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Mia Eck

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mia Eck

  1. ive been heavy all my life and having sex (sorry blunt) just wasnt all that fun. too much fat on me, didnt find myself attractive, and so on. but now that ive lost a good amount of weight...im likin it so much more now. its easier and not as hard. i guess cuz i can move easier. anyone else feel that way? i know its a crazy topic but hey its the girls room!
  2. so ive been noticing today and yesterday that im eatting more than i should be eating. i had broccoli and 4 pergies for dinner tonight but i feel like i shouldnt be eating that much. am i eating more than i should or does that sound about right. the night before i had for dinner, half a salad from saladworks.
  3. okay ladies so maybe its me but i figured i would throw this topic out and see if anyone can relate. Ever since my surgery right around my period week i have been getting really strange almost weird dreams that leave me in a confused state when i wake up. They are very vivid and i can remember almost all of them like it actually happened in real life. i know they didnt happen tho because they are just too weird for real life. Last night i dreamed that some guy came up to my fiance and cut him in the face with a razor blade so i slapped the guy in the face with a bag full of sauce and meatballs. the night before was my mom and i running this long path with a pool at the end but instead of jumping into the pool we jumped into the air and started flying but then my mom was hit in the face with a goose and she goes "that dang goose bump" then i woke up. and when i wake up i feel so confused and dazed. anyone else going though this or is it just me??
  4. Mia Eck

    once upon a time....

    was tested for sleep apnea for preop and was told i didnt have it. ive always remember my dreams but recently they have been weird dreams before surgery they were just normal dreams. idk maybe its just me lol
  5. Mia Eck

    I crossed my legs...and I liked it!

    i had that exact moment too! one day i was sitting talking to my mom on the sofa (she was across from me) and we were having a really good conversation that i wasnt even focused on how i was sitting til my mom said to me..."your legs are crossed" i was confused at first but then was like wow they are really crossed and not ankle over ankle but knee over knee....and it was comfortable!!! <3 i dont think i even sat that way before...now i do it all the time!!
  6. Prior to surgery aunt flow never really took much out of me, but since my surgery my PMS week has been a killer. more mood swings then im use to more cramps and pains then ive had before and coming a bit late and lasting longer. anyone else have these issues??
  7. Mia Eck

    "doin the dirty" is sooo much better now!

    RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha my fiance better get his rest! haha
  8. Mia Eck

    Lactose intolerant

    i wasnt lactose intollarent prior to surgery......now i am but only when its pure dairy. if i have small amouts of it it doesnt seem to bother me but drinking a cold glass of milk or a piece of chocolate just wont work anymore.
  9. Mia Eck

    aunt flow packs a punch

    oh there are several reminders. im pretty good at remember a day or so late which should effect it too much. i think what the real problem is is before i had a lot of "insulation" so the pains from my cramping was absorbed and now since theres not as much "insulation" i feel them more. cant really explain the mood swings though maybe im just going batty lol
  10. Mia Eck

    aunt flow packs a punch

    mines even worse cuz its nuva ring...it is literally the easiest birth control to have and i still forget to either take it out or put a new one back in after a week of having it out!! like the worse!!! lol
  11. Mia Eck

    aunt flow packs a punch

    oh im so happy its not just me!! lol ive been taking my birth control but i should probably more regular about taking it lol thanks
  12. i understand where your at mentally. i am having the same problem. i lost a big deal quickly then it stopped. my food count was off and i wasnt eatting what i was suppose to. i have been using fitnesspal but it still seems like im not going anywhere. I have been trying to get back on track but idk ive gone back to being vegitarian and eatting high Protein foods but im not loosing weight. I gained 6lbs back but still havent been able to get them off again. Ive been going to the trainer so my surgeon just says its muscle but reallly??? i dont think so :/
  13. going to the doctors and asking to get weighed and having the nurse whisper to me, "im sorry the scale doesnt go that high" major motivation at that point. i can now get on the scale!
  14. Mia Eck

    7 months post surgery

    From the album: weight loss

    still working on it but doing pretty good
  15. Mia Eck

    For my 20 something ladies!

    im 24 no kids and had the sleeve last october (2013) i started at a 44DDD and now after loosing 100lbs im still a DDD but now im a 36DDD so not too big of a difference to me. i do see some stretch marks on the sides by my armpits but nothing some lotion cant handle.
  16. Mia Eck

    Any Jersey Sleevers?

    mercer area.. had my surgery at centrastate hospital in october by doc. dobruskin
  17. Mia Eck

    looking for a mentor/buddy

    im new on here....now do i PM you? lol
  18. I am 7 months out of surgery (october 11, 2013) and looking for someone who is on the same time period i am. i am a great friend to have and a great motivator but i would to have someone to message/talk to when im havin a tough day. im from nj so if a possible mentor/buddy is in that general area it would be great. im looking for someone to share my highs and lows with as i continue my journey and to give pointers to on how to keep it going but am also looking for someone that will give me pointers as well and share their successes and hard days. thanks!
  19. Mia Eck

    Any Jersey Sleevers?

    anyone in central jersey or jersey shore?
  20. I am 7 months out of surgery and i am doing great physically but mentally its like a whole other playing field. Physically i have lost 106lbs but mentally it feels like i never lost the weight. I have confidence now and i know i can do things i couldnt do before but now i dont have the faith in myself to get them done. I am starting to have "cheat meals" which then turn into "cheat days" and so on. i have high moments too where i feel fantastic and i love my new body. I feel over the moon when i look at myself in the mirror and i can see curves and not "curves" i love that i can fit into my highschool dresses again without even struggling. It all feels great. but i have my days where the stagnate number on the scale is more important than the pant size i just lost. my surgeon told me this is normal but idk is it? i have been using myfitnesspal.com which is working and im refocusing my attention to getting more exercise but how can i get a manage on this battle with my mind?
  21. I am 7 months out of surgery and i am doing great physically but mentally its like a whole other playing field. Physically i have lost 106lbs but mentally it feels like i never lost the weight. I have confidence now and i know i can do things i couldnt do before but now i dont have the faith in myself to get them done. I am starting to have "cheat meals" which then turn into "cheat days" and so on. i have high moments too where i feel fantastic and i love my new body. I feel over the moon when i look at myself in the mirror and i can see curves and not "curves" i love that i can fit into my highschool dresses again without even struggling. It all feels great. but i have my days where the stagnate number on the scale is more important than the pant size i just lost. my surgeon told me this is normal but idk is it? i have been using myfitnesspal.com which is working and im refocusing my attention to getting more exercise but how can i get a manage on this battle with my mind?
  22. Mia Eck

    Before and After Pics

    i am 7 months out of surgery. havent lost much the last few months since apparently muscle weighs more than fat but im getting there
  23. Mia Eck

    Before and After Pics

    started at 370 currently at 255 and still going
  24. Mia Eck

    weight loss

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
