Hey guys! Sleeved June 19, surgery went well. In and out of the hospital in 2 days. 4 days PO and all I've been dealing with is the rumbling/gurgles of my stomach. Is this normal? It's typically all of the time, but especially after I drink something. I have definitely been struggling to get all the fluids in, but it has been getting better each day. My surgeon has me on Clear liquids 5 days PO and then on to full liquids. Can anyone suggest what they drank/ate at this phase? I can tolerate SF Jello and Popsicles and that's about it, I would like to try some broths but anything that I even smell turns my stomach. Also (sorry for all the questions) I know we are supposed to avoid citric fruits PO, however I am finding that a lot of the G2 drinks and Popsicles have citric acid in them, is it alright to still be eating/drinking them?
And finally as far as BMs sorry I know tmi, but all mine have been completely liquid and at least 3-5 times a day, again normal or should I be worried?
This journey is far from the easy way out and I wish the people who thought that could go through a day or two of what it actually feels like. But I know that this is the best decision I've made my entire life and I'm so excited to see how much I'll lose and how healthy I can get!
Thanks for all your infor. And help!