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About misslisa906

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    Intermediate Member
  1. misslisa906

    Dr. Trace Curry-Cincinnati, Ohio

    Your first step will be to attend the free informational session. You get some free stuff but other than that it is pretty boring. Lol just call the office or go to the website and RSVP to a time that works for you.
  2. I'm three and a half months out and I'm here to say that I too felt no restriction on my liquid or purred stage. I was convinced my surgeon didn't take anything out at all. But the first time I took a bite of real food it all changed. I can eat one string cheese and be completely full. I can have half a Protein bar but never a full one. Half an egg, a piece of turkey bacon and two bites of whole wheat toast and that's it never any more. Trust me, when you start eating solid/soft foods again you will feel that restriction. Also, regarding the eating in the middle of the night. I was told by my surgeon that we should never eat in the middle of the night while recovering from surgery and that if your feeling hunger pains (or what your brain thinks are hunger pains) that it can be muscle contractions from recovery or dehydration so try upping your fluids and I also found taking a tums before bed helped for some reason and not laying completely vertical helps as well.
  3. misslisa906

    Hungry, 3 days out

    My surgeon told me at my two month follow up that my "hunger pains" I was feeling were not hunger pains in reality but a dehydration issue. I have struggled the entire time with getting my min fluids in, even pre surgery I had issues with dehydration, I simply don't like drinking fluids I suppose. So I really started to focus on drinking beyond my 48 oz minimum and those hunger pains went away. . Maybe it will help maybe it won't but it's worth a shot Good luck everyone!
  4. misslisa906

    Itching belly from stitches

    I'm eight weeks out and mine itch all day every day. It's driving me up a wall lol. All my stitches have come off or fallen out at this point so it must be internal healing, which is probably why no matter how hard I itch.. I just can't seem to get to the source lol. I'll take a little itchiness as long as I keep loosing this weight though
  5. Things I can't wait for: Not being the only overweight person in my entire family. Rocking a two piece bathing suite with ease. No more "chub rub" on my thighs when i wear shorts. (I actually already accomplished this goal at three weeks out and I still can't believe it) Working out in cute work out clothes made for girls and not big men's t shirts and basketball shorts. To hit goal so that I don't have to buy new clothes every other week to fit my changing body. Don't get me wrong I'm loving the new smaller clothes, my bank account however is not loving it. To buy new winter jeans this fall and not cry in every dressing room because not a single pair in the store fit me.
  6. misslisa906

    Vsg 4 weeks out and struggling

    I had my surgery six and a half weeks ago, i was also a lightweight-ish person. Surgery weight being 246. I was down to 220 by my first appt a week and a half later and then by four weeks I was only down to 212. I noticed my weight stalled as soon as I added exercise into the mix. I think sitting around recovering for two or three weeks lost a lot of muscle mass for me and when I began lifting and running again I started to gain muscle back. My NUT told me not to worry this early on as long as I'm seeing inches come off. I'm simply trading my fat lbs for muscle lbs. which I'm totally fine with. I'd rather build muscle and boost my metabolism and be healthy than see 15 lbs drop off the scale in a week. Plus a slower and steadier weight loss equals less skin issues later on.
  7. misslisa906

    Dr. Trace Curry-Cincinnati, Ohio

    Morning everyone! I had my surgery in 4-29 with dr curry. My girlfriend had hers about a year ago and her mother had hers 5 years ago. All of us had successful and pretty easy recoveries. Hardest part for me was the emotional aspect. I'm now six weeks and one day out and eating soft foods and for the life of me I can't remember what I was so emotional about lol I've never lost weight before only gained and gained and gained even with physician assisted diets and crazy work out programs. To finally see the scale go down is amazing. Good luck to you both and i hope all recovery goes smoothly!
  8. misslisa906

    How much time off work, desk job

    I thought I could go back at two weeks. Then I couldn't get myself out of bed at two weeks long enough to even get ready. So I waited another week and was determined to go back at three weeks. Actually made it in the door this time. Worked for two hours and couldn't do anymore. So I tried again at the four week mark and have been great ever since every person gets their energy back at different times and your surgeons office should work with you along with your employer. What good are you to them if your passing out or falling asleep or just not able to do your job duties efficiently. Good luck!!
  9. I got my energy back up to a functional level (able to stay awake all day and do some light activity like grocery shopping or cleaning) around week 3. I just got approved this past week, one month post op on 5/29, for regular exercise and since my first work out I have so much more energy. Sure I'm shaky and exhausted for a half hour after a big work out but once I eat some protein I am ready to go again. I do find that the heat and walking around the city still zaps my energy pretty fast so I stick to indoor workouts like running on the treadmill or weight lifting.
  10. I'm 23 and when I made the choice to have the surgery I told myself I would keep it on the down low from my outer ring of coworkers and friends and just inform my close friends and of course family. I personally just respond to people who comment on my weight loss and say things like, "thank you for noticing" or when they ask how I did it I just simply reply "I changed to a healthier lifestyle of eating better and smaller and working out daily." It's the truth after all. Sure I had surgery to assist me but I do all the work myself. I usually don't get that many more questions after I make that comment. People only seem to care to inquire more about someone's weight loss when the method they are using is some magic pill or starvation diet. Basically looking for an easy way out. But it's a personal choice for everyone, my girlfriend tells anyone and everyone because she wants to spread the word and help as many people in their journeys as they can; I myself am more private and like to keep a low profile. To each their own Good luck!
  11. I went through something similar. I'm five weeks out on Tuesday and getting back on track. I did what I always have done and told myself "well I just worked out really hard so I deserve a treat" and I got a kids ice cream cone. I, like you, immediately felt a huge wave of guilt and turned it around. Now, at this early stage in recovery, isn't the time to fall off track. We're learning an all new way of life that someday will seem second nature to us (hopefully) and not so much of a constant internal battle. That's what keeps me focused mostly; knowing that just like the liquid phase of the post op recovery that I surely thought would kill me, this stage of learning new behaviors will end too and I'll be much happier on the other side when I've lost the weight and changed my life. Keep your head up!!
  12. misslisa906

    Does anyone regret it?

    I regretted my decision for three weeks after surgery. And I'm only four and a half weeks out now. I woke up from surgery with no pain thanks to the high doses of pain medications however I had my very first anxiety attack in post op recovery and I had one every day when I woke up for three weeks. I think loosing my only vice (food) left me unable to really process or deal with stress. It took me awhile to learn other coping strategies and I'm still learning. I'm so glad the regret stage is over for me. It was harder to deal with than any of the pain ever was.

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