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Mrs King

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mrs King

  1. Hey all, Surgery went well. Pain was tolerable and managed. I walked every hour 3 laps of the hospital. The staff were really positive. My Dr. released me yesterday. He said all you have to worry about the next 2 weeks is walk. ,get my Protein in , Hydrate and he even told me to add a little cottage cheese into my diet. No problems getting my fluids and protein down. The sleeve lets me know when I'm getting full and I set things down until I can sip again. I'm off my cholesterol medication I'm taking so much less of my insulin Glad to be back home! Jenn

    Jenn you are such an inspiration for me and my surgery tomorrow!! Thank you for talking about your experience!! I have even more excitement for my surgery thank to YOU!!

  2. Not for my sleeve, because I was on fluids for two weeks, but I did have to take it for a colonoscopy. Be very near a bathroom that you can have to yourself for several hours. You can apply the same principal post op to prevent or relieve Constipation. Milk of magnesia is an effective laxative for most people. For myself, I take a magnesium supplement twice a day in addition to a stool softener twice a day. I have M O M on hand, prune juice in the fridge, and Haribo sugar free Gummy Bears if things get desperate. You can read the Amazon review for the gummy bears if you need a smile break. It is hilarious. Out of curiosity, I bought a five pound bag from an on-line candy wholesaler. Not officially recommending them as a laxative........just sayin'.

    Interesting information!! Thank you for all of that - It should be an interesting adventure. I definitely should go home early tomorrow since our office bathroom is pretty far from my location...

  3. Have you ever taken it before? Myself, I would never take it at work, unless my desk was right next to the bathroom. For me, it really get's things moving. Really moving. But I have always had motility issues, so ... your milage may vary.

    I did not have to do this before my sleeve surgery as I did liquids only 36 hours prior, so, everything was already moving. But for other surgeries, I have and if you are planning on going to work, bring a change of clothes.

    Maybe two

    Thank you for the insight. I've never had it so this is completely a new adventure for me. I will head your warning about being near a bathroom. Today and tomorrow I am on the liquid diet as well as having to take the liquid magnesium citrate... Hopefully since I won't have much to "move" in my system it won't be too harsh.

  4. Hi everyone!! I have been instructed by my surgeon to take magnesium citrate tomorrow (which is the day before my surgery). I've never taken it before and have 2 questions:

    1) Did any of you have to do this before surgery?

    2) How did it go? I have work tomorrow and I am wondering if I should leave early to let the process go smoothly at home.

    Thank you for any help you may have with this question!

  5. June Sleevers: Add yourself by copy and pasting this list and reposting it with your user name, your (first name), what state you are in and your surgery date. Make any changes to the list I have typed...as you can tell by my profile picture, I'm not very tech savvy. This way we can all send well wishes etc on your surgery date. We ve got this! Wadet67 (Taryn) OK 6/3 Cutiecake (Alisha) FLA 6/9 J-F ord (?) CA 6/9 Patricia_sleeve (Patricia) 6/18 Mowgli19 (Sue) WA 6/19 Relentless (Liz)MI 6/25 TiredMama (Amber) PA 6/30

    Erin from CA on Fri 6/6

  6. Mrs King, I'm also June 5th but that's a Thursday. Freaked out for a bit. Just wanted to let you know incase you are planning for a Friday date. But I'm not so nervous yet. Or excited. I just want the day to come. I want to be done with it so I can start with this new life I have been waiting for. Congrats to all us June Sleevers!

    Ooooops!! I meant June 6th

  7. I would suggest that in the beginning he refrain from eating tempting food, i.e. Ice cream, pizza, etc., in front of you. Eventually you will be able to eat pretty much whatever you want but in much smaller amounts. My hubby has been incredibly supportive but he ate pizza in the hospital room while I was newly post-op. He was just clueless and meant no harm but I pretty much wanted to kill him! LOL! Once I explained to him how torturous that was for me he was very apologetic and never made that sort of mistake again. Also, once you are able to exercise ask him to exercise with you. It's more fun that way and it's good for him too. Best of luck!

    Chelenka - this advice is like gold to me. I literally read about a lot allowed to my husband and he was laughing at the pizza story which made me think he may have done that if I hadn't read the story. ;) I love the idea of exercising together too I think that would be the best idea for both of us. Thank you so much for your experiences but I'm sure my husband has learned a lot as well. :)

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