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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Cmoore254

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  1. When I told a friend of mine, she said "Nothing like jumping off a cliff". My comment back was that when I was diagnosed with cancer, it was like being pushed off a cliff, this is feels more like climbing a mountain. Just got my date yesterday 08/26/2014, eight long months to jump through the hoops and it is only just beginning. I am so excited.
  2. Don't know if I should be jumping up and down with joy or crying. Just received a call from my Insurance company, they approved my sleeve. BUT, there is a $5,000 limit on my policy. Called my patient coordinator and she is going to have to research and get back to me. Freaking out just alot right now. Six month of pre-op workup, and $3,000 already invested. Just wondering if anyone else has similar experience?
  3. Don't know if I should be jumping up and down with joy or crying. Just received a call from my Insurance company, they approved by sleeve. BUT, there is a $5,000 limit on my policy. Called my patient coordinator and she is going to have to research and get back to me. Freaking out just a lot right now. Six month of pre-op workup, and $3,000 already invested. Just wondering if anyone else has similar experience?
  4. Cmoore254

    DENIED by Aetna today :(

    My heart and prayers go out to you. When you stop smoking your heart rate slows down and you burn less calories (so I have been told). I hope that you can find a way to appeal.
  5. I too have a boss that appears to be anti-wls and work in a medical billing office. (A Certified Professional Coder) We were talking about a new clinic that recently opened and she made the commit "Well I hope that they are giving those people some counseling. I decided to request the time off and leave out the why. After I start losing and if she asks, I will tell her the truth. I think that your reasoning of how the obesity (a disease) is effecting your medical management of your other conditions, if she must know is a perfect explanation. At first I did not want to tell anyone, even my closest friends. When I came out, people used terms like desperate measures, and jumping off a cliff. My primary care physician had the sleeve also, and advised me that we all need to be advocates. We are not doing this to enhance our beasts or to have a better backside. We have a unfortunate genetic makeup and some like me turn to food for comfort (we are addicted) We are doing this not only to save our lives but to have some quality of life. A basic human right. I have become quick to let people know that breast CA was like being pushed off a cliff and this process is more like climbing a mountain. Keep your sprites up and do not be ashamed.
  6. Cmoore254


  7. Cmoore254

    Pre-test annoyances

    Not really an option for me. I live in an area that is not very populated, so I have to drive a ways to the best hospitals and clinics. If the Cardiologist cancels one more time, I will find a new one.
  8. Cmoore254

    Pre-test annoyances

    I feel your pain, having the same problem with the Cardiologist. Plus I have no idea what additional testing they are going to require and how long it will take to get those scheduled. Now that I have made my mind up I want to move forward and just keep getting stalled. Some of the pre-op I can only have done at a facility associated with the group that is doing the surgery and that is a 2.5 hour drive. Was hoping to schedule in August, but may have to wait until September.
  9. Good to here that you were able to resolve. I am having problems just getting through the prescreening. My Cardiologist just bumped me out three weeks. I am hoping that they are not going to require a lot of testing. Now that I have made my mind up, I just want to get everything done.

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