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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jbrad71629

  1. jbrad71629

    I need some help!!

    "shoot for the moon..if you fall short, you'll land on the stars." I love that! You have to let me know how it goes for you. I am tryignt o get a little more motivates but instead of being on my treadmill I am on the internet. Do you know if web surfing burns calories??? lol
  2. jbrad71629

    I need some help!!

    Your welcome! I can't wait to get to a size 14, but I don't think it will have by Valentines day maybe Easter. Good luck
  3. jbrad71629

    I need some help!!

    Nancy Go to Thedailyplate.com and set you up a profile. It lets you pt in your weight goals and tells you just how much you should be eating to lose x#s in a week. Good luck!
  4. jbrad71629


    Hi all! I have 75#s to go and am glad this thread was started. This band seems to be the best thing I have ever done for myself and enjoy learning from some of you wih more experience. Isn't it great to actually be able to see some downward movement from the scale?? Take care!
  5. jbrad71629

    Share your NSVs!

    Hi guys I hope you don't mind if I jump in and share a couple of NSVs . I have ben reading all of your and I am so inspired by you all. When I started my jourmey I wore a size 18W jeans I was on meds for blood prssure and arthritis in my back. I no longer need either of these meds and I feel so good now. As far as the clothing sizes go I am just dumbfounded. My daughter(size 11) was mistakenly given a size 17 jean for Christmas. She brought them into my room and said I could have them since they were way too big for her. I tried them on just for kicks since they are juniors and designer and knock me down they fit!!!!! I have not had on juniors jeans in years!!! I am still a long way from goal but boy did this make every moment of this journey worth it . Keep up the good work and thank you for letting me brag a little it feels so good! Take care
  6. jbrad71629

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Mia It looks like you are soing prett well. You may want to "practice" getting a little more protein and less bread. The protein is what you will have to concentrate on after the band and it helped me alot to go ahead and start eating like I had the band prior to my surgery. Keep up the god work and if you need any help just ask there are lots of people on here who will help this website hs been a lifesaver for me. Take care.
  7. jbrad71629

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Tifton is about 45 minutes from me,which is fine. If we do Thursday can it be on the first Thursday or third thursday of the month? I have a meeting at work on the 2nd and 4th thursday of each month.What restaraunt in Tifton is good ?
  8. jbrad71629

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    BooBoo Thank you so much for your inspiration. I had my fist fill yesterday and have sat here most of today wondering to myself if I will ever make my goal in a year like I originally thought. You give me a renewed sense of it being possible with hard work and commitment. Thank you again you really are my hero for the day!!!!!!
  9. jbrad71629

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Pamela As you know I am all for this and evenings would be great for me. Let me know if I a can be of any help.
  10. jbrad71629

    How did you deal with thoughts of failure?

    Pamela, No way did you discourage me don't even let the thought enter your mind. You have every right to get it off your chest and vent here. This is a great resource for us to have just for that reason alone plus so many more. The holidays are tough for a lot of people. I understand where you are coming from on that aspect. I don't know how we even half way expect to put ourselves through the stresses we do each and every year and come ot sane. I always promise myself that I am not going to let the pressures get to me but I never live up to that promise. I have been doing a lot of reading on here today, have been home the last two days. Yesterday I had my fill and woke up today feeling like I have the flu. SO all I have done is sit in bed reading and being a bum, but as i read i keep finding posts where you are trying to encourage or bring someone back up. I kind of think of you as the little lap band angel on here. Just remember that you are such a positive influence to alot of people, and don't kick yourself too hard when you need some of us to help pick you up. Take care
  11. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Mia I use Dr B. also and I did eat sweet potaotes on the Sugar Busters diet, I still love to have them as my vegi every now and then. The tv thing was also hard for me to give up while eating, I just had to learn that it was better to concentrate on eating than to blindly shove food in my face. After you get the band and start on solids you will not need any distrctions, they make it easy to eat too big of a bite or overeat all together. Take care and best of luck to you.
  12. jbrad71629

    How did you deal with thoughts of failure?

    Pamela This is not coming from someone anywhere near goal but I just had to put my cents worth in... I read this and just wanted to cry and gve you a huge hug!! You are one of the first people on here to reach out to me when i joined and you have been such an inspiration , 55 pounds in three months is excellent! You need to be proud of yourself not kicking yourself. It takes some people several fills to get good restriction, just hang in there we'll both get there I am certain. You know the weight loss is going to be hard until you hit your sweet spot. If you want to get a support group started let me know we will figure something out. I have a friend from work that was banded the same day i was and i know she would join us and I know a few other who have used Dr B thta would probably love to as well. I have read threads from you all over this board encouraging everyone you can find that needs a lift, now take some of that and give it to yourself. Take care and let me know if you want to get to gether for a support group we'll figure out a way.
  13. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Joyful I was banded by Dr Bagnatto in Albany on 11/16/07. IT HAS BEEN GREAT !! I eat with my family for the most part you have to use your own judgement . After the post op diet when you are given more of a range of foods you will have to figure out which ones you need to avoid pretty much everyone I have talked to has been different. I have not been really hungry since surgery but everyone is different so it may take a couple of fills for you to reach a comfortable level. And the quickest way to get protein is with a protein shake but watch for low sugar and calories or youwill sabbotage your weight loss. Dr. B recommends 60 grams of protein a day and gives you a list of foods that are good choices, if you need it I can copy it and send it to you, but it is really just common foods like turkey, chicken, tuna, eggs, cheese. Just be sure to put the protein in first then some veggies if you have room tha tkeeps the hunger away longer. Take care and nice to meet you.
  14. jbrad71629

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Pamela I have a weird noise when i drink the Protein shakes, kind of like a gurgle, so i think I will have restriction from this fill at least for a while. You said you worry about a leak, do you still have the same amount of Fluid when they check it at your next fill? Elizabeth and Maleek both see very nice. I am sure they will be great to work with. I really liked the fact that when I told Elizabeth I could still feel the poke from the fill needle she gave me more lidocaine as I am a big baby when it comes to needles....
  15. jbrad71629

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    Hi everyone. I just wanted to check in I am starting to feel like I am a stalker since I read all of your posts but don't ever post. I had my first fill today and it was super easy. I had lost 31 pounds since my first appointment according to their scale but 36 according to mine so I am sticking to mine. My next appointment is on the 16th anybody else going that day? Pamela You are doing great. I keep reading all your posts and using you for inspiration. Thank you for all the support you have given me.
  16. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Hi everyone! I have been havign computer problema and just had an opportunity to get back online. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! Pamela How is that third fill going? I get my first one on january 3rd and I am so excited! I am having to rely on will power to stay on track and that is fading fast. Take care.
  17. jbrad71629

    Birth Control Pills. Need some feedback

    I used an IUD for about 5 years with no side effects at all. You might want to ask your doctor.
  18. I don't know if all surgeons are the same but mine eighs you fully clothed. I would think all of them would do it this way though. Good luck!
  19. jbrad71629

    For Unto me a child was born!

    Congratulations on the new arrival! They are so much fun when they are little then they turn into teenaagers so enjoy him while you can!
  20. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Tx Stick to that diet you need to heal well to keep the ban in place. We'll get together and share a horse later!!!!:biggrin1: Best of luck and let us know how you are doing this thread has some great people on it!
  21. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Pamela My first fill is not until Jan 3rd, I am so scared they are going to say that I don't need one now. I think I may just slack up on the willpower a little bit between now and then. I have been keeping my calories very close to 800 a day and working out on the tread mill or my ski machine every night and working my behind off at work this time of year. If they say I dont need a fill i will just have to sit down and cry right there in the office. :cry Are you doing any kind of exercise and what is your caloorie range if you don't mind me asking.... One of my coworkers wa naded the same day as me but she is not watching her calories or working out and she is still losing but more slowly than me. Now I wonder if that is the approach i should take until I get sufficient fills to feel restriction so that I don't have to feel deprived. because there are some nights that if I didnt have sf jello. Well anyway I need to run i am about to wake up the family and get them to go for a walk with me, they will all be so happy. .. hang in there and take care.
  22. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Pamela I just saw your post about not getting a fill. That really stinks, I think when I go in a couple of weeks I'll make sure I wear extra heavy clothes. But the bright side of things is you are doing grreat with your weight loss. I hope things get easier for you I know it is difficult to feel like you are on a diet all the time beause that is where I am at right now. Keep up the good work and take care.
  23. :help:Hi all I have fderal bc/bs and am trying diligently to get them to pre approve my lap band surgery. They keep telling me to have the surgery and then they will review it for medical necessity. Has anyone else had luck getting them to pre approve this? My surgeon will not do the surgery without it, which I can understand that he can't take the risk of not getting paid. Pleas help me if you have had experience with this, as I am at my wits end.
  24. jbrad71629

    Newbie from Georgia

    Pamela, Thank you for the encouragement. Ijust notice you have lost 50lbs!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so proud for you. Renewed Keep your thoguhts positive. You are not doing this to wake up tomorrow and be thin it is a long drawn out process. You can and will get back on track. Go kiss the baby for all of us and know that we are all here to support you. Buttercup Congratulations and good luck. Keep coming here for support it is a great resource. Take care all.
  25. jbrad71629 banded by Dr bagnato 11/16/07 in albany ga

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
