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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Dee71

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    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 06/18/1971

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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Dee71!

  2. Hi All: My plastic surgery is schedule for next week and I'm really starting to get nervous. If anyone has had both procedures done at the same time, can you let me know if it was worth it? Would you do it again? What was the pain like (I plan on being off about 3 1/2 weeks - desk job) and am married with two teenagers, so I will have help? We you able to attend to your "personal" needs? My anxiety has been off the charts that past couple of days. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Dee
  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary Dee71!

  4. Hello All: I posted a message a couple of days ago in the complications section, but I figured I post it here also. I have had my band in Aug, 08 with no complications (so far) and am down 62 pounds. Starting about 3 weeks ago, I experienced occasional acid reflux at night (the worst after meat with dinner got stuck). I called my doctor to get an unfill, but I cannot get in until the end of July. I was told to do liquids for the next couple of days and see if that helps. I haven't noticed any "acid" the past couple of nights, but still wake up with the heartburn chest feeling. After I wake up, I go into panic mode in the middle of the night which I know the stress does not help the band. Has anyone been helped by doing liquids for a couple of days to rest the stomach without getting an unfill? I don't know what else to try before I can get in to the doctor. Any help would be great! Thanks, Dee
  5. Hello All: I have had my band in Aug, 08 with no complications (so far) and am down 62 pounds. About 3 weeks ago, I have been experiencing acid reflux at night as soon as I lay down. I called my doctor to get an unfill, but I cannot get in until the end of July. I was told to do liquids for the next couple of days and see if that helps. The only thing different is that I have had a little bit of Coke over the past couple of weeks (but have now stopped that!!) Could drinking that Coke caused this irritation? Has anyone been helped by doing liquids for a couple of days to rest the stomach? Any help would be great! Thanks, Dee
  6. Dee71

    TOM Question

    Hello Ladies!! I have been reading some threads regarding being tighter during that TOM. Could someone describe this "tighter" feeling? I am 2 month out with 1 fill and have noticed this weird feeling in my throat (after I eat) starting a day or two before my TOM. At first I thought it was sinus drainage, because it feels like I have to keep clearing my throat, but I think it is TOM related. Any help would be great! Dee
  7. Dee71

    strange? anyone else?

    Wow, the same thing happened to me last week. The scaled had not moved for a couple of weeks! I think we totally confuse our body and it doesn't know what to do. If you have been strict for a while, your body might be thinking "hey, maybe she's not starving herself". Hopefully, we can keep those "pig out" days to a minimum. Good Luck!
  8. Hello All: This site has been fantastic. I will be six weeks out tomorrow. I go for my first fill next Monday. The last couple of days it seems like there is something stuck in my throat. I have no problems eatings (no pain/no feeling sick). It has happened at various times during the past couple of days (Before eating/after eating). Today it was first thing in the morning and I feel like I have to keep clearing my throat. It is that TOM for me and I notice my rings are tighers (sorry guys!) and also I've noticed a little more stuffyness from sinuses. Has anyone else noticed this! It's driving me crazy. Any info would be great! Thanks!! Dee
  9. Hello All: I'm 3.5 post-op and was able to start eating "normal" food on Tuesday. I feel like I have been doing very good (22 lbs since pre-op diet - nothing the past week, but I've read that this is pretty normal!). However, I don't feel full until about 15-30 minutes after I eat, then I feel WAY TOO FULL! This has happened two days in a row. I thought I was eating slowly about 20 minutes to eat an average meal. I have been cutting my portions down by a least half (I do not measure specifically). Does suggestions would be great! Thanks! Dee
  10. Dee71

    Hello All!

    Hello All: I've only posted a few time during the prep phase. Just wanted to say "HELLO" I'm Dee from Southeast Michigan. Being banded on August 26th. It's official, I started my pre-op diet today (4 shakes/1 meal). The closer it gets, the more nervous I get! Good luck to all those out there.
  11. Me Too! Scheduled for the 26th. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow (08/06/08). Good Luck to all!!
  12. Hello All: This site has been fantastic. I have been getting all my ducks in order since September. I switched insurance companies as of 01/08. I looked at their criteria. They require 6 months "clinically" supervised weight loss. They will take Weight Watchers and/or Jenny Craig, etc. as "clinically supervised". I asked a rep about how I can prove this, she said that the doctor just needed to write that in my report. Has anyone heard of this? I have BCBS of Texas. Any input would be great! Thanks, Dee

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