I am scheduled to attend my pre surgery consulation on Sept. 5th. I have completed insurance approval, psych evaluation and have gotten my primary doctor approval so I am on my way! The only problem is that I am scared to death to have the surgery! I know that it is a minimal procedure and being a nurse manager I have been in surgery and I have seen several very old, very sick patients go into surgery and come out of it, but I myself have never had surgery and I am scared like crazy! I am also gaining weight and eating junk that I have never ate before! One other thing is although I adore my husband and we have a great relationship, but I am so embarrassed that he will have to come to the consulation with me and have to see my "Holy huge" number on the scale!!! He has never ever said anything about my weight but it is soooo embarrassing to me! If there is anyone out there who feels like I do or has been through some of these feelings before, I would love to hear from you! I was in the process of having the surgery last year with one of my friends, but I chickened out because of my fear. She. of course, had the surgery and is down 85pounds in about 9 months! I am not backing out this time, for sure, but I would love to find some support from this site! Thank you all so much!:thumbup: