a very labor intensive job, I am a mail carrier for the post office and this is our busiest season so I hope i have taken long enough. The only thing that actually even has any discomfort left is my port area and that is only when I bump it.
  6. jbrad71629

    youd think after almost 14 months

    I'm sorry you are having such a bad day. I had to respond when I saw this you have been sucha n inspiration to me anytime I see that you have posted in answer to a thread I read it just to get ome of your insight. I had a terrible day yesterday, huge fight with 17 yo dd and I could not eat because I am still on liquids so i basically had an emotional melt down. I know what you mean when you say you have to get your head in it because that is going to be my biggest strugle. Hang in there and know that there are tons of people here who think you are one of the best examples of what we need to strive to be. Take care.
  7. jbrad71629

    Keeping secrets

    Hi all! I just got my band a week and a half ago but before I got it I told everyone I could find that I was having it done, this was my way of making sure that I didn't let myself not succeed this time. I had alot of people tell me I was not big enough, 5'9" 271# is a lot of woman no matter what they try to say so I ignored them. The result of my telling everyone I could find is that 4 people from my office are going to be banded by my surgeon before the end of this year. One of my coworkers had hers done the same day i did so that is super motivational to get off my a** and move so that I don't fail. Th decision to tell people is definately and individual one but I have to say I have had somuch positive feedback that I would not trade it for anything. I have been told more times than I can count how great I am doing, that is so wonderful to hear when you have spent the last 8 years wishing you could just hide so noone would notice your fat butt. Take care and what ever you decide to do you can always come here to get some suport!
  8. jbrad71629

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Hi all! I am so sorry I couldn't get away to meet with those of you that got the chance to meet up today. I hope you all had a nice time together. I had my first post op visit with Dr B today and he said I could go ahead and start on soft/mushy foods. I get my girst fill on 1/3/08 so I have to focus on keeping my calorie intake low enough to keep losing weigh by will power until then. So if any of you have some good low calorie soft food ideas please pass them my way. Have a good evening and take care.
  9. jbrad71629

    Cost of Fills

    Wouldn't this be one of those situations where it pays to do your research. I was just banded a week and a half ago but before i had it done i knew that my surgeons gives five fills per calender year for an unlimited number of years, any over that my insurance will cover. I agree the car analogy is the way to look at it.
  10. jbrad71629

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Hi all. I was banded by Dr B on 11/16/07. I have my post op visit on 11/26 and would love to meet some of yall if you get together. I have enjoyed talking with some of you already on here and would love to be involved in a support group of sorts. Take care and please let me know if some of yall decide to meet up.
  11. jbrad71629

    Federal BCBS

    Edna I just had my surgery last week and I have Federal BCBS of GA there was no waiting period at all. If i were you I would call the BCBS rep direct and talk with them. They are not allowed to make that kind of change in the middle of a benefit year and not give any kind of notice to the policy holders. It sounds like your surgeons office is mistaken, and maybe that could be a change that is coming up in January... best of luck !
  12. I have no idea howw the surgeon puts it there, i know i had a lot of pain on my left sode when i woke up and it was probably from the port tubing being routed through there but so far it seem ot be an ideal location, not in hte way at all.
  13. jbrad71629

    Federal BCBS

    HI Poopsie My surgery went great. It has been one week today, I am a little sore but no real pain to speak of. I hop eyou get all your testing done so that you can progress on with your band, believe me it seems so worth it now that i have it done. I actually feel like i have a shot at losing the weight and keeping it off this time. take care and keep me posted how you are doing.
  14. Mine is above my left breast about two inches from my armpit. My surgeon is one of the only ones to place it there and he give free fills for life if you allow it to be put there. My bra strap covers it perfectly.
  15. jbrad71629

    Federal BCBS

    Poopsie How are you progressing? I am doing great this surgery is definately the best decision i ever made. When I read you were in SC i had to laugh, the most fun i had on a route inspection was in Aiken Sc. We had a blast!!!
  16. jbrad71629

    Just banded on Friday!

    I too was banded last Friday. I only have minor pain on my left side and at my port site. I have to say this was one of the easieest things I have been throug medically. I know i over did it ysterday so today i amjust lying in ed taking it easy. Hope everyone else is doing good too. take care.
  17. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    I just wanted to check in and let you guys know I am doing great. Dr B said my surgery was one of the easiest ones he has done. I am a little sore on my left side but other than that i feel wonderful. Thanks for checking on me. Take care
  18. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Pamela I hope this fill gives you the retriction you are hoping for. Thank you so much for the encoouragement and prayers, i am so excited i am about to pop!!!
  19. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Pamela Thank you so much for all your encouragement and prayers. You have been such a big help through this entire process. I am getting so excited I feel like a little kid at Christmas. When you say you had nausea did Dr B give you the pill to take right before surgery? I think it is called Emend? He said it keeps you from vomitting for a while, I think two days. I am nervous about that because after my hysterectomy a couple of years ago I was so nauseous I could ot even stand up. Any way I guess I am just tryign to find something to worry about now Thanks again for all your kindness. Take care.
  20. jbrad71629

    Federal BCBS

    Poopsie Good luck with your surgery. I chose to tell everybody I could find about my surgery. Do you work in Savannah, the reason I ask is I was there last year for two weeks for a minor route inspection and adjustment. They call it a 271g. I miss doing route inspections but don't miss the other stresses. Take care.
  21. jbrad71629

    Federal BCBS

    Poopsie Good luck to you as well. Thank you for your well wishes. I hope all goes good for you. Where are you having surgery? What surgeon? Don't stress too much about getting approval it seems to go pretty well, I have started a chain reaction in our office there are 5 of us that are getting a lapband before the end of the year.
  22. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Hi everyone. My big day is this Friday the 16th!! I am so excited. My preop diet has gone so well I can't wait to get into real lap band mode. I just have one question ...how long were each of you really feeling bad after the surgery? I am trying to make family plans forThanksgiving but don't want to overdo it. Thanks for any info.
  23. jbrad71629

    Federal BCBS

    Hi Poospie I got a pm from you but i could not answer because you are set to not recieve emails, so I will answer your question here. I too 204bed for 5 years until this past February when I realized it was a huge part of the reason I was getting so fat, so back to carrying the mail i went and I love it! Anyway about your quesion BCBS fed will cover your psychologist appointmnet it took me about two weeks after the dr. submitted my paperwork to get my prior approval from them for my surgery. They have been pretty decent other than giving me a hard time about the prior approval in writing but I pitched enough of a fit that i got it. My surgery is scheduled for 11/16 and i have already lost 20 ponunds on my pre op diet and i am so excited. Good luck and let me know if I can help with any more questions. I feel like an old pro with insurance now LOL!
  24. jbrad71629

    tracking calories?...help

    I just checked out the link to Daily plat and wanted to say I love it!!! Much better than Sparkpeople imho.. Thanks for the link. I need all the help I can get right now.
  25. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    <p>Pamela</p> <p> Sugar Busters is not too bad. I think it is something i will be able to stick to fairly easy. I love all the people at Dr Bagnatos office they have all been super helpful. Take care and keep us posted on how it is going for you.</p>

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