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Mrs King

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mrs King

  1. My husband was supportive..but in reality I needed little help from him after surgery since I had everything prepared. However, my husband helps me in the way that he does not bring non nutritious foods into our home. Especially ice cream which is my red light food. Another change he made is not eating out as much. We have cut down eating out so much. Maybe twice a month now. That was a big deal for my husband who loves to eat out. I cook more often for both of us. Another issue is you getting more attractive as you lose your weight. He may need reassurance from you .. It is all good.

    Carlotta - wow I didn't even think of the reassurance when I lose the weight. Thank you for that. I would never ever want to make him feel like I would leave him just because I was getting a little bit more thin. He love me for 10 years before we got married and loved me even at my heaviest weight. He's definitely a keeper.

  2. I just know my DH is on my side...what I (we) DON'T need is someone telling us NOT to eat such and such... if you want to talk; you need someone who will listen and not judge... if you want an opinion, you'll ask for it, otherwise LISTEN...SUPPORT... My husband lost weight by just cutting out carbonated beverages and cutting back on his carbs as well... so he is healthier and happier too :) Good luck...

    Thank you BigGirlPanties!! My husband is very very excited about my surgery but he just doesn't want to do anything that would be anything but supportive. His plan is to eat a little bit less too so that he can lose a little bit of weight in the process as well.

  3. @@Mrs King, first of all congratulations! I spent the last week before surgery on a liquid diet. My suggestion is just stick to it and don't give in to the 'last meal' temptations. It really is preparation for the weeks ahead when you will be on liquids and soft foods only. After surgery Gas X was a good friend of mine. I got the strips that dissolve on your tongue that I would use whenever I felt gassy (a side effect of the surgery). Everyone heals differently. For me I had a lot of soreness at the main incision site for about 3 1/2 weeks after surgery. The nurses at the hospital had given me a cool re-useable ice pack. I liked it so much they gave me a second one and I took them both home to ice the incision site. That helped a lot! I used it right up to the time when the pain finally became dull. Again, not everyone has the same type of muscle aches and pains at the incision site but it would be good to get an ice pack just in case. Also, I am tall and I found that laying in bed or on a chair that didn't require me to strain to get up was a lot more comfortable then sitting in a low chair and having to fight my way out of it. This is less stressful on the incision site too. Pillows were also my constant companions, for compression and to prop me up on my bed. I guess the last piece of advice would be to know that WLS is not easy, especially right after surgery. I was so tired of eating/drinking the same things that didn't care that I lost 20 lbs in two weeks. All I wanted was some flavor! :) There is sort of a mourning period for food but that gets better too. After weeks of sweet tasting things like Protein Shakes, pudding, yogurt, and popsicles, having real food in the form of Egg Drop Soup and oatmeal helped me to soldier on until eventually I could start adding more flavorful things to my diet. Looking back on the first few weeks after surgery I had some pretty miserable moments but I am nearly 3 months post OP now and things are going so well that I almost forgot all about that. If you find yourself in the same place I was just know that it always gets better and it definitely is worth it!

    MissMe - wow your advice is invaluable. Thank you so much for your insight on the surgery I'm really excited now reading what you it said some of the tips you gave me. This is why sites like these are so helpful to new people or people that are a little bit timid about going to this process. People like you make it seem a little bit more real and help to give a helpful perspective on it. I definitely know there will be struggles post op but I also know that in the long run this is the best thing for me and definitely something that's going to help to create a healthy life for me. Thank you again for everything and congratulations on your 3 month celebration!!

  4. @@Mrs King welcome to Bariatric Pal! The one thing I always tell pre-ops is to be patient with the process. Do your pre-op diet for many reasons, but number one do it for your life. Best wishes to you!

    Hi there Irene!! Thank you for the welcoming words!! I think the suggestion of patience is always a smart way to go. I definitely have the patience with the process. I'm just looking forward to it all coming together. I'm VERY excited to do it.

  5. Ms King I think the best thing to do is not to worry - it's all going to be fine. Follow the instructions that you are given. It's simple at the beginning - just focusing on getting Water and Protein in your body. I bought myself some "small" containers,bowls and cutlery and that has been helpful. I mixed lime juice and froze my water bottle to enjoy drinking water. Take time, don't be in a rush and enjoy the process. Remember it's not like another diet. U won't fail. I'm down 23 pounds, tons of inches and feel great after being sleeved May 1. I haven't had any complications except some Constipation about 10 days ago. I'm all good now. Best thing I have ever done! I feel free already. Good luck with your surgery , and keep us posted

    Jody - This is all GREAT advice for me!! I'm just so excited and look at this as a major tool in becoming a healthy version of me. Hearing how you have already lost 23 lbs is amazing to me!! Congratulations of your journey this far. I'm so grateful to meet people like you with such awesome experiences.

  6. Hello everyone. My name is Erin and I am excited to say in one week I will be having my gastric sleeve surgery. I have wanted this surgery for over 10 years but only recently found out that my insurance covered it. Once I knew that I would be covered I jumped on the opportunity and now I'm here one week out from surgery. :) Last night I was lucky enough to find this app for my iPhone. Now I think this is the best way to spend my week before surgery reading stories, getting inspiration, and getting even more excited for the new life I have ahead of me. You guys are some really amazing people and I can't wait to share my experience with all of you.

    For those who recently went through the sleeve what are your recommendations in the last week before surgery? Was there anything that you wish you had done prior to surgery? Was there anything that you wish you HAD NOT done prior to surgery one week before? My doctor has let me know that I will be on a liquid diet two days prior to surgery - so for those who went through the same process was this difficult or was it something that you were so excited about the surgery it didn't matter?

    I want to say thank you in advance because I know there's going to be a lot of advice and positivity from you guys. I can't wait to become official "SLEEVER" just like many of you.

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