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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by katonaboat

  1. I'll be 1 year out tomorrow and starting at about 8 months, my loss became really, really slow- sometimes losing and gaining the same 2 lbs for weeks. I took a hard look and realized that although my carbs were still low, I had become lazy about getting my Protein in. I've never exercised much, but now I've started walking for 30 minutes before work and during lunch. Between the increased protein and the added exercise, things are looking better. I've lost 2lbs per week for the past 5 weeks and hope it will continue for a while. I know to reach goal I'll need to get more serious about exercise and it has always been an issue for me to find the energy and motivation!

  2. I went back to work after 10 days. I have a desk job, but it was a little more difficult than I anticipated. You really notice how often you get up from your chair when your stomach muscles are still healing! Although I was tired, I think going back to work quickly helped me adjust to my new eating program. PLUS, I was able to save my vacation time and treat myself to a nice, lengthy vacation one year out! For the first time in many years, I actually enjoyed shopping for shorts and sundresses, and (gasp!) didn't feel like crying when I tried on swimsuits!

  3. I have struggled with this as well. It's frustrating to buy fitted clothes that look good, then have them become shapeless on you within a few weeks. Such a waste of money! I used to never wear dresses to work, but they have become my go-to work wear. They can go through several size changes before they become too large and can be belted, or worn with a jacket, cardigan or shrug to give them more definition. At the same time, I like to have one fitted outfit at each size, because nothing helps keep me motivated as much as hearing one of those "You look great/small/thin/etc." comments from a co-worker. I've gone from a size 22 to a size 14 since June. Ebay has helped me keep things affordable, especially since I've been able to sell a lot of the things from my closet that I never got around to wearing when I was bigger.

  4. I was sleeved 06/12 and hit a major stall in November that lasted for a month. I thought I was doing everything right, but I will admit my Protein intake had fallen off a little, and although my carb intake was low, it had definitely increased. I wondered if this might be contributing to my stall, so I decided to go back to the beginning and spend a week on my old standby of Protein Shakes, tuna, eggs, etc. I don't know if that triggered the weight loss to start again, or it was just coincidental, but I lost 5lbs that week and although I went back to my "regular" diet right after, my weight loss has gone back to 2lbs per week for the last 3 weeks. I'm going to try it again next time I hit a stall and see if it works again. My weight loss has been fairly slow and I seem to hit more stalls than many others on here. I usually hit a one week stall after every 2-3 weeks of weight loss.

  5. I've also had slow, but steady weight loss since my surgery June 12th. For the longest time, I didn't really believe I would see onederland, but this morning the scale read 210- and I can see it coming! I'll be so happy when that number on the scale starts with a 1- and just think we go to the doctor and they no longer have to slide that bar over to the 200 mark!

  6. I had a follow-up appointment with my surgeon's office yesterday. I've struggled with stalls since my surgery date (I seem to stall about every 10lbs.) and mentioned that to my nurse. She said "let me talk to the doctor". She came back with a prescription for phentermine and said it would help me get through the stalls. I was shocked- one of the reasons I chose surgery was because I didn't want to take pills that might have adverse side effects. Although I was complaining about stalls, I didn't think my results had been poor enough to warrant such a "drastic" action. I have lost 37 lbs since my surgery on June 12th. I've lost 47lbs total since my weight loss journey began in May. I know I don't lose as fast as some, but I AM losing! My gut is telling me something doesn't seem right about this and I'm losing faith in my medical team. Is it normal to be prescribed weight loss drugs after surgery?

  7. One of the campus police at the college where I work stopped in my office this morning to chat. He mentioned that someone had turned in a bag containing a "suspicious" white substance, found in the hall outside my office. I reached into my drawer, pulled out a bag of white powder and said, "Did it look like this one?" His shocked look answered my question. "It's just my Protein Powder, I swear! I mix unflavored Protein powder, that I bring in a plastic sandwich bag, with greek yogurt every morning and I lost the one from yesterday. It must have fallen out of my purse as I was digging for my office keys. I never thought about my little bags of white powder looking suspicious to others. I may have to rethink my protein powder transportation method. Imagine one of those bags falling from my purse if I'm pulled over and have to dig for my license! "It's just my protein powder, officer, I swear!" :o

  8. I neglected to mention that I told my mom I was having surgery for a hiatal hernia ...

    That's what I told my mom, too. Before I went to an information seminar, I mentioned WLS casually and she was so negative I decided not to tell her. I even went so far as to tell her I was having the surgery on a Friday afternoon, when it was actually scheduled for Thursday. I was afraid she would insist on being at the hospital that morning. I was released midday Friday, called her on my way home and told her my surgery was rescheduled and I forgot to mention it. I have since "confessed" by telling her my insurance approved the sleeve as a necessary part of my treatment at the last minute. When she brings it up and starts to become negative, I start gushing about how much better I feel now that I'm not suffering from GERD at night. She loves me and can't help but be glad for me when I do that. :)

  9. I've shared about my surgery at work, but only with a few people in my personal life (I work in another city and my two "groups" are very separate". I have been surprised to find that my coworkers have been more supportive and less judgmental than my close friends and family. They encourage me to walk every day at lunch and have made sure there are options for me at our frequent office potlucks. There may be some unkind comments from the larger work community, but the support I've received from my office mates has outweighed any negativity. Before I decided to share, I had planned to inform anyone who asked that I was on a portion controlled, low-carb diet - and boy is that ever true! :)

  10. i am just wondering where in the heck surgery without any preparation is approved by insurance? where i live surgery is only covered by insurance if you have a long list of requirements that are fulfilled. depending on your specific insurance, it can take 6-12 months for approval. crazy!

    I went in expecting a 6 month wait for approval. Everyone I had talked to had mentioned 6 months of doctor supervised diets, especially with no comorbidities. I work for a public university in Kentucky and have a Humana PPO through the state. When I handed her my card, the med clerk smiled and said "You are lucky, you have Humana State!" The clinic called and said I had received my approval less than a week later. I went in for labs, a psych eval, and an endoscopy less than a week after that and exactly 3 weeks from my informational seminar, I was having surgery. Since my surgery, 2 other employees have approached me to share that they had also had wls (I have been open about it at work) and had a similar experience. They are both doing great and are thrilled with their results. I'm doing well on the program, although I had some minor complications immediately following the surgery (due to a faulty IV) and I've lost a total of 40lbs so far. I'm not unhappy with my progress, I just have some OCD tendencies, normally spend months researching important decisions, and making quick choices go against my nature. My husband is still shocked I went through with it so quickly!

  11. I have some regrets. I was not always overweight, my weight gain happened within the past 8-10 years. I went to an information seminar, really just wanting to find out more about my options. At the end, they asked for our insurance cards. Next thing I knew, the clinic called and said I had been approved by my insurance, was scheduled for tests, and had a surgery date. 3 weeks later, I was in surgery. Besides my weight, I didn't have any health problems, no comorbidities, etc. I wish I had taken more time to make the decision, and spend time on a doctor supervised diet, like so many others on here have done. Of course, without the surgery I might never have put the time and energy in to diet and exercise that I do now. I'll just never know. I think this is a decision that should not be entered into lightly, everyone should do plenty of research and spend a lot of time on these boards before taking this step. I didn't do that and have too many "what ifs" and "maybe I should haves" to put behind me. I bowed to the pressure to move quickly when I should have put the brakes on and given it more consideration.

  12. I have had a lot of back problems since my surgery on June 12th. I thought that I might have injured my back trying to avoid the abdominal muscle pain I experienced post surgery. I'm now experiencing what my doctor thinks is sciatica (never had it before surgery) and I'm seeing a specialist next week. Figures, I lose 40lbs and THEN develop back problems!

  13. I'm on regular foods, surgery was June 12th. I'm still eating mostly Protein, because once I get my protein in I don't have room for much else. For example, I made a low-carb meatloaf the other night and was able to eat 2.5 oz of meatloaf and less than a tablespoon of greenbeans. My husband had a couple of friends over to work on his boat last night (men's garage party) and I ordered pizzas. I pulled the toppings off 2 slices, but couldn't finish. My weight loss has slowed to 2-3lbs a week. It seems like those who were under orders to stay on liquids longer lose weight more quickly. I kind of wish I had been in that group, but once on solid food, I don't want to go back to full liquids! My favorite snack is a babybel cheese. I still have trouble getting my Water in, but I have always struggled with Fluid intake. I think I'm just not as thirsty as normal people!

  14. So sorry you are having such a difficult time! I have the stomach spasms too, and have to remind myself that although they can feel like hunger pains, they are not. I've just resigned myself to a rumbly stomach. Especially when I am trying to get in my fluids. I've also noticed that keeping to a very strict schedule helps both my stomach and my mind with knowing when it is time to eat. On weekends, I often get off schedule and I've noticed that the stomach issues are much worse on those days. Hang in there, sending healing thoughts your way!

  15. I plan to reward myself as I hit milestones with short weekend getaways. I look forward to being able to walk around and explore new places on foot, something I have struggled with as the weight increased. The day I hit my final goal, I'll be on the computer, booking a flight (maybe to Hawaii) and rejoicing in the fact that I won't be worried about fitting into the airplane seat, or making the person next to me uncomfortable! I passed up a trip to S. Korea this year, too afraid I wouldn't fit comfortably. Never again!

  16. Don't worry about what you've done, concentrate on what you are going to do from today forward. That was always one of my downfalls when dieting- if I cheated, I felt like since I'd already blown it, I might as well eat whatever I wanted. Every day is a fresh start, do your best and take it one day at a time. That being said, do be careful not to damage your sleeve. When I am tempted, I think about having to go through all that pain again if I develop a leak and they have to go back in- ugh!

    It is not about cheating that is the issue here hun. In fact if she was several months into this ...any of those foods would be fine...in moderation and few and far between.

    It is the issue of the possible damage that can be done to her new and baby sleeve.....She has no reason to feel like she failed and I don't think that was what she was asking....That is true it is one of the biggest fears of this journey. And those who are out much longer have terrible anxiety over it...

    But right now she is in the honeymoon period and that still is not the point....

    It is that she is taking risks that will or could or can cause her severe complications....Also if she cannot buckle down when her sleeve is new then she will need counseling to help her deal with what is setting her off and how to solve it and retrain her brain.....


    Not disagreeing with you at all, I think you give wonderful advice! Just thought she could also use some positive encouragement going forward. I certainly wasn't trying to downplay the seriousness of the damage that could be done at this stage, the fear of that is one of my best motivational tools to follow my center's plan!

  17. New "problem", I have realized I need to buy more pots and pans- in smaller sizes! It's difficult to transition to cooking smaller amounts when you have been cooking for big eaters for so many years. I made a frittata for brunch today and had to make way too much because I don't have a small skillet with a lid. I have lots of large saucepans, skillets, etc., but very few high quality small ones. Since my freezer is rapidly filling with leftovers, I think I better start shopping! :)

  18. Don't worry about what you've done, concentrate on what you are going to do from today forward. That was always one of my downfalls when dieting- if I cheated, I felt like since I'd already blown it, I might as well eat whatever I wanted. Every day is a fresh start, do your best and take it one day at a time. That being said, do be careful not to damage your sleeve. When I am tempted, I think about having to go through all that pain again if I develop a leak and they have to go back in- ugh!

  19. I'm just at 4 wks, but this is a typical day for me, although some days I can only manage about half of each meal:

    8am Breakfast:1 Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt with 1 scoop of Protein powder

    10am Snack: 1 Premier Protein shake

    12pm Lunch: 3oz tuna with 1 Tbs. salad dressing or 3 Tbs of refried Beans, shredded cheese and 1 Tbs sour cream or ranch dressing

    5pm Dinner: 3-4oz Protein (shredded chicken,salmon, or ground beef, mixed with sauce or broth)

    If my sleeve is having an "off" day, I'll scramble an egg for supper instead ( I tolerate that best) and if I'm below my protein requirement, I'll try to add another 1/2-1 shake around 7pm. I have discovered that I lose more weight at 700-800 calories than I do at 400-600.

  20. I hit an early stall when I moved to purees. It lasted 8 days. I was so frustrated because it didn't seem possible to not lose weight when I ate so little and it seemed too early for a stall. It finally ended and I'm moving on down. Hang in there, maybe you are just at your first stall.

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